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Author Topic: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"  (Read 3893 times)


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  • UristMcDatAshe
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The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:10:17 pm »

On this topic i'm going to make one big story of my current fortress, until it falls and i will keep updating the story after every playing session i did.


Introducing the dwarven fortress Bidoklorbam"Actstandard"
In the year 125, Seven brave dwarves wandered down the roads of slugmar to find a desireable location in hope to find the new dwarven mountainhomes.
The expedition leader: Asmel Etursigun. Created an outpost surrounded by tall wooden walls with a big hole in the middle dug by dwarven strength.
Sleeping quarters had not been constructed yet, but blueprints for future defenses were crafted and as the dwarven miners were digging forging rooms the first caravan arrived. Surprisingly early.
Resulting the merchants leaving with no trade.
We've struck tetrahedrite! And as the forges had already been constructed copper industry began shortly.
Giving our military some weapon variation as they had been wrestling all the time.
On 127 10th of slate A gigantic yet extremly skinny hedgehog with very long feathers, wings and a poisonous sting on it's back had come into the caverns of our sturdy dwarves.
Luckily it could not terror the fortress because defense strategies had been thought out ,making it impossible for such creature to get through and as the beast roamed through the caverns every day a brave naked mole dog attacked it, though the poor little creature showing alot of courage and strength the dog was slain yet bringing the beast alot of injuries.
As the beast still by this day roams around hunting any creature that comes into his path, some might slay the beast 1 day. There was a giant cave spider nearby and they both faced each other, resulting in a glorious battle between the spider and his foe. The spider sprayed his webs and venom to the giant beast bringing alot of injuries. Blood, webs and venom sprayed around the entire cavern the beast prepared his deadly sting and contentiously hit the giant cave spider with it instantly killing it. Yet surviving another battle with an even tougher creature. The beast had endless amount of scars and several parts of his limbs were broken yet another creature had the courage to engage the beast. This time a pond grabber. The pond grabber stood no chance to the gigantic spiked animal and died quickly. His friends came along only donating more blood to armok.


« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 11:17:26 am by maartenww »


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2016, 01:20:15 pm »

Nice. Fast dig and finding a monster early.  I look forward to reading your tales.


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2016, 01:26:23 pm »

Thanks dude :o oh and btw a giant cave spider just started attacking the forgotten beast prepare for more!


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 03:49:26 pm »



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2016, 11:21:09 am »


 It's the 3rd of granite 128 things have gone quite well for the fortress until the fortress got attacked by some thieves.
Two thieves were running away as they had try to steal something however this did notify the gaurds and one of the hammerdwarves immediately chased te kobold thief
they were running quite fast and the kobold was pretty fast, but the dwarf was faster he bashed the kobold's leg breaking it and making the kobold fall to his knees.
He then bashed the kobold in the skull immediately killing him. The other kobolds looked cowardly how their friend was being slaughtered and fleed before the dwarf could finish them off too



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2016, 01:20:06 pm »


24th of slate 128
Beware! a towering creature has come to bring terror to the sealed caverns, It has no eyes, three broad horns, a bloated body and lavender oval shaped scales overlapping his whole body. His blood is deadly making it hard to fight such ugly beast!
28th of slate 128
Our military have been training alot having 6 axe lords and a total of 4 squads over approx 120 dwarves our fortress have been making progress and the dwarves were happy at all time.
But however on 28th of slate 128; Catten thadonol the fisherdwarf had been possesed. Everyone panicked about it the dwarves had never seen something like it before but before they could act ,Catten ran to one of the jewelers screaming it was hers everyone backed off and they heard her mutter about materials, she demanded woods gems and cloth. Altough the dwarves had everything she need, she did not act leading into even more panick. And then when the day had almost ended Catten Thadonol died of dehydration. Many dwarves were horrified, sad and angry, because she was quite well known around the fortress then when the time had come to put her in her tomb everyone cried, but it had to be done. Everyone sat around watching how she got buried in a coffin made out of wood chests encrusted with gems with figurines made out of cloth and thread. (The death of Catten Thadonol)

« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 01:35:05 pm by maartenww »


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2016, 01:35:57 pm »

Story update above /\ (The death of Catten)


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2016, 02:28:56 pm »


The end of the terrific giant hedgehog (aka forgotten beast) 26th timber 128

Stuff had gone extremely well for the fortress and there was no single siege only forgotten beasts luckily not able to reach the fortress, however a bridge had been made at the cave for security. If the dwarves wanted the loot of the gorgeous cavern. Once it was constructed the forgotten beast was near and military axe lords and hammerlords were immediately send down.
The beast stood absolutely zero chance as it missed all of his attacks even the attacks that were succesful were easily blocked by the legendary dwarves and it died very quickly.


snow dwarf

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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2016, 07:47:36 am »

Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2016, 07:13:05 am »


On the 25th of Obsidian in the year 128, a serpent of great size, hairs surrounding its skin sissing in a rhythmically tone began terrorizing the caverns of Actstandard. Even though it did not bring threat to the fortress as all caverns were covered up, it still brings death to all creatures who dare to enter the cave.



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2016, 04:29:36 pm »

Ptw, interesting so far  :P
'ere the Chias get hungry...


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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2016, 08:11:37 am »


The great siege of actstandard 128 24th of Obsidian.


Things had gone quite well for the Fortress of actstandard. Libraries had been made an inn and there was a great temple,
however the goblins were not satisfied with this and therefore prepared a siege.


128 24th of Obsidian
Kolet one of the greatest fisherman known throughout the fortress was walking towards the river ,but little did he know that he would be slaughtered brutally by the evil creatures that blight this world.
He then spotted someone at first he thought it was an elven caravan ,but then he saw that hundreds of beak dogs were charging at him and before he could react they were already on his face. Obok one of his fellow fisherman watched how his friend was getting brutally murdered he ran to the entrace of the fortress but to his surprise the bridge was closed. The dwarfs already knew and so Obok met his fate and died aswell.


128 27th of Obsidian
Meanwhile in the fortress dozens of dwarves were panicking, no one knew what was happening. Then the mayor showed up and everyone calmed down. He explained that the fortress was under siege and told everyone to stay in the kitchen while the traps took care of the goblins. And as the mayor pulled the lever the bridge was opened and the goblins entered the keep. They saw that
there was another bridge keeping them away from the fortress ,thinking they had been fooled they saw another entrace. It was a long hallway and they knew it was filled with traps but they entered it anyway as they had no other way to go and as the first goblin took a step his foot was immediately cut off by a giant axe blade he screamed in pain and tried to get away ,but the other goblins pushed further resulting him being brutally cut in half. For every step someone took 1 goblin was killed or trapped in a cage the goblins stood no chance and soon there was a goblin cowardly standing in the back as he watched the others die. He just stood there in shock and suddenly the bridge was open and he was immediately killed by one of the axedwarves. The mayor walked towards the kitchen and told everybody that all the goblins and beak dogs were dead and that others had fled cowardly in fear of their dead soulmates.



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2016, 11:38:03 am »

8th of Opal 129

Yet another beast has the courage to invade the fortress.
The dwarves named him Ugosh Soshoshshedim Lumnuminrus.
It's a gigantic sauropod, it has 2 antenna and it breathes melting fire.
Sodel immediately pulled the lever to close the entrace to the cavern preventing it from ever bringing carnage.



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2016, 03:03:03 pm »

The Fifth of Hematite in the year 130


The great battle of Actstandard


In the year 130 more then 200 Goblins, more then 30 trolls and hundreds of beak dogs marched towards the great fortress of Bidoklorbam.
However little did the foolish army know, that in the fortress were soldiers trained with axes, maces, swords, and hammers to crush every single skull in just 1 second without hestitation.


When Deduk one of the fisherdwarfs spotted a great army of goblins he immediately ran into the fortress and alarmed everyone, however when they tried to close the main bridge it wouldn't work!
And as the military were still training outside the army marched forward no matter what. Estrur the best swordsdwarf known throughout the fortress immediately ran to the wall, he was the captain so everyone had to follow, he took a great jump and got himself somehow over the wall. Many tried to do it too but only a few could make the jump.
The goblins saw it and they started charging to the soldiers, Estrur immediately killed 1 of the goblins and then sliced 5 more in half with just 1 hit his fellows helped him and they kept fighting.
They sliced through the wave killing every goblin they met without hestitation or remorse. Then they arrived at the trolls Utes bashed one of the trolls in the head killing it instantly. More trolls died that day ,but 1 troll did not agree and he grabbed Estrur punching him several times and holding him in his hand. Then Ago one of the goblin lashers lashed him in the skull breaking it, and killing him. Nako was enraged never had he been so angry in his life he threw away his shield, threw away his sword and started killing dozens of goblins by only using his bare hands.
Then the rest of the dwarven army came, but they came too late Nako was slaughtered and the rest of the goblins fled the siege was won ,but with a price


Limestone 13th 130

Months gone by and Nako and his father were remembered, they were seen on all engravings forged into gold statues through the whole fortress
Everyone told stories about the warriors. Spreading the word throughout the whole land



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Re: The Dwarven tale of "Actstandard"
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2016, 01:14:21 pm »


On the 14th of timber in the year hundred and thirty
A Werechameleon has come to rip our dwarves to shreds.
However as the dwarves were still collecting the loot of the last siege, Dakost one of the axelords came by and slaughtered the beast with no sweat and claimed the kill.
