Unless anyone gets particularly drunk in the next few hours I am (right now!) downloading the save and might well have a go.
...Ok. I have had three beers (which henceforth in this post shall refer to pints of ale) after work and am worjking through a fourth.
It's more likely that I will just doze off in about three hours' time than get actually quite drunk, I have a severe sleep shortage.
Does, if there is anyone out there, anyone need to be named? Just having a look around now. It works.
...Right then.
I am wait
there is a bobnova
And now there is a me, Master Cheesemaker
Right let's go in to look
...oh. Um. Everything seems to be running rather smoothly? I'm not quite sure what to do. Hmm. I 'll drink whilst I consider.
...Is that the entrance? Is that one too?
...oh yes. Make soap/oh crap., there are merchants!
Hum. The merchangts ddidnt seem to have anything, but I have a picture:
oh yes., i mean that I was assigning a lovely warm room to the angry and frustrated hammersheriff here ie s a picture of it
shit that was close nearly beer on the floor
oh yes I have to press escape again now, I have [put a magma smelter to be built
I have had another beer, incidentally, which I think was six although was it five and this is six?
there is a ghost and i would sdo somethign a bout it if I could find what to do about it but it's a bit like being quite drunk and staring at a bunch of error job cancel messages opping up, whic h is odd, because that's exactluy what it is
except with cheese and onion crisps
* galena, later summer of 127
there is some loud music playiung
it is from the 60s and now have efeinifely drunk
I will make another screentshot to show the great progress i have made
iI forgot whwere teh print screen key
now I can either do this slowly but accruately oh
bother if rogot the xplanation again - it is i think it is the soap
If it automaticlaly puts itself on the status stcks screen, is
Well, I can go to the dridge
distratced shamesllsy reading my game after I sat down
there are certainly things that are happening, and I should knmow what they are
...There was a snatcher, but I just saw a duck, maybe either
Although I'd like to say I didn;t have my BBQ rained out, no
shit! a kidnapper has made off with erc tetc etc
on my watycg
so now it is early autumn
i have hardly done anything
I lost the game then for a few sec minutes


had a bit of a bathoroom mishap there. Got stuck in it because I couldn't get through the door vefore turning the light off, and I couldnt grab hold of the light switch (it's a dangly tpye of thing()
right i just saved it a bit because my head is bit fpffff
some fightingh with a bokokoko damn
kobold thief

ah yes
it iws 21.29 now and I hadtwo or three more beers since the other time actually i think four, it looks ;like - 8 or 9
...right well I have saved it because I reall yneed a lie downperhaps I will be able to carry on in a couple of hours after a lie down haha who a m i kdidding
blimey, I have registedered on ddffflmibli and up no, AM uploading the file
im going ot have to hae another go another itme i think, rater than pretending that in two hours I will be capable, relalytt, see, I kist cant think, which is proving to be a didffifiiii
this could take HROUs to upload
i think I;ve dine a half year so far
what i have achieved is, I think I built a magma forge and some soap industriy and assigned a room but mostly i m;looked at the strange flashng sreen whilst listening o the strange flashing music which was loud
this is it i think
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=7871now i have to have a lie down on my right hand side