Take the Cursed knife in my hand. Strive to keep my mind under control, free from the knife's influence.
You manage to control yourself while holding the knife, despite the intense urge to cut something. Cut anything.
As per jetpacks and such...avatars are kinda at that point where their weight is causing the size of these thrusters and the amount of fuel they use to get airborne and maneuverable to be a bit insane. It's possible, sure, but you'd be strapping freaking booster rockets to your back.
Yes, I am aware of these facts and their implications. Yet I would still like to see what options there are, as well as their price.
Also, ask the AM (or Steve if she doesn't know) about that voice weapon Erik had. How did it work, and what roll did it use?
Well, there's a jump pack and flight pack. Jump pack is 10, flight is 15. Jump pack has effectively unlimited charges, but has to recharge and just allows quick bursts of force to propel you further, rather then flight. Flight is...well a big ass pair of rockets strapped to your back. You'll get a couple full speed minutes of flight out of them, but they need fuel and are subject to blowing the fuck up.
Erik's stuff wasn't a weapon. It's intrinsic to Erik (and now faith), something related to his conversion.
a set of vr machines
Being curious (and not wanting any more interaction with people for today), Mir walked up to a vacant VR machine, put on the gloves and the helmet. Five seconds later, he realized that he forgot the important part and plugged that one tube into the vein.
Almost instantly he chose a program he was very familiar with - "tinker" one and booted it.
Plug into the VR and choose "Tinker" program.
We have a thread for your kind.
It's called the tinker thread.
"No instructions? That's a shame. Well, at least I have a day before I have to do another one of those challenges." Jason says aloud, in order to let Jim and the others know he won't be asking anyone any odd favors, like allowing themselves to be bashed, for about 24 hours.
Jason moves his fingers around inside the cannon if he can to try to get an idea of the controls it has, but moves them slowly and hopefully without enough force to activate anything. That done, he finds an empty place to sit and watch TV.
((Now if only there were some way to find out more about this cannon through watching others, like a TV show or something. Or maybe an 80's movie will show that has the protagonist using one of these cannons.
Inside the cannon are 5 triggers, one for each finger. Seems like squeezing in them in different combinations or alone might do things.
As per this thing's origin, perhaps the best place to go would be to ask someone who might have been around to see the show?
"Non-lethal applications for a gun? You could put it above the mantlepiece and then use it in the third act?"
Feyri would've sighed if she had lungs.
I wasn't thinking about Anton Chekov there, ma'am. I mean, on the field. This design incorporates two structures to create it--surely there is a way that it wouldn't be generally lethal on the field, right?
Ask again. 
Jason shakes the gun from side to side. No more challenges for the moment, thanks. He takes a moment to look at the gun before looking towards Jim. "Yeah, I think it worked. The gun has a single charge now. Thanks again." He responds to Jim "Nice to meet you as well, Feyri and Vincent." He greets the other two. "And yeah, I got it from Nyars. You can't beat shady deals in a place you've never been before." He responds to Feyri's question before looking at the gun again. "You'd think something this high-tech would have an instruction manual." He mutters to himself. "Hey arm cannon, do you have an instruction manual?" He asks the arm cannon, unaware of whether it could answer or not.
A few minutes back, Feyri quipped: Giving a designated weapon without any knowledge how to use it increases its lethality tenfold.
She then patted Jason's shoulder and told him to sincerely take care when using the item before heading off to where she was now.
"Shoot for the legs? I dunno, these weapons aren't exactly 'less then lethal'. Unless you want some ammo made that is specifically designed to be less then lethal."