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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette On ship Thread: Maurice's One Night Stand  (Read 6085935 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24270 on: April 21, 2014, 09:11:04 pm »

Okay then... get some pants on.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24271 on: April 22, 2014, 10:49:30 am »

Which program would that be? Exactly. Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

((While I may not be the best judge of sigworthiness, I think this would be a good addition to my fledgeling signature. Or at least the bolded portion. Because ARM CANNON!))

Try to load up a VR combat test so I can try to get a feel for the weapon. Or a feel for the VR approximation of the weapon, at least. If the VR cannot effectively simulate the weapon, then draw a lemniscate in the air with the cannon just because.

Unfortunately the VR can't simulate it. Non-standard stuff. Plus, then where would the fun in learning it's functions in DMR be?

"Something like that, though calling it a personality may be over simplifying it. And change is rare, if not impossible. Treating them as tough they were humans is a dangerous action. The personality, as you call it, is their essence. They will not falter from it. "

Talkin'. Just... talking.

"Yet it's strange, no, that these creatures have individual personalities despite a uniform creation process.
Then again, now that I think about it, I'm not sure how exactly they're made. Could you tell me some more about that? Are they created as parts, then assembled? Or do they come as a whole? Do they grow, starting small then expanding, or are they made fully grown from the start? When does it become intelligent? Hell, is there even a real 'cut-off point' for that?

Oh, and if I were to conduct some experiments, would you let me use that armored 'first-contact' room where I linked to the avatar the first time?"

"They grow like any organism, though they require very special surroundings to do so. The chemical tanks you've seen. Their intelligence, their personality, it's all difficult to say when it happens. They have a centralized brain of sorts but their body will move without it and their personality continues without it. Damage to that brain cannot alter their personality. They have no real organs, it appears as though their cells play multiple rolls without being differentiated into separate parts of the body. Synthflesh is, in terms of how we understand life,  very different.  You can hold no preconceptions of it's qualities if you wish to study it. "

"I could."

Charles heads off to get antipsychotics from the infirmary before walking over to the armory.
"Excuse me, about this weapon," He gestures clumsily to his arm cannon, partially due to the fading visions of some sort of ethereal cesspool and partially due to his free hand being occupied with holding the bottle of pills, "What precisely is it? I've never fired it, so I wouldn't have the foggiest idea of what it does."
Wait... you have an arm cannon too? I'm confused. Help.

Okay then... get some pants on.

You put on a pair of pants from the box near the stasis tanks. You decide to neglect a matching shirt because it allows for more opportunities for manly flexing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24272 on: April 22, 2014, 10:52:11 am »

Kyle kind of... walks off to see what's going on.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24273 on: April 22, 2014, 02:03:32 pm »

((Right, back to the TV then. Also, I'm pretty sure I was the only one with the arm cannon.))

Finding that the VR program cannot simulate the Shackle, Jason heads back to the rec room to watch TV.

Go watch TV until a challenge pops up or an opportunity to volunteer for a new mission occurs.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24274 on: April 22, 2014, 04:49:32 pm »

Go watch TV until a challenge pops up or an opportunity to volunteer for a new mission occurs.
Yeah, it might be a little while before next mission kicks of, but watching tv or dicking around in VR can be fun. Hell, you can join Miya once he tries some Hexbarax.

Doc conversation. The usual.

"It seems I still have much to learn both about synthflesh and my Avatar. I think I'll go train a bit in VR now though. Say, would you be willing to do some melee trainin at some time in the future? Or if you're too busy, could you perhaps upload your fighting style and techniques to VR so I can practise on my own?

((Question for you, pw: would you be willing, if I tried some Hexbarax, to tell me how many kills I got after each round? Say we divide Altered into small, medium and large category for it. And adding to that , could you provide some sort of parameter to indicate how much a player's action influenced the battle (aside from number of kills)? Mostly to be able to set high scores for me or others to improve. Finally, would you allow to create and use save points?))
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 12:24:36 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24275 on: April 22, 2014, 08:32:50 pm »

Charles heads off to get antipsychotics from the infirmary before walking over to the armory.
"Excuse me, about this weapon," He gestures clumsily to his arm cannon, partially due to the fading visions of some sort of ethereal cesspool and partially due to his free hand being occupied with holding the bottle of pills, "What precisely is it? I've never fired it, so I wouldn't have the foggiest idea of what it does."
Wait... you have an arm cannon too? I'm confused. Help.
You get what appears to be a Samus style arm cannon
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24276 on: April 23, 2014, 02:48:45 am »

Steve, Feyri asked through her personal comm link, Now that we're full citizens of the Sword, what other parts of the ship do we have access to? Compared to before, that is.


Spoiler: For reference (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24277 on: April 23, 2014, 01:03:39 pm »

Kyle kind of... walks off to see what's going on.
Make sure to bold your actions otherwise I might miss them. Lots of text flying around and my eyes were never good.

You wander out of the barracks and into the hall. There are several signs painted on the walls that direct you toward such exciting places as the "Rec room and Mess hall", "R&D", and the "Armory". There's no one else hanging around outside the barracks, so you assume they must be hanging out in one of those fabulous places.

((Right, back to the TV then. Also, I'm pretty sure I was the only one with the arm cannon.))

Finding that the VR program cannot simulate the Shackle, Jason heads back to the rec room to watch TV.

Go watch TV until a challenge pops up or an opportunity to volunteer for a new mission occurs.

Here's some video I managed to capture of Lars.

Go watch TV until a challenge pops up or an opportunity to volunteer for a new mission occurs.
Yeah, it might be a little while before next mission kicks of, but watching tv or dicking around in VR can be fun. Hell, you can join Miya once he tries some Hexbarax.

Doc conversation. The usual.

"It seems I still have much to learn both about synthflesh and my Avatar. I think I'll go train a bit in VR now though. Say, would you be willing to do some melee trainin at some time in the future? Or if you're too busy, could you perhaps upload your fighting style and techniques to VR so I can practise on my own?

((Question for you, pw: would you be willing, if I tried some Hexbarax, to tell me how many kills I got after each round? Say we divide Altered into small, medium and large category for it. And adding to that , could you provide some sort of parameter to indicate how much a player's action influenced the battle (aside from number of kills)? Mostly to be able to set high scores for me or others to improve. Finally, would you allow to create and use save points?))
"Just load an Arbiter of Peace. It's third generation, but it should do."

We could do something like that, sure.

Charles heads off to get antipsychotics from the infirmary before walking over to the armory.
"Excuse me, about this weapon," He gestures clumsily to his arm cannon, partially due to the fading visions of some sort of ethereal cesspool and partially due to his free hand being occupied with holding the bottle of pills, "What precisely is it? I've never fired it, so I wouldn't have the foggiest idea of what it does."
Wait... you have an arm cannon too? I'm confused. Help.
You get what appears to be a Samus style arm cannon
Oh dat one. That one is basically exactly what it says on the tin. Fires balls of indeterminate energy and can be charged to fire bigger balls.

Steve, Feyri asked through her personal comm link, Now that we're full citizens of the Sword, what other parts of the ship do we have access to? Compared to before, that is.


Spoiler: For reference (click to show/hide)
Dis got answered in the OOC thread. Sorry.

Or, y'know, ask him to stop. :v
To be frank, why my first comment on that one thread was like so was because I wholly know that kind of attitude on commenting and the need to comment. Personal experience. :/

Also I like how my post is wholly ignored despite PW's own post being right after mine. >_>
I often don't read the OOC thread very well, I just skim it. If you really want to ask me a question, then the on ship thread is probably best.

As per running around the ship; I had intended it to be a thing, but I'm trying to think of where you would go...There are areas that are off limits to normal crew members too, because they're dangerous or fragile, so not there. And the places where you could go, the crew quarters and their entertainment area and such (Places that aren't just tightly packed corridors leading between rooms full of stuff you have nothing to do with and shouldn't touch) are very much like your own, only bigger and more populated.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 01:07:22 pm by piecewise »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24278 on: April 23, 2014, 01:06:40 pm »

Kyle heads to the armory.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24279 on: April 23, 2014, 01:26:29 pm »

"Just load an Arbiter of Peace. It's third generation, but it should do."
"About that, I would like to question you at a later date about Arbiters, if you would oblige me further. Tell me, what's the chance of us ever having to face one of those? And how do you think we'd fare?"
After getting an answer.
"Hmm. I see. Well then, I won't keep you from your work any longer. Thank you, Doctor, for your help and guidance."

Start VR session with the following parameters:

VR combat training session 01
Scenario: Battle Of Hexbarax
Starting location: ready to drop
Stats and skills: same as Miya's current stats
  • Avatar of war: Standard humanoid
  • Universal Manip
  • Uncon Decomp (Perfect)
  • Monorazor Naginata
  • Avatar Heavy laser in left arm
  • Mechanical brace on left arm (for getting AUX shooting)
  • Kinetic amp on right hand
  • Thermite thrower built into right hand, small opening in palm of hand where thermite comes out
  • Avatar jump pack
  • 3x 1/8 kiloton charge
  • 1x kiloton charge

Extra settings:
  • Command and Control: Let my char in the simulation be high enough up the command chain that I can order around other troopers on the ground, as well as request artillery and such.
  • Kill Tracker: divide Altered into small, medium and heavy category. Small are those an Avatar just walks over, medium the ones on par with an Avatar (as in, it can't just walk over them, and usually will need a few turns to kill) and heavy (the truly gargantuan/extremely dangerous kind). Should give the total kills scored (aka please give me amount of kills I scored in a turn, I'(ll keep track of the totals myself).
  • Score/progress tracker: gives an estimate how much the player(s) have influenced the battle (beyond mere total kills), either toward the UWM or Altered side. Maybe make it the %chance of the UWM winning the battle if the player disappeared and the simulation continued until it's end (or another way to represent it, you choose). Doesn't need to update every turn.
  • Save: allow for savepoints to be made.

((Been dying to do this ever since I got Gilgamesh. Now I've finally got the time to do it right, even though Gilgamesh isn't mine to pilot anymore. Powerful as the Avatar my be, I miss that suit.))
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 01:41:25 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24280 on: April 23, 2014, 01:57:25 pm »

"Okay, so how many shots can this fire before running out of charge?"
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24281 on: April 23, 2014, 04:45:21 pm »

Dis got answered in the OOC thread. Sorry.

I often don't read the OOC thread very well, I just skim it. If you really want to ask me a question, then the on ship thread is probably best.

As per running around the ship; I had intended it to be a thing, but I'm trying to think of where you would go...There are areas that are off limits to normal crew members too, because they're dangerous or fragile, so not there. And the places where you could go, the crew quarters and their entertainment area and such (Places that aren't just tightly packed corridors leading between rooms full of stuff you have nothing to do with and shouldn't touch) are very much like your own, only bigger and more populated.
[/quote]((Oh. :x Great.
Unsure where to look in there now, but thanks!))


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24282 on: April 23, 2014, 04:53:47 pm »

Or, y'know, ask him to stop. :v
To be frank, why my first comment on that one thread was like so was because I wholly know that kind of attitude on commenting and the need to comment. Personal experience. :/

Also I like how my post is wholly ignored despite PW's own post being right after mine. >_>
I often don't read the OOC thread very well, I just skim it. If you really want to ask me a question, then the on ship thread is probably best.

As per running around the ship; I had intended it to be a thing, but I'm trying to think of where you would go...There are areas that are off limits to normal crew members too, because they're dangerous or fragile, so not there. And the places where you could go, the crew quarters and their entertainment area and such (Places that aren't just tightly packed corridors leading between rooms full of stuff you have nothing to do with and shouldn't touch) are very much like your own, only bigger and more populated.
((That quote IS the answer from the OOC thread. Click it and see.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24283 on: April 26, 2014, 12:29:36 pm »

Kyle heads to the armory.
You head to the armory. It's a small kiosk set into the wall with a pretty looking lady inside and a large, almost fast food restaurant-like board behind her listing whats for sale.

"Just load an Arbiter of Peace. It's third generation, but it should do."
"About that, I would like to question you at a later date about Arbiters, if you would oblige me further. Tell me, what's the chance of us ever having to face one of those? And how do you think we'd fare?"
After getting an answer.
"Hmm. I see. Well then, I won't keep you from your work any longer. Thank you, Doctor, for your help and guidance."

Start VR session with the following parameters:

VR combat training session 01
Scenario: Battle Of Hexbarax
Starting location: ready to drop
Stats and skills: same as Miya's current stats
  • Avatar of war: Standard humanoid
  • Universal Manip
  • Uncon Decomp (Perfect)
  • Monorazor Naginata
  • Avatar Heavy laser in left arm
  • Mechanical brace on left arm (for getting AUX shooting)
  • Kinetic amp on right hand
  • Thermite thrower built into right hand, small opening in palm of hand where thermite comes out
  • Avatar jump pack
  • 3x 1/8 kiloton charge
  • 1x kiloton charge

Extra settings:
  • Command and Control: Let my char in the simulation be high enough up the command chain that I can order around other troopers on the ground, as well as request artillery and such.
  • Kill Tracker: divide Altered into small, medium and heavy category. Small are those an Avatar just walks over, medium the ones on par with an Avatar (as in, it can't just walk over them, and usually will need a few turns to kill) and heavy (the truly gargantuan/extremely dangerous kind). Should give the total kills scored (aka please give me amount of kills I scored in a turn, I'(ll keep track of the totals myself).
  • Score/progress tracker: gives an estimate how much the player(s) have influenced the battle (beyond mere total kills), either toward the UWM or Altered side. Maybe make it the %chance of the UWM winning the battle if the player disappeared and the simulation continued until it's end (or another way to represent it, you choose). Doesn't need to update every turn.
  • Save: allow for savepoints to be made.

((Been dying to do this ever since I got Gilgamesh. Now I've finally got the time to do it right, even though Gilgamesh isn't mine to pilot anymore. Powerful as the Avatar my be, I miss that suit.))
"Depends, I suppose. On who faces them."

So lets see... equipment ok...Settings ok. Where on the battle field did you want to start?

Radio Controlled

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: On ship
« Reply #24284 on: April 26, 2014, 12:33:32 pm »

So lets see... equipment ok...Settings ok. Where on the battle field did you want to start?
VR combat training session 01
Scenario: Battle Of Hexbarax
Starting location: ready to drop

If this isn't enough information, let them drop me in front of the front line. I not possible for some reason, spawn me at the frontline.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 03:46:27 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.
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