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I like the Slap Graphics and how I can pick out any pack that is supported
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I like the Tileset Changer
Slap Graphics could use some more work
Not enough settings (if so, what?)
Tileset changer has some flaws (suggestions)

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Author Topic: [MAJOR]: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> V1.5 out 14/08/13  (Read 75292 times)


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2012, 08:46:56 pm »

Here is the small changelog I've managed to chug along at
Quote from: The Log
-Removed "make wooden wheel" from lumberyard, un-needed
-Removed above reaction from entites.
-Fixed spelling errors for assemblys should now be called assemblies
-Skulls are now as strong as copper, should help keep death by headshot a bit harder.
-Brewing better booze and drinking it has a noticable effect now.
-Kobolds are now KC's origional Cutebolds
-Kobolds now have law enforcement and executions


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2012, 11:33:56 pm »

Played around with the Wiki some more, There are some spoilers that will be in a future release of Regen. I decided I would allow Dwarves to Shape, but in a different sense. Where Humans make living breathing creatures from essence. Dwarves simple use the magical life force to animate various constructs, Only close thing that a Dwarf can shape is a homonculis which is the dwarven equal to Serviles. Only with different abilites and quirks.

Also managed to figure out how to barrel water in a way is drank. But I'm still testing to make sure it does not sate the need for booze, but only thirst.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2012, 12:43:04 am »

Ok now I'm redoing what castes can do, The Tinker will still be able to make Automations (Simple Iron automation with weapon arms, to a Bruiser with two cannon arms with chainsaws.) turrents, landmines (that can autohide to ambush invaders with a violent explosion)

Tinkers will probally be the most resource comsuming caste since the way to activate the construction process is not 100% accurate. Since I will be using Inhaled Syndromes to give the "Turn X into Y" Humans have an advantage due to being able to just read from a book as many times as they wish to shape something (planned feature will be shapers need books and book stands to allow them to shape stronger creations)

I will probally power along, and Get V1.0 done. As well as the Wiki. Because I will be making Shaping and Thinkers hard to get upgrade castes, and will be fairly resource dependant. Shapers and Tinkers will be a optional choice for those that wish to try something new, or enjoy the feeling of having complex creations to fight for you or do your dirty work.

Goblins will also be casted, so goblins invasions will consit of:

Trolls (a surface dwelling kind)
Special castes that will probally surpise you

outcast elves I find are dangerous enough with all there Mounts so they get nothing speical. Oh and a new lizard race, and a ton of outcast/exiled races to fight off.

Plus I have to caste out kobolds, and give them their methods of gaining said castes. Kobolds need a fighting chance in this dangerous world, even if the chance is a small one.

Seems like a alot but it's not, I just gotta stop messing around and sit down and mod.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2012, 03:47:56 pm »

I have made my personal Wiki Source public for DL, it is in the "<*HELPFUL THINGS*>" section of the OP, Will be putting the link ing my Sig sooner or later. So fellow Modders that don't have your own stockpile of wiki data on your HDD here you go, this will also help new modders because it is easy to navigate the pages, allowing you to switch between token topics without much hassle.

now reguarding Regen
I have mocked up some more castes, and am wokring on the wiki atm. But to tweak a few things here and there. A kindof back and forth deal.

Also another quote fromt he log:
Quote from: The Log
-Can now fill barrels with water at the Screw Pump Well, for drinking
-Shapers can only be on the High Council (9 shapers = 9 kings, beware those that get the council)
-Dwarves have the Tinker and Pure castes (Tinkers make machines, Pures are hardcore battle Dwarves)
-Humans have a Guardian Caste which functions like Pure Dwarves
-Humans have negative effects by being in caves
-Dwarven Pures need booze else they have very scary withdrawls
-Kobolds have Shaman and Shadow castes

These are all new, but they are only so far just fluff and don't do anything atm. But once I sort out the raw files and ordering of events they will. The off to making Shaman spells and weaknesses, and the Shadow Kobolds auto hide effect.

Reworked the OP a bit and added more to the Features section
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 05:14:57 pm by Hugo_The_Dwarf »


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2012, 01:50:24 am »

Finished all the human and dwarf buildings on the Wiki, so if you wonder what a building does check it out. Altho the Kobold buildings need work still, and Tools and what not need more work. I could probally go into more detail on requirements, But that is why I dropped the Reaction Codes on the buildings.

But yea Kobold buildings, And Tools with what they do, and how they are made. Not to mention the Monster's page, which will have all the new wild critters that I add in or is not native to Vanilla DF. And the Races, can't forget about them. Adding in Lore/Descriptions for them is sortof a hassle, since Regen alters quite a bit vanilla lore. And new civs so everyone needs their story retold for those that care to read it, plus it describes what they have.

Now I think I played with teh Wiki enough, back to modding.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2012, 12:50:53 am »

ok hitting a slight snag, im trying to plow through tho. But I know this is what I need to do:

-Finish fleshing out Dwarven castes and how to upgrade to them
-Dwarven special pets? I might remove the tinkers or have them be a sortof full-metal alchemist kinda dwarf. Uses alchemy and tech to transmute creatures into mechanical beings. Acually might do that. FMA Dwarves ahoy! Might even give them a power to bring back a dead dwarf and place their soul in a animated suit of armor/machine/golem what have you.
-Get the Geneforge made up for humans
-Get the advanced furnace to make various new glass items, plus get Sanure's new glass making tools put to use
-Make shaper equipment for humans, so Shapers can experiment more to learn *new* creations/spells
-Make Puresteel for humans
-Make Bloodsteel for dwarves
-Make mithril more of a white/silver or green color, and have new lore on it's making
-Add tech tree for making shapers
-Add upgrades for human guardians (pure dwarf, aka is a melee caste)
-Add tech tree for gun making (maybe not because gunpowder will take time to make, due to trying to obtain saltpeter and brimstone)
-Add cave fear to humans
-Add bad juju to dwarves that don't get their drink
-Make more magic
-Make various ambush critters use a auto-hide ability (beware there will be "A <creature> has sprung from ambush!" so expect suprising losses)

Probally more, mainly fixes tho. I might have to release an alpha 5 -.-

also fixed my sig, the link went to the old regen thread. now it comes here


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2012, 06:10:08 am »

-Add tech tree for gun making (maybe not because gunpowder will take time to make, due to trying to obtain saltpeter and brimstone)

If you don't want to use potash as a direct substitute for saltpetre like I ended up doing, you might try a reaction to make saltpetre from something else; ash and sewer brew (standing in for aged urine) were the reagents I narrowed it down to.
Never used Dwarf Therapist, mods or tilesets in all the years I've been playing.
I think Toady's confusing interface better simulates the experience of a bunch of disorganised drunken dwarves running a fort.

Black Powder Firearms - Superior firepower, realistic manufacturing and rocket launchers!


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2012, 12:43:31 pm »

Well I can't get my hands on urine ;) unless I make it or use FILTH_Y and a crap ton of reactions to begin a "aging" process lol.

Potash I might use, but I have a "Quarry" building where you can dig up Brimstone and Saltpeter if you can make the tools for it.
In Regen you can get basically any natural resource in the game, if you got the resources to make the tools.
It's kindof a trade off, you got a ton of metal, but not enough coal?
make some tools, and dig for coal in the mineshaft.
Need flux no problem dig for it.
need iron to make steel? dig for it. etc

But tools break, so making one set for a large mining operation wont last long.
Since Regen has been geared towards Industry atm, but soon it will be magic too. And tech.

After that has been balanced out then I can start on adding in the new races.

But I might make Potash a Saltpeter subsitute
Thanks Jake


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2012, 09:43:23 pm »

Hey Hugo, I'm giving this a try but I'm not sure I'm doing it right.  I tried sticking it in with the LNP but ended up having all of my civilizations coming out as trolls, gremlins, and dragons.  Right now I downloaded a fresh copy of regular ol' dwarf fortress and copied the files over, along with the phoebus graphics pack.  If something similar happens to the civilizations in this world gen I'll post you my logs so you can tell me what I might be doing wrong.

Besides that, I like the sounds of everything so far.  Wish I had a head for modding cause the things all you modders put out is really inspiring.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

edit: yup, happened again, put in my gamelog and errorlog
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 09:49:13 pm by corrosivechains »


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2012, 10:02:46 pm »

Once I get V1.0 out I'll try and make a Phoebus Version again (love that Graphics Pack)

But this is the issue:
For Regen I have

I ripped dwarves, elves, goblins, humans, and kobolds out of "creature_standard.txt" for easy altering for myself so when you DL a fresh copy of 34.11 you have to clear out the "raw" foulder and drop Regen's innards into the empty cavity.

And the unreconized caste token is because of the dupe raws HUMAN+HUMAN = null so my upgrades or transformations go nuts.
And the reason the civs are Trolls and other random beaties is because DF needs something to fill those null'd out gaps.

But the Graphics side for phoebus should work (sprites and such) so that should work. I'm sorry that Regen is so incompatiable with other mods... Sometime after V1.0 (that i'm working on now, unless Everyone wants me to release a Alpha 5) I can stick the mentioned 5 races back into the "creature_standard.txt" once more, but for a maybe a quick fix go into "creature_standard.txt" and delete
and try again... wait why does your errorlog not show dupe entries of MOUNTAIN, PLAINS, FOREST, SKULKING, etc..

If you want I can upload a pre-installed DF+Regen: FE (aka Plug and Play) version.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2012, 11:00:31 pm »

Once I get V1.0 out I'll try and make a Phoebus Version again (love that Graphics Pack)

But this is the issue:
For Regen I have

I ripped dwarves, elves, goblins, humans, and kobolds out of "creature_standard.txt" for easy altering for myself so when you DL a fresh copy of 34.11 you have to clear out the "raw" foulder and drop Regen's innards into the empty cavity.

And the unreconized caste token is because of the dupe raws HUMAN+HUMAN = null so my upgrades or transformations go nuts.
And the reason the civs are Trolls and other random beaties is because DF needs something to fill those null'd out gaps.

But the Graphics side for phoebus should work (sprites and such) so that should work. I'm sorry that Regen is so incompatiable with other mods... Sometime after V1.0 (that i'm working on now, unless Everyone wants me to release a Alpha 5) I can stick the mentioned 5 races back into the "creature_standard.txt" once more, but for a maybe a quick fix go into "creature_standard.txt" and delete
and try again... wait why does your errorlog not show dupe entries of MOUNTAIN, PLAINS, FOREST, SKULKING, etc..

If you want I can upload a pre-installed DF+Regen: FE (aka Plug and Play) version.

I wouldn't complain if you did :P and definately thanks for the quick reply and for doing so.  I honestly have no idea why there's no dupe entries for the MOUNTAIN, PLAINS, and everything else.  The order I did everything in was first was unpacked vanilla 34.11 DF.  I then unpacked REGEN_FE_ALPHA4 and cut/pasted the raw folder straight across.  Finally I unpacked the phoebus graphics, stuck them in the DF folder, then ran his assembler and all the .bat files to update my .ini files.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2012, 11:23:21 pm »

Well Alpha 4 [DF34.11 P&P] (ASCII)
there you go CC DF34.11 ASCII right out of the tin with Regen: FE Alpha 4 installed. I suggest using some of the tilesets that I have posted links to on the OP I like that last one, It is acaully very nice, rather large but i got a wide screen so it is all good.

<*Recommended Tilesets*>

Saddly if you want graphics the only thing that is compatable to a degree is Sprites, nobles might be a bit off due to my alterations, and a few custom critters will lack pictures. So remember "graphics" foulder only :P cause Phoebus alters plants and stone layers for his tileset, and that will mess stuff up bad for Regen :P

also I am updating the Poll, question is:
"Humans and Dwarves" with the questions asked relating how they should be progressed (Full Metal alchemist dwarves or simple steampunk, Magic tier for humans, or religeon)


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2012, 11:32:27 pm »

Well Alpha 4 [DF34.11 P&P] (ASCII)
there you go CC DF34.11 ASCII right out of the tin with Regen: FE Alpha 4 installed. I suggest using some of the tilesets that I have posted links to on the OP I like that last one, It is acaully very nice, rather large but i got a wide screen so it is all good.

<*Recommended Tilesets*>

Saddly if you want graphics the only thing that is compatable to a degree is Sprites, nobles might be a bit off due to my alterations, and a few custom critters will lack pictures. So remember "graphics" foulder only :P cause Phoebus alters plants and stone layers for his tileset, and that will mess stuff up bad for Regen :P

also I am updating the Poll, question is:
"Humans and Dwarves" with the questions asked relating how they should be progressed (Full Metal alchemist dwarves or simple steampunk, Magic tier for humans, or religeon)

Thank you Hugo.  I also followed your advice and removed the listed races from the creature_standard.txt, and that worked for the civilizations.


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2012, 11:39:22 pm »

You're Welcome, but like my OP says Regen alters pretty much every vanilla raw file so any overwrite may ruin some features ;)


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Re: <)(Regeneration: Forced Evolution)(> Alpha 4 Dwarves with guns
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2012, 12:01:13 pm »

think I may have a bug for you Hugo.  Using the version you packed for me I started a fort using the CLA tileset(v9).  I had my smith taken by a fey mood before reaching magma, so I set up a wood burning furnace and smelter.  I have a stockpile of wood on the surface level of my fort (flatland embark) that is nearly full, and two levels below that is where I have my furnaces.  When I queue up the furnace to burn charcoal though, I get the "so and so needs logs" message, despite having a nearly full pile up top.
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