Turn claim: 23:45 - 2 litres of Amstel down, downloading the save.
23:53 - okay, starting. I'll be just editing this post with updates. Noone has been dorfed yet, and I'll need to read the ruless. lcause rules is important or something dont nknow if ill remember to do them though alsoneed shotstuff to shot. glasses thing.s

Yes typing lazy I can type very nice neatly if I concentrate. First: dorfing people or I will forget.
24:07 - 14th malachite. It's the middle of the summer, and for some reason I'm appointed to write the glorious history og of this dirthole inthe ground, Ucatugath ot or "Beerbelch". *BELCH* aenyway, we are 13 sting stronbg, and slowly digging our way to paradise. we found magam, we have wood and we have plenty of... nothing. Nobodys counting. YOU THERE< NAMELSS PEASANT! START COUNTING OUR STUFS!
12:21 16th of Galena. Slowly we are expanding, makiing stockpiils end bridges and workshops. Even the most basic stuff lis lacking! Beut we do have a nice wall.
Wae have one ghost haunting the halls. TO easy his pain, I'll engrave a lsb slab for him , our humble brerewewer, and take shot for it.
Found 1/3ltre of Ballantines. That's acceptablywe, not going to touch the nice ones while this inebriatesd (thats a word, right? minus ths the s)? Ittls itll do. GF will hat e me in the morning.
12:27 Took the shot, I hop e no more die today.......

12:32 Wren men and wmome women! WTF?! More afraid of us than we are of them, though. Stupid birbrainds. Oh wow that IS a nice marble depit.
For some reason ist wont let me build magmasmelters?1 someone sober look at this.
12:39 Time gfor another Blended Scotch Shiky Whisky I mean.
11th sandstone: Som evagrants have arrived. Bloody uselsess but theyre dwarves so we feed thaem. and clothe them. and gidve them our precious booze.
Used to be able to make notes but cant find the command now but the lefver neatr the foodworkshops on lvl theree is the one connected to the main bridge.
just so nyhou know I hpioe youre taking noretes.
0:55 16th Timber - A caravan arrived! Some enjoyment after all this boredom. Letsssee wheat we have to trade...
Lucky I made some rock crafts or we'de be toally broke... bought some stuff we need, raw glass, clay, gypsum plaster, the usual.
Still cant build any magam buildings.. wonder why. Can sonmeeone sober look at this?
1:06 'nother whiksy.
1:19 and another. It's all goin gvery well. We have a strange mood, though, and he needs metal bard.s Fortunately I solve d the smelter magma problem and we can now smelt stuff. Let's and hop that is ill be awesome.
A mystrerinous contrsuction has begun! Glad I bought that raw sglass...
BAH a green glass crown. Worth 16800 Dorfbuck though but still. IT is UGLY. I wonder who'd pay that for it.
1:33 and all's well.

It's spring. Save coming up. Did not do much but preserve the status quo, expand a bit. No idea how people get to make entire pupm stacks in their turn......