((Guess it depends on whether current mission counts for me or not. Oh well, never mind.))
Maurice nodded solemnly.
Back to the smokes- are any of those available in a form suitable for pipe smoking?
Also, what about heightening brain function instead of lowering it? I remember there being certain drugs quite capable of that.
Keep talking.
((Cue in the AM offering MDT-48
"You could probably just cut them open and empty the contents into a pipe, if thats your deal."
"Blue smokes do it. As per heightening, that depends on your definition. Stimulants could be considered to heighten functioning, for instance. What, specifically, do you want to increase?"
Look down at the LCD and read what it says. Look back at Nyars, then at the gun, then back at Nyars. Decide not to bash Nyars. "Guess I'll have to find someone to bash." Seek out the four armed man and ask if it would be okay for me to bash him with the gun.
"Hey...um, this is sort of awkward to ask, but would you mind if I bashed you with this cannon thing attached to my arm? I know it's an odd thiing to ask, but I just got this thing and now it wants me to bash someone or get shocked. You looked pretty tough, so I was wondering if you would let me bash you if it won't inconvenience you too much. I'd like to avoid getting shocked if at all possible so early after getting out of stasis."
If the four armed man lets me bash him, then do so. If not, look around for other people to bash. If the timer reaches one minute before the situation is resolved, bash myself in the arm. The arm without the cannon on it, to be specific.
EDIT: Bash Jim in the shoulder he specified ONLY. Nowhere else.
You give jim a good, solid, thwack on the shoulder. He seems not the slightest bit effected by your weak, human flailing. The gun BEEEEEEPS and the screen reads "Challenge completed! 1 charge has been stored! Begin next challenge now?" The screen shows a little animation of you shaking the gun up and down to accept or side to side to decline.
Well, assuming we wired these arms directly into your synapses like with the avatar's arms, we could get away with having them not use Aux rolls. Though, this would mean you could only use one of the sets of arms at a time, unless we altered a few systems in the avatar to make dual use possible, but thats what we call an optional feature. Costs extra. Along with the rust proof sealant. Cost would be relatively small for the arms themselves, mechanical limbs ain't too expensive, especially if you just wanna use a pair of standard robody ones. Could stick them on your chest like the alien queen, you be good to go.
Putting them on a little car would work too, but seems rather an odd idea.
Nah, operating one pair at a time is good enough. Thing is, I think I'd prefer them to be detachable, so I can take them out and put them on my hand or something when needed, then put them away again into quantum backpack. Mostly for protection (they'll get damaged fast sitting on my chest). Mounting on a vehicle would be to manipulate stuff in small rooms the Avatar can't enter.
So, could I get a price for:
-robobody arms attached to chest like you proposed, usable one at a time, connected to neuroport, with rust sealant
-same robobody arms that I can attach to my hand
-those arms, but longer and on a small wheeled vehicle, connected to neuroport for operating (the arms, not the vehicle).
Well, lets just look at your desired specs of the thing on a little car. The arms are cheap, 2 token. Car...depends on it's specs but probably 3-5. so about 5-7 for an armed car for the purpose of poking.
You head to the armory and find a few people hanging around a kiosk with a very attractive woman in it.
As Mir saw the woman in the kiosk, he checked that the sign said "armory".
Make that "double checked".
Unsure about his decision, he headed to the kiosk.
Walk up to the kiosk, greet the woman.
W-well, hello there, Mir said whilst checking the prices.
You sell weapons? Here?
"We sell practically everything here. Weapons included. Whatcha want?" She asks, head resting lazily in her hands.
Jim looked at this guy like he was crazy for a few moments before sighing. "Shoulder only. Anywhere else and I'll have to injure you severely."
Let the guy bash me in the shoulder. If he attempts to bash anywhere else, forcibly stop him and break his non-arm-cannon arm's wrist, then send him packing.
He bonks you in the shoulder. Heh, almost tickles.