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Author Topic: LostPages - Community Fortress  (Read 9855 times)


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2012, 05:37:00 am »

Gar was finally glad to get to work at his workshop. He was cutting rough gems revealing their inner beauty and mumbling to himself:
- Hmm hmm hmm... Cut, cut, cut... *clack clack* *chisssssss chisssssss*  Oh, beautiful carbochon! Too bad we got to sell you as is, I'd better set you into something... like a chain, for example. Yes, a nickel silver chain. I hope we'll find nickel, and silver down there. Or we can buy it, for you, my precious carbochon! But still we'd better set you into something. I'll check later our stockiples. Mugs and goblets are always nicer with gems, so are rings, bracelets and other stuff!... *clack clack*... *chisssssss chisss chissssss*... we'd need a Market Square, large, engraved and decorated with statues! And safe. So merchants coming through harsh snowy winds with falling slime would feel relieved when finally made their way here... I guess I can convince them for a nice discount when they are having a rest at warm safe hall. I definitely will!

So, after defences are done, I suggest we make big meeting and trading hall. And form military squad, since almost everyone of migrants has military skills. And let them be our engravers when off duty, since they likely will go into balttle and can then engrave heroic deeds they did or witnessed.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2012, 11:51:22 am »

Ooh, a glacier fort! Which version is it in? Do you still have open positions?

(any rules I should know about? first time community fortress player here)

Currently running v0.34.11. Still have plenty of dwarves, you can see the list of migrants in the earlier posts. Outside the soapmaker who was already claimed, they are all available. Just pick your dwarf, a name, and a profession or two to get started.
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2012, 02:17:05 pm »

22nd of Timber, 100

The caravan arrived as promised. My report to the King is not a good one, I have yet to get any research at all done. The caravan has a special request, seems that there's a high demand for dwarven cheese and noone has been supplying it. I suspect if we corner this market we could get whatever we want from the caravans. We need to get into the caverns for farming anyway, might as well trap a few purring maggots while we are down there.

4th of Opal 100

"Troglodites! Troglodites in the caverns!" Some dwarf came running up from the mining "Just thought you might like to know." Then fell asleep.

"Do they have a way into here?"

"No, we haven't gotten a stairwell all the way down yet, but the stairwell is open to the cavern so we can see them." Talvieno reported.

"Well just for extra protection we need some hatches set up to ensure the safety of the town. And would some dwarf get the bedrooms finished? I think we are all a bit tired of sleeping on the ground... and stepping over others who are."

1st of Granite, 101

One year in, and the town is shaping up reasonably. We have bedrooms up for every dwarf, we are getting closer to breaking into the cavern, and preparations have begun for creating some water in case anyone gets injured long enough to need it. The entire stock has been moved down to the proper level, and we have enough to last us a few seasons longer.

20th of Slate, 101

Even more migrants, seems the warning I gave about the difficulties did reach some ears. Only two this year. Lady took the tally.

Spoiler: Immigrants (click to show/hide)

25th of Slate, 101

A wereiguana ambushed the new immigrant couple. The new waxworker tried to fight it off. She was beaten to death then the creature turned back into a human and ran off. We are creating a burial ground now. The husband volunteered for military duty.

7th of Felsite, 101

The first daughter of LostPages was born today. A happy note after the last entry to be certain. I doubt she will be the only one though. This many couples around, I suspect we are in for a deluge of children.

Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2012, 03:38:10 pm »

19th of Felsite, 101

Elves have come to trade. I doubt they came all this way just for a little trade with our town. They are clearly snooping around, trying to find out why we are here. I ordered Gar to take what would be useful and send them on their way as soon as possible. I am sure the King won't mind a bit of theft in order to keep the secret. They are lucky we aren't killing them outright. The wars may be over, but I will never trust those pointy eared bastards.

Gar reports he took their plants, their booze and their Jaguar. Pretty profitable overall. Hopefully this will end their snooping around.

19th of Hematite, 101

Another married couple arrived today. A bonecrafter and a woodcrafter. I told Lady not to even bother keeping the tally. Our population is small enough for the moment, we won't need to worry about it. Hopefully that is the last wave, we can't afford to feed any more mouths on top of the kids. Half the town seems to be pregnant.

9th of Malachite, 101

I awoke from a fog, the others said I had become possesed. When I awoke I was holding a rather nice chair. Tonedstaff. It was completely plain except the high quality and hanging granite rings.

Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2012, 03:45:24 pm »

Too bad elves didn't have any echindas or river otters...
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2012, 06:15:19 pm »

Ooh, a glacier fort! Which version is it in? Do you still have open positions?

(any rules I should know about? first time community fortress player here)

Currently running v0.34.11. Still have plenty of dwarves, you can see the list of migrants in the earlier posts. Outside the soapmaker who was already claimed, they are all available. Just pick your dwarf, a name, and a profession or two to get started.

Sounds good :) Then I'd like to claim Dodokstath - Leatherworker - Married to Oltarroth
Renamed as Tirion
(might as well stay)Leatherworker+Mechanic+Pump Operator (so I become an Engineer), and Sheriff/Captain of the Guard (IIRC that position is still free. If not, Hammerer.)

Also, another noob question, but Community Fort means it'll be managed by you all the time, or we take turns?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 06:24:40 pm by Tirion »
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2012, 07:01:17 pm »

((Community means one person runs it))

Henry Freeman no get out of here fast as you can...


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2012, 09:39:59 pm »

Pretty neat that it was your character who got possessed.  I bet that was interesting to write about. :P I've actually never had my own character mood before... which is really, really odd.

Enjoying it so far. :)
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #38 on: August 24, 2012, 11:02:18 pm »

5th of Galena, 101

Given our town is growing, it might be a good idea to appoint a sheriff. I selected a dwarf named Tirion, he seemed unlikely to go easy on anyone causing trouble. We need to keep order here, hopefully he is up to that task.

Aside from that we have patchwork farm set up below. Its a pain to get stuff to and from there, but we will solve all that soon enough when we get the water flowing in the fortress.

21st of Galena, 101

First the elves now humans. All our old enemies acting all buddy buddy? I don't think so. Just to come and trade with us? Same guise as the elves, I thought humans were at least a little smarter than that. I suppose that being competent enough to forge metal and being intelligent don't have to go together.

Regardless I told Gar to give them the same treatment as the elves.

24th of Galena, 101

Screams echoed through the caverns up to the town.

The doctor had run from the pit, "A cave crawler! It's attacking the farm!"

"Close the hatches and lock it down!" I ordered, but the doctor didn't move.

"But there are still dwarves down there! They'll be slaughtered."

"I said Close. The. Hatches." He still didn't move.

"AussieEvil, close the hatches, lock us down." I watched as AussieEvil locked the hatches below. Finally a dwarf who would listen.

"Doc, I don't like being questioned. Trying to save one or two at the expense of the rest of us is pointless. I would have you arrested if the jail was finished, count yourself lucky that we don't."

Only one dwarf failed to make it out in time, ushrir Idenzon. Once we can get down to her body we can give her a proper burial. And maybe get some walls up around our farm...

27th of Galena

Gar came down from the depot humming and hugging a piece of leather. I didn't even want to ask, I sent the others after the rest of the goods we seized. Quite the haul this time, food, drink and even some goods like leather and metal. If those idiot humans or elves kept sending fake caravans like these we wouldn't have to even worry about reopening the farms below.

Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #39 on: August 25, 2012, 12:06:14 am »


Had to close the emergency hatches. Heard that there was only one casualty in the caverns, but that's one too many. I'll have to write a condolences letter to her next of kin. Damn it, I hate losing a good dwarf.
Henry Freeman no get out of here fast as you can...


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2012, 08:11:24 am »

5th of Galena, 101

I spoke with Our Beloved Leader about the fortress defenses, which had me worried. I was always fascinated with traps, but our supplies of wood and metal are insufficient for now. Perhaps if we confiscated all the weapons those self-proclaimed 'caravans' try to smuggle in, we could put together a goblin grinder- I saw one of those back at the capital, they are glorious. I also expressed my eagerness to deal with internal threats, and faster than I could blink, I was appointed as Sheriff. As my first act, I requested the construction of prison cells- if we have a few spare ropes, those will suffice.

My wife Oltarroth thinks I got in over my head, and she reminded me how the Mountainhomes were terrorized by vampires. I told her I won't allow that to happen here. She likes our new quarters well enough, though she's puzzled by the weapon rack and armor stand, saying I have no weapon or armor to place there, nor does anyone in the fortress. Which is true, but only for the moment- if we don't strike metal soon, we'll set up the militia with weapons confiscated from the infiltrators, and leather armor created by yours truly.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2012, 10:20:56 am »

24th Galena, 101:

I was minding my business within the pit, only to hear some sort of horrific hissing of sorts, and one look...  and I soiled my trousers.

"AGH!  GET AWAY FROM ME YOU ARBOREAL ABOMINATION!"  It was a cave crawler, fit with jaws of death...  and given that I was NOT part of the military, I had done the one thing a sensible doctor did...  run.  Run up the stairs, screaming like an elf on fire in his burning hometown.  I quickly met up with the big lead, only to be ordered to a heartless move.  Hearing the words "Lock them down." had tugged at a string, knowing it's NOT what a doctor was to do, and refused the order.  Again, those cold words were barked, and again, I refused.  To me, the other dwarves are like brothers and sisters...  until AussieEvil was given the order and did the job.  After all was done with, I was chastised for my rebellious actions, threatened with jail if it happened again.  I also think I'm due for a bedroom made of glacier...  given how heartless the orders were...  A loss of dwarf...  that I tried to save...  God help me from the mountain king...

27th Galena, 101:  A fair bit of booze went down the hatch, and the mood didn't really improve.  I know science says ghosts don't exist...  but I've heard of fortresses with unmemorialized sentients having the ghosts haunt...  and I don't like that thought.  I should talk to a mason about a slab to the deceased.  I've the feeling the corpse might NOT be recoverable for a coffin, given the jaws of that...  thing.

Kate Wissen

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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2012, 02:24:17 am »

Sorry about the lack of update. More coming tomorrow night.
Check out my current Community Fortress LostPages.

One day I hope to create the Monkey Torture Chamber of Doom!


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2012, 09:02:52 am »

Take your time Kate Wissen.  Urist would've done similarly for such a community fortress.  I'd say you're holding up very well on such a glacier establishment.


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Re: LostPages - Community Fortress
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2012, 11:05:14 am »

It's no problem. Looking forwards to it, but not impatient.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand
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