I am a firm believer that coffee is one of the most heavily preserved/processed foodstuffs that people ingest, and that most of those preservatives go directly into the body. My guess is that you consume about 5 times the preservatives if you buy ground coffee instead of whole bean, and that most of those preservatives are in the liquid you drink, not in the sediment you sometimes discard from the bottom of the cup.
The most important concept is that it is a surface area problem, because the amount of preservative required to cover the surface of ground coffee is greater than for whole beans.
The second important concept is that preservatives work in two methods, they either form molecular bonds to the product or they simply form a layer that blocks interaction between the product and the air.
The third important concept is that plants construct themselves by forming "skin barriers", just like human bodies do, to protect from penetration by bacteria, viruses, and other small animals. Preservatives will penetrate less into the whole coffee beans due to the natural barriers.
I put those three concepts together and my current policy is to buy whole beans and grind it about once a week.
The fact that coffee industries care more about their profit than your health should be obvious (look at big tobacco, and the myriad of other businesses). They do not care if you will have a shorter life due to the amount of preservatives you consume, and since you consume those preservatives through many sources, it is up to you to reduce your intake.
Next, consider that the basic function of a preservative is to screw with biological processes by binding to receptors, and consider that when that stuff gets into your body in significant volume, it will screw with your body as well. What happens when one component of a system is running at less than 100% effectiveness due to spam from an external source? It causes the entire system to have a shorter lifespan.
People throw out cell phones and laptops when one component fails early. Businesses throw out a corn field or a chicken herd when it gets infested with a mold or virus. Societies throw out humans when they get polluted and stop functioning to the expected levels. It is up to you...