Original credit largely goes to WaffleEggNog, threadmaster of the casual discussion thread where this started.The Bay 12 Space ProgramWelcome to the Bay12 Space Program! Here, our "highly trained" group of scientists, engineers, strategists, biologists, psychologists*, and horologists, dream that we, Bay12, will rule the stars with a steel *≪+fist+≫* (Menacing with spikes of pig bone). This dream may seem far off, but we have made surprising progress. We are populating Mars with test-tube babies, destroying earth with gauss guns and asteroid bolos, and ... err ... I should censor that. Something about sculpting asteroids into certain shapes and chucking them at earth.*
Our insanity was too much for them.This is the Organized Discussion thread, orienting toward the more sane operations of logistics, science, and leadership.
Table o' Contents:1: Summary and Info
2: Crew Roster
3: Subcommittees and organizations.
4: Index of Issues and Solutions. The 'How we're doing it' portion
4 and on - to be announced
Information:The Bay12 Space program originated in a thread started by WaffleEggNog with the title "How many people play DF?". In only 4 posts, it is first brought up by King DZA:
Enough people to form a respectably sized organized crime syndicate, or launch a colonization effort on a nearby life-supporting planet.
And another remark by Misko locks in the thread's fate:
Enough people to form a respectably sized organized crime syndicate, or launch a colonization effort on a nearby life-supporting planet.
...Does Mars gave enough Volcanos for proper !!SCIENCE!!?.
And so it began. 50 pages of discussion, derailment, de-de-railment, de-re-de-railment, and tons of !!SCIENCE!!, +Science+, XxSciencexX, and some truly ☼Science☼, was discussed. Many aspects of colonization have been discussed. We're inching closer.
Crew Roster:King DZA - "President"
(Powerless figurehead who wears a golden thong)misko27 - Prime Minister
(General administrator)-
acetech09 - Logistics Administrator
(Manages this thread, colony data, etc.)WaffleEggNog - Open Discussion Threadmaster
darkrider2 - Administrator, M.A.G.M.A., Recruitment Committee member.
(Mars Acclamation and Genetic Mutation Administration)SlowPokez - Department Head, Arts & Recreation. Hemp Quality Tester. Master engraver.
Brainfreez Member, Recruitment Committee. Member, D.E.A.T.H.
Corai - P.E.A.C.E. - Protecting Earth alliances completely ethically.
Greatwyrm First Officer, Bio-GLADOS.
Slayerhero - Carpenter

Top Hat - Senior Official, M.A.D.P.L.A.N.S.
Zanzetkuken The Great - Junior Official, M.A.D.P.L.A.N.S.