Well, I did.
And it works beautifully. Not sure how much this is suitable for normal mods, but some bigger projects and/or total conversion can use this for quite a few things. Its just a lot of work to read through the text and change things without messing anything up. After all, its 12,000 lines of text.

But yeah, thank you.

This is one more tool for intrepid modders, opening previously closed doors.
EDIT: Still reading, some really interesting parts in there. Werebeasts and Vampires, all body descriptors, seasonal announcements, texts from liaison and diplomats, these:
|An ambush! Drive them out!|An ambush! Drive them out!|
|Thief! Protect the hoard from skulking filth!|Thief! Protect the hoard from skulking filth!|
|An ambush! Skulking vermin!|An ambush! Skulking vermin!|
|An ambush! Curse all friends of nature!|An ambush! Curse all friends of nature!|
|An ambush! Curse them!|An ambush! Curse them!|
I have never even seen the ambush, skulking vermin... that must be from a kobold ambush.
EDIT2: OMG. Professions. Anyone wants Mage-labor, Sorcery, Poison making, Priests or Praying in there?
|Fishery Worker|Fishery Worker|
|Soap Maker|Soap Maker|
|animal caretaker|animal caretaker|
|animal trainer|animal trainer|
|animal dissector|animal dissector|
|furnace operator|furnace operator|
|gem cutter|gem cutter|
|gem setter|gem setter|
|wax worker|wax worker|
|bone carver|bone carver|
|strand extractor|strand extractor|
|fishery worker|fishery worker|
|fish dissector|fish dissector|
|fish cleaner|fish cleaner|
|cheese maker|cheese maker|
|soap maker|soap maker|
|potash maker|potash maker|
|lye maker|lye maker|
|wood burner|wood burner|
|siege engineer|siege engineer|
|siege operator|siege operator|
|pump operator|pump operator|
|bone doctor|bone doctor|
|Hammer Lord|Hammer Lord|
|Elite Crossbowman|Elite Crossbowman|
|Elite Wrestler|Elite Wrestler|
|Axe Lord|Axe Lord|
|Mace Lord|Mace Lord|
|Elite Bowman|Elite Bowman|
|Master Blowgunner|Master Blowgunner|
|Master Lasher|Master Lasher|
|Master Thief|Master Thief|
EDIT3: Yep, works.

EDIT4: Also interesting:
could be made into
And voila, Fallout/Steampunk mod. Just take all vanilla toys/instruments and replace them with the actual items you want to use.
|Statue|Statue| to |Statue|Computer|. Add to the bookkeeper noble. "You bookkeeper requires a computer". Remake statue garden to computer room. Rename party to lan party. "Your bookkeeper has organized a LAN party at the computer room." LOL