[Nyars] tells you about how the markings differentiate them.
Hey, can we get a more detailed version of what he said?
Well, basically, there would be a chance that it could hit one of the occupied ships because it misses the target.
The UWM flies its ships way too close together.
Basically all he said was "The boxes are organized using the symbols on them. I dunno what they mean though."
Also, it's more an artifact of gameplay and dice then them flying too lose together. And, in reality, remember that most failures would just miss. So reality bending 1's again.
Well, basically, there would be a chance that it could hit one of the occupied ships because it misses the target. This isn't a D6 roll, the chances are less then 1/6, but still a chance. And then, if that happens, there's a chance it will hit the team in there. Admittedly hitting them with a shell is very unlikely, but I'm bringing it up since getting hit by one of these shells is basically just gonna permakill them flat out. I figured the possibility of permakilling up to 4 people with a button press warranted a special warning.
Aha, thanks for the clarification. If there isn't a team that's in really big trouble, I'm gonna refrain from giving the RNG the chance to screw with me. So yeah, VR for me it is.
Go into VR, check if my Avatar heavy laser has any hidden or special features.
Especially check if there's a dial to choose diffusion and power level.
If not, how much would it cost to have that implemented? I'd basically like to have three modes at least: regular (the way it is now), small diffusion high intensity (for lon range) and high diffusion low intensity (power level somewhere between laser rifle and cutting laser, kinda like a more powerful HEP. For when slicing multiple buildings isn't desirable).
It's just a laser, as far as you can tell. Draws from the Avatar power source though, so thats nice.
There are the standard laser options such as diffusion, intensity and this one also appears to have a "Pulse" feature that will cause it to fire for X amount of time with each trigger pull.
Buy a medium red box with a heptagon and a vertical line on it. Then open it and see what I got.
Let see... Inside the capsule is what looks like some of megaman/samus arm cannon with a big hole in one end for you to stick your hand in, and a big hole in the other end, presumably for the death to come out of. It looks..strange. It appears to be human but also has the look of being high tech and sleek and all stylized like it was made by batman or something. This contrasts the gray utilitarian design of literally everything else around you.
Well that left more questions then it answered... Actually... I don't think it answered any, well, I guess I'll ask the four armed guy next? Seek out the 4 armed man and ask if he knows where this is and what is going on
You walk up to Jim and just start shouting "HELP" repeatedly.
((Ohhh. You know you are one step away from forceful dismemberment when the GM asks you 'Are you sure you want to do that?' even if that's as peaceful interaction as trading with an NPC vendor
Assess how many tokens I would have collected were I to sell the Mk II, the grenades and the MFM; how many if I also pawned (or sold) the Instrument and the fleshknitter can.
Good evening, ma'am. May I ask you a few questions?
Could you please tell me about various substances that can help on missions - apart from those listed? For example, is there anything that can lift or offset mental stress or willpower strain accumulated through field manipulator/amp use? Also, I've heard about various special kinds of cigarettes - could you elaborate on those?
Mk II for 3, Grenades for 1, MFM for 2, and the instrument and fleshknitter won't sell to the armory.
"You're oddly the only one whose asked me about that. There are a few things, actually. Booze and Smoking Mellows will reduce the stress to a degree, though any sort of depressant or drug that lowers brain functioning will do it. See, using amps and Manips hurts your head because it's like running high end programs on a calculator watch. Even after you do it, they stay all hot and overloaded for a while unless you force them to slow down, so to speak."
"Well, cig wise, Blue smokes make you emotionless but increase intuition. Use them too long and you'll become very odd. Mellows and twitchers are rather self explanatory. And vision sticks are hallucinogens. "
Hello, guys. I made up a character to play (nikitian said I shoud do so
Name: Mir Yakovlev
Age: 27
Gender: male
Appearance: 5'9", grey/green eyes, brown hair with white temples, casual/not-on-mission clothing is lab coat.
Personal Info: Born in some Northern-European country from russian parents. Applied physics MSc. Does not like being interrupted or not allowed to speak, otherwise pretty calm.
Reason: Accidental murder of 9 lab coworkers.
WP 3
Speech 0
Intuition 0
Handiwork 3
Conv. Weap. 3
Unconv. Weap. 0
Exotic Weap. 1
Aux. Systems 1
Medical tech 0
Profession: Technician
Any friend of Nik's is a friend of ours.
You need any explanation of what the hell is going on or you ready to jump in?