The last day of the previous turn, before the fort crumblingAlas, our strenght has been broken and the fortress conquered.
..Why any greenskin would want to conquer that hellhole is beyond me.ReclaimMilitary expedition. LIttle food and no useless crap except stuff yuou can poke a kobold with.
Sealed teh migrant fort.
Dorfs spent most of hte moth hailirng junk in hte fort and trying to get hte fort up and running.
Why is the fort full of dfead dogs?
Diorfed random dorfs as random bay12 dwellers.
I'm still relatively sober so will set stockpiles and whatnot now whiule ims still able do complexs stasks
-(Was I really?)Slate
Burrying the dead. Plenty of coffins leftover from the previoous overeeers.
One of the hidden FBs was engared and soon in hte dead/missing list. Something must have killd it.
Darn it, Those wre our FBs! How dare they kill 'em!
-Note to self: kill what ever killed our cute little pet abodimations

Close the gates! Badgers! GIANT badgers! A furry centipede of enraged furrballs o death! Bar the gates! Seal the dooirs! Fear the badger!
Outside farmplosts not worknig
All we have to makef food of are prepared mosquito brains (tiny?( and crundle tallow. lots of it! And seome oter crap
Made slabs of the forgotten beasts so tey wont be forgotten again.
Should ave brought cats and a better workers.
-Note toselfg: Perhasps I could replace the cats with ppotash makers. Make them hunt vermin for food.
I like that idea

Digging mora bedrooms imn the migrant fort. Also a cistern
Bah, the murky pool doesnt refill because its covered bu that sky thingie
Migrants! Time to reclaim what was once ours
A goost battered our expedition leader (clovermagic). the poor fellow ist now missin a leg. Darn, she was one of our best crossdorfs
The dorfs are ignoring their dieing leader. Bobnova started running towards er, walked a few blocks away, grabbeda horse corpse and went bsack inside
-I need to promot that dwarf. I lik his style. CHose a dead horse over his boss.
Another violent baby ghost cut open scruffy's stomach. There goes our best melee fighter
-(Same ghost kills most adventurers who enter the front gate)exp leader still starving
Scruffy's lower body is torn openand his innards fracturd yet he just decided to get up from hiss bed and go get a drink and start engraving the hospotal walls.
Forgot the pimps. the well is full of stagnarts swater
miasma from rotting prepared mosquite brain biscuiits everywheer
What ever comes after galena
TGime to open up the old fort
Part of the old fort is flooding. A FB has destroyed a door holding back the water
a Crundle--!
A web FB and a dust FB!
Everyone is either webbed or dead. A crundle is circling the carcass and awaiting to strike.
Someone i named after Wrex crapped the only axe in the frot from scruffys dead cold hands and hacked the fust fb to death.
The militar si sealed wi with the fb
..I hate webbing FBs

The FB is bruides all over. constantly being chipped by mhorse bone bolts. Every single bodyaprt and leg has a bolt stuck to it (and there are alot of legs!)
They are all dead Dave, except for Wyrmgoldbishmuth andf wrex that killed the beast
The FOrgotten beastssd are dead!
The web FB Oma Snotwastes the Mucus of Grease is dead!
Survivors = a few migrants and the two FB slayers Wyrmgoldbishmuth and wrex who are dieing,
On hte other news, wrex and wyrm are hunting for vermin. What did i say? we dnont need cats.
Hrips men intruppting eevrythog
Wrex just slaughtered some trolls with the borrowed axe. He is misrable and now a dabbling axedorfk,
We may have a silight jabberer problem
I pity te jabberer. stucj in a fb web, numb (likely from fb dust) and being bitten and kicked alive by a bunch of miserabvle midgerts.
-Every single drop of that vomit was produced by Clovermagic.caverns are sealed
Everythsi is cowered in fb dusts and crundle blood.
Whsts this? crundle tallow laced with forgotten beast frozen extrackt? FUnall y food!
Wyrmgold is dieing in the hospotals. Reason: broken liver
Aww, whoh fucks saje. another webbing FB!

Neverh seen a dwarf tantrum as much as wrex and wyrmgold
Wyrmgold isn tantrumming while in hte middle ofa liver syrgery-
wrex went stark racing naked
Cgeese! biyght all the chese in the caravan. no food for dorfs. reating rats. now chees!
teth FB has arrived!
-Might have been the eleventhForgottens beast sulk sokcs! FB silk suturese!
recöao,ed tje deep bunkder. its still floodidng.