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Author Topic: LostPages - Community Fortress  (Read 9854 times)


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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2012, 01:49:28 pm »

Reading the first post, I thought there was still room to be had for dwarfing... Reading down, looks like I'm a bit late. Oh well. :) If you make a dwarfing list at some point, might I get put on it?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand

Kate Wissen

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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2012, 01:53:26 pm »

Sure! The first wave of migrants wont be too far behind, I'm sure.
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2012, 01:56:54 pm »

All right, awesome.  When the migrants come around, I'd like to be dwarfed as Talvieno, a male miner/mason, if possible. If a female, call her Talvia.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2012, 03:15:01 pm »

Yes, I'm being the bookkeeper! It's great because usually they oversee a lot of action and get one hand bitten off (this keeps happening in my fort...).

Also, I'm rethinking my name - let's go with "Lady".
My wooden badge was delicious.

Blade Master Model 42

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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2012, 03:58:53 pm »

Wow, my dwarf's personality profile is spot on. Well, except for a few points.

This is gonna be nifty.

Kate Wissen

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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2012, 04:46:47 pm »


1st of Granite, 99:

I arrived at the wagon to see the six dwarves the King had selected. I looked over each of them, then sent each off to grab some items. What we need to survive, and what they want to bring with them. I balked a bit when one of them wanted to bring cats along, but I didn't want to start this expedition off with an argument.

4th of Felsite, 99:

We have been traveling for just over two months now. The group seems excited, and upbeat. They would not be if they knew what I know. We are scheduled to arrive atop the frozen wastes to the south at exactly the first of Granite next year. Right in the middle of a growing blight... I don't know what I or the others here did to piss off the King, but I can't imagine he cares too much for any of our lives.

21st of Limestone, 99:

Its getting colder now, winter will soon fall. The cruel joke of this being that winter will fall right as we hit the glacier. The others are far less enthusiastic about continuing forward. I think they realize as well that what lies to the south is not pleasant. Noone has stepped up to complain, but after the majority of a year with each other I can read it on their faces.

4th of Obsidian, 99:

We have reached the edge of the taint. Many of the group wished to go around, but I was forced to tell them that we would have to go straight through. I think a few may not be too pleased with me, but otherwise this whole painful endeavor was pointless. Hopefully we will all live long enough for them to forgive me.

That's the pre-embark bit. More to come very soon.
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!

Kate Wissen

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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2012, 05:57:39 pm »

1st of Granite, 100

A look of defeat crossed the faces of the gathered dwarves. They had been pushing as hard as they could to cross the tainted land if not the glacier itself. I knew it was fruitless, since it was I who arranged for us to end up here. But it was a good try, we did get further than I thought we would.

"Alright, time to dig in." I said. I think they were all too tired to argue, or knew it would be pointless. Regardless I am sure I will hear more of it once we are out of the snow and the ice.

6th of Granite, 100

"I don't like the looks of those storm clouds." NESgamer190 said as he looked at the horizon.

Lady agreed, "I think we had best get some cover over our wagon and entrance. We don't want it raining blood on us again."

I shuddered in recollection of our first storm inside the tainted lands. I thought for a bit before sending after AussieEvil. He would focus on building a quick, rough shelter around the supplies. Hopefully he would finish before the rain hit.

10th of Granite, 100

It wasn't blood that rained down from the sky, but a repellent slime. Instantly everyone who came in contact with it broke out in a fever. All the animals as well as AussieEvil were caught out in the storm. Hopefully the fever is the only thing wrong with them. The doc has yet to take a look at any of them, since we are short on time. We need to get inside before anything else happens.

12th of Granite, 100

AussieEvil's fever broke early this morning. Thank goodness. We can only hope that this is the worst that this place has to throw at us. We have plenty of difficult times ahead living on a glacier without adding complications to it. The doc informs me that the animals are still running a fever though. It might be premature to say AussieEvil is in the clear just yet.

26th of Granite, 100

Just one day after AussieEvil completed the roof to the makeshift shelter above, we hear the sickening slosh of more slime falling from the sky. The bright white snow was slowly turning into a mess of blood red slime. On the plus side we reached a layer of siltstone, so we have at least breached the glacier. Now its just a matter of getting to the first cavern. Lest we starve or die of thirst.

2nd of Felsite, 100

The slime has not stopped for a single day. The snow is barely visible now, instead a sea of slime covers nearly the entire surface. The animals will venture out into the rain, catching their fever again and again. But thanks to their repeated exposure it seems that the slime is mostly harmless.

We've dug down 15 layers already, and no caverns yet. Hopefully we find what we need down there. None of us are miners, so noone knows how far down caverns usually are.

7th of Felsite, 100

We've done it! We broke through to the cavern! Actually we broke into a deep pit, so we found two caverns. Sadly we have not found any water yet. So if we are going to build a farm plot to survive, we will need to build it down there. I've ordered everyone to start setting up a living area closer to the caverns. Additonally, with the knowledge of a caravan arriving a Depot needs to be made. I am setting it up inside the glaicer, as I think we should still avoid the slime if at all possible.

On a side note, for some reason Lady and Tau have been at eachother's throats lately. Whatever it is, they best not let it interfere with their work. We can't afford delays.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 06:11:46 pm by Kate Wissen »
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!

Kate Wissen

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Re: Community Fortress - Just starting up! Sign up today.
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2012, 07:09:19 pm »

2nd of Hematite, 100

Everyone is mining now, in hopes to clear out a suitable living area, but in the depths of the pit we can hear that we aren't the only ones here. Putting our bedrooms next to a deep pit may not have been my best idea, but it is going to be necessary.

25th of Malachite

Mining is quite hard work, several of us were taking a break out near the wagon when we heard a commotion. I asked Lady to go take a quick look at what was going on.

She quickly reported back, "Immigrants."

The break chatter suddenly gave way to silence. No doubt it was unbelievable to any of us, why would anyone come here. They must have been duped like the rest of the group here. Who would come here knowing what is down here. I suspect that if any word gets back to what this place is really like the migrant waves would come to a screeching halt.

Lady went back out to take a proper tally of who these dwarves were and what they could do.

Spoiler: The Immigrants (click to show/hide)

Amazingly it seems that the majority of the immigrants were married couples. I can see that this was clearly the influence of mountainhome propaganda. I shook my head and returned to work.


Talvieno feel free to choose any of the dwarves from above. Not sure if you have a preference toward marriage or not. The speardwarf and marksdwarf may end up in the military sooner or later, given we may have to defend ourselves vs some deep creatures.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 07:11:21 pm by Kate Wissen »
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2012, 08:00:54 pm »

Hmmm... I guess you could give me Kibaziz, the soapmaker-turned-speardwarf. I've got no problem with my dwarf having a wife. lol   Are you reassigning professions, or are they going to keep what they come in with?

Great updates so far, regardless. :) And +1 for the illustration. Very awesome.
I think you got lucky with that slime... I usually get something that means instant death.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 08:03:06 pm by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2012, 08:32:24 pm »

Are you reassigning professions, or are they going to keep what they come in with?

I'm reassigning work as needed. If people want their dwarves doing specific work I'll set them up as such but they might not be doing only that job. The notes are just on their current skills. Right now we need some miners so I'm giving a few of the newcomers picks and seeing what they can do there. Others are working on moving things around so that the place isn't scattered with stone and the stockpiles are near the living area.

Nothing too exciting has happened yet, but I doubt it will stay that way once we get a path down into the cavern proper. I'm hoping that the caravan brings a good amount of booze otherwise we might be in a bit of trouble. And anyone injured badly in a fight might not make it given the lack of water. We'll work on solving that when we hit magma, assuming we survive long enough. =)

(Also 99% sure none of them are vampires. So we got lucky again.)
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2012, 08:52:08 pm »

Awesome, Talvieno gets to be a miner then. :) And I hadn't even thought about the vampire possibility... Would've been interesting if by some odd chance my dwarf had been a vampire.

Was the world genned so that the caverns are water-free? Or will you be able to set up a well?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2012, 10:23:39 pm »

6th of Limestone, 100

"It's autumn already?" I said, talking to myself.

"Yes, yes it is." a voice from behind replied.

"Gah! Gar, don't sneak up on me. Oh, wait, I had work for you. Can you cut up some gems for selling? We need some sort of trade good, and we have a few rough gems around in need of cutting."

"Can do!" he said excitedly as he rushed off.

I hardly had time to take a breath before Tau came up to me. "We need to start thinking about defenses."

"Defenses? From who?"

"We haven't seen anything wandering the wastes yet, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things out there. We need to be prepared."

"Well we need to be able to do it with what we have around. What are you thinking?"

"For now we need a way of sealing ourselves off from invaders. After that we can look at traps, fortifications and more advanced defenses."

"Sounds good, I'll leave you in charge of it."

Tau left to instruct the mason dwarves, and I went back to digging.

19th of Limestone

More Immigrants... What kind of crazed dwarf gets down to this horrid glacier and thinks, "What a lovely home this will make." Every one of them should have turned and run while they had the chance. Oh well, more hands means lighter work.

Spoiler: Immigrants (click to show/hide)

More families... More couples... What kind of place was the mountainhome spinning this as?


Was the world genned so that the caverns are water-free? Or will you be able to set up a well?

This cavern may not have any water, not sure yet, we just havent seen any yet. But we'll have a well eventually. I can bring up some magma to melt some of the glacier to get some water that way. This is still dependent on surviving to see magma of course.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 10:25:49 pm by Kate Wissen »
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2012, 11:09:47 pm »

you can collapse a large section of glacier down under stone level. It will melt then.

I think it's ieasier than digging to next caverns.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2012, 11:25:06 pm »

Ah! Good idea. I'll do that, much quicker and simpler.
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2012, 04:41:36 am »

Ooh, a glacier fort! Which version is it in? Do you still have open positions?

(any rules I should know about? first time community fortress player here)
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."
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