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A new drunken world is imminent. Should we try a modded world?

I am small and neutral, like Switzerland

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Author Topic: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]  (Read 1266295 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1920 on: September 16, 2013, 12:35:25 am »

Right, well I have acquired booze, although not quite what I was hoping for.
I overestimated my funds, and so what I ended up being able to afford was a four-pack of premixed rum and cola. :-X
Oh well, between these and the beers I already have lying around I should be able to get pretty much smashed. I am a total lightweight, after all.
Spoiler: Sorry about the mess (click to show/hide)

Going to download the save etcetera and then start drinking. :)
I guess I'll just edit this post?

Edit: Download's taking quite some time. Might go play some Dragon's Dogma while I wait.

Edit: OKAY! Figured it all out. Time to load the save and get drinking! :D First drink opened.
This is gonna end badly.

e: First rum n coke done, good grief Bundy's really does taste like distilled ass. Switching to some XXXX beer.
Looking at the fort, and I have no idea where or what anything is-- and this is SOBER. D:

e: Soundtrack started with The Vandals, is now whatever Youtube chooses to throw at me.
Feeling buzzed, think I'll finish this drink (#3) and then get started on the turn with my next one.

e: Okay let's do this. Starting and stuff. Might take a starting screenshot. Also autocorrect is catching my dunken misteake.s Fuck that, gonna turn it off... oh wait can't figure that out just now ha

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Kay, unspausing now. Let's gooooo

10th sandstone etc 
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh man drunk interenetting is hard. I'm still only a beer #4, I ma a disgrace to my nation D:

I was gonna dorf myself, but all the fdwarfes have names. guess I'll wait for migrants. Ahaha.

25th sandstone Aw crap we don't have any logs. I guess that's whythpse beds never got made. Are we in the caverns or something? I tdon't think so

Guess i'll have To go tree hunting
Current song is Leave it Alone by NOFX btw
Before that it was playing The Dead Milkman. Note to (sober) self: Look those dudes up, thery are good

Hehe, forgot to unpause the game. Must be time for another beer. Gonna pee first though.

19th timber: A caravan arrived. What do we need, anyway?? Oh and I oput clover on woodcutting duties cuz they are lazy and we need logs. Also zombie ravens are apparentlyuy attacki9ntg. Oh noes.

1oth Moonstone
I tired to make a tadre depot but the lazy bastards aren
t dping it. A;sp need to build some new rooms and stuff because this is just trerrible. TERRIBLE ARGH

17th Moonstone Oh shit, the merchants left before we could build the depot. Whooooops.
I blame everythging on the lazy dwarves I have to work with. I think I should probably enable some mo0re labours or something.

19th opal Zombie cow moose attack has prompted me to make an actual military. Seriously, how the ghell did we gon without that fir sio long? Jeez.
Anyways I am making a barracks and styff. War dogs took care of the zombie but whatever,.

Bobvnova Koshsazir has gone into a mood. Claimed a craftsdfwarfs workshop. Thios should be interesting. Some crazy celtic punk stuff playing now. Good stuff.
E: Ooooh, it's a Flogging Mollies song called Drunken Lullabioes. How ppropraitae!

Back inn as ec, gota feed pets. Then I'll crck open another beer..

 K bacj. New beer ti,e. Thnk typing is getting worse. Maybe I'll open another rum, even if it tatses bad. MAYBE UI'm drunk enough not to notice :P

11th Obsisdian: The dudes want wrhammers and earrings. I guess someone other than me ahd better get to work eh?

195h Obsidian: Twi ir three kobold thieves. THey thought we were easy puickings. We probably were I dunnio.
One of them died at least. Trid to set up military. Probably failed misertably I this tsate.

Guess I'll startb anew post here, I guess.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 04:13:57 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1921 on: September 16, 2013, 04:15:19 am »

16th Granite: OHSHIT Bobnova went besrrk! I tyotally forgot oyou were in a strange mood. :( Whoooops.
Oh well I guess wwe'lll kill you now.

I guess maye U should get our dudes some weapons.,

R.I.P Bobbnova. BRB need to pee.


Now I can dorf myself! :D
Also people are home so Operation "Pretend not to be drunk is a go"

I AM NOW KNOWN AS 'Yoink' Quakebriads. BRB promoting self to boss.


wutPrettty sure iot said something else but whatever

11th Slate: Made a bunch of fishery workers stone deatailarers.
Do we even have fish on this map? I dunno I should pronanly sheck

13th Slate: Holsy shit all our war gdogs are having babies wjay is up with that

25th Slte: STUPID RAVEN ZOMBIES stopping me from making my mansion

They will pay. The Tin Dips and The Lovely Handles will maken ktbjem, pay.

3rd Felsite :

Also realised my musijhc had stopped. Now playing The Distillers. Yay.
Aw crap,. Wrex just withrdrew from society. Better not go insane.

Reading Youtube comnents is weird whe drunk. Thwse people are fucklend up.

Wrex claimked a mason
s workship. Listening to punk voere of Summer Lovin'. Can only think of that Cybnadie and Happouiness comic.

4th Felsite: Oh good, he started his thing. Cinstructuon. I don;'t jave tp wprru about getting an old timer killed. :P

8th Felsite: Lovehcild had a babby! And paused my game. Damnuit Loveschild.

Wpoooo I am rather durnk just now. If I awasn't [;auomn ..PLAYING drunk foirtress I would correct those tyoies.
It feel s fweird getting drunk at home. IO AM LEGENDARY ALCHOHOLIC WHOOOOOO!

Nice work Wrexie. You didn;'t die after all!

'That guy with-- Wait.

11th Felsite: That guy with his wife and sock ha d abui... HAD A BABY. Yay! Good job dud3e.

Aww yeah. Lagwagon now!

18TH Felsite: Oversooer Yoink demands MOAR BOOOZE ! Also Elvben caravan but who care about that.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 04:57:21 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1922 on: September 16, 2013, 04:20:17 am »

BRBnova :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1923 on: September 16, 2013, 04:54:39 am »

Wpoooo I am rather durnk just now. If I awasn't [;auomn ..PLAYING drunk foirtress I would correct those tyoies.
It feel s fweird getting drunk at home. IO AM LEGENDARY ALCHOHOLIC WHOOOOOO!

Seems like good posting for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1924 on: September 16, 2013, 05:06:56 am »

FFFFUUUUUUUU-- I just had a BSoD. :'(
Seriously. I can;'t believe it. This I s aso annoying. I think I eed a new computer.

But, you know., THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
(I havebn't passed out tyet after all!)
So I wailll redi my turn.

man this re-do sucks alreaduy

 4th Timber: Rofl I am so sorry guiys, I think I am even drunker than Ib awas the first time around...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Only noticed that acter it was dug uot. Oh well.

Also I think these Wild Tirkey ads really appeal to m,y drunk self. Why am I  jnot drinking that?!

Bla bla bla building Trade deopit etc again just like last time. bedrooms, barracks etc.

Listening to this. Is osslddly appropriate.

20th Moonstone: Th emerhcants left. again.Whatver,.

28th Mooonstine: Okay, this time the merchants want splints and... I can't re,e,ner tjhere ther thing. Oh well.
Migt have been drinks? I dujnno. Anyway Ib  am seting up the tmilitary again. Uau me.

1st Obsisoan: It
s Siquo 2's northday! Yaaaay! She is now a peasanat. Maybe I will daft her.

Also maybe I will  eat something to stave off unsconsiousness. NOOLOOOOODLES

4th Obsisian: Aw shit Bobnova's doing the mood styff agai,. Let's hope it';s as easy as last ime.

It's weird seein g a muscic video in a different language to what you're sued to when drunk. Blug thi

OOH PSIRNG arrived! yay!

Also looks like I'm listenting tio the Flatliners ow,

'lol wrex kills the fort in 4th year' has created a masterpiece. YAAAAY. We are asaved!

26th Granuite:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Congrats Clover and Bobnova!! I hope you guys are very haopoy together.4

Also migrants.

I gess this means I exist again,. Yay! I might save the game now, incase my stupud laptop BSODs again.

Listening to Pennywise now. Seems approatiate somehow,

8TH Felsite: Loveschild had a baby. Gaian. AGAIN. Think I', almost caught up to where I was before the BSod. Maybeb I'll save the game again.

Does anyone need to be fordef, DOFE ... Dorfed, still? I have no idea.m

12th Felsire: 'That Guy With His Wife and Sock' just had skohter baby. WTF. Also he is apparently nn ta *NOT  a he? I don't  know. Maybe I kam jus tnot drunk enougj. It made sense to whoeer gave him *her the nickanm,n e, afer all.

14th Felsite: Elven cravarn! Also Bobnova 2 dies of thirst. Prettu sure they were crazy so it's kokay.

20th Felsite: We had a koolmd thief, but they got away. Damn. Also a wardog got stabbed.
I think I should satt making some of my awesome patented watchtower things.

26th Felsite brb gotta wee.
Also another kbold thief escaped. Didn't stel anything though.

Stipud Elven teraders wouldn't accept my offer. I guees that meabns they all DIE! AHAHAHAHAH! DIEEEEEE!
Also it is raining IRL. Cool. Usually I don;'t hear the rain do it must be pretty loud.

Spoiler: lolnoope (click to show/hide)

21st Hemaite 132: KM-18210 have birth ton a girl! Uaaaay.

20th Malachtie: More migrants! W=hoooo!

5th GakebaL &*Galebna: aom some peanant no one cared about mwent insane. Oh well toob bhd.

Ooh, finished my frink. That's, like... fouy rbeers and three bottl;knb *BOTTLES of rum & coke. Sp like... 10 testandard drinks or so.

Oh, it's okay guys, Muigrants appaeared to replace those idior s who died. Yay!

1st timber: AAGH the DOG SKIN is interrupting everyonn e runn for your liiiives!

Also Kikrost Idennomal I s making a mysrterious contrsution,.

5th Timber:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Umm okay then, Kikrost.

15th TimberL: lovely, out dwarves hunb t things and they come back to life before they can even treturn the kill. x_x

19th TimberL A Carasvan has arrived! Maybe they brought us stuff! :D

21st TimberL Finally, killed a ikobild thief. Also outpost liason here. Let's have us a lovely chat. I will brew up the tea.

21st Moonstine; Clover Magic gave birth to  aboy. Yyay!

20th Opal: Ohgreat, now the ravesn are SKELETONS. Oh wel. they're not causing much trouble. We should be fiiiiine.
laos I'm making a bunch of new rooms.

27th Opal: OPh great, some dipshit got possessed. MAKE SOMETHING DECENT THIS TIME DAMNIT

17th  Obsiidiian: Uggghjh, out of logs agaihn. Also the moody guy is p[robably going to go insane.

Oh and a snatcher just showed up. KILL IIIIIT

27th Obsisidian: Chased off a bunch of kobild thieves and goblins snatchers. Thun k we need some markdwarves.
Finisdhed drink #8.... go m.e


Guess I'll upload the save tetcetaera.
One sec, uploading.,

Here is the save! :D

« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 09:15:07 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1925 on: September 16, 2013, 09:55:16 am »

Impressive alcohol resistance right here!  :D also, lol at the Bobnova X Clover Magic ship.

I'll let another take a turn I guess, then will play.

also Yoink you can give a rule for future overseers since you played one year, hell even more.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 11:09:09 am by Naryar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1926 on: September 16, 2013, 11:41:22 am »

I think that might be the second time we've gotten married, seems familiar. Also, funny.

I'm impressed by diving right back in after the crash! That's intense.
Great turn :D
how do I lizard Werewolf
ther seems to be a little gecko problem somehwere.
O gawd, drank all ten beers. And 3/5 of this at dinner.  I'm dronk.


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1927 on: September 16, 2013, 12:29:46 pm »

To dorf or not to dorf..
I have to think about this
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1928 on: September 16, 2013, 01:21:43 pm »

To dorf or not to dorf..
I have to think about this

Chug and do it !

I'll probably take a turn just after.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 01:24:59 pm by Naryar »


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1929 on: September 16, 2013, 01:47:37 pm »

To dorf or not to dorf..
I have to think about this

Chug and do it !

I'll probably take a turn just after.
I'm starting a turn and it will most likely take 3hours or so. Hope you will still be able to take a turn after me
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1930 on: September 16, 2013, 02:06:03 pm »

To dorf or not to dorf..
I have to think about this

Chug and do it !

I'll probably take a turn just after.
I'm starting a turn and it will most likely take 3hours or so. Hope you will still be able to take a turn after me
Considering I must wake up pretty early for school, I'm not going to take a turn today. Too bad cause I'm already slightly boozed up.

This week for sure though. Probably Wednesday or something.


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1931 on: September 16, 2013, 02:40:40 pm »

;M'kay. I already drank 1l of 4,5% Stowford press. Still have 0.5l of 7,5% Weston's vintage perry and a few liters of homemade 15% strawberry wine

Finally. I will finish the idea I wanted to do  on my prvious turns and already prototyped ages ago without the magma.

I just hope the drunken little buggers will be able to survive and not sarve starve during this rigorous project. No need for less important jobs. MINE MY MINIONS; MINE!

bonbbonva is haunting us.
Need to seal the fortress because of undead

We are cooking our booze
everyone is miserable!

Moody berserker. Bites dog. Kill him!
Bitten puppy dies.

Gave them lazy mountain bums som jobs.
;MORe rooms
Gave nobles rooms and such.
Now to make our food produition actually useful and organized before I am too durnk
thatguy with his wife and sock went bersekr and killed a few bagbies. nothing important lost

coffubs and slaps

Caravan leaving. Need food. Kill

Oops. did not know whe had a depot
Got food now. dozxens of dorfs tantrumnming

Lovechild died, scryffy melacndholig


From 55+ to 27 dorfgs. too much tangrum.

19 dorfs
half insane

8 dorfs. Just 3 months and everryone died frm tantrums
Kamin berserk. Killed Clobver. KLilling everything

zombie falls on kamin. kamin dies.
all dead or insane
some rose as sombies

who editet the raws and screwed with dghack stock level thingis?

Reclaiming with 5miners, farmer, chef

Crap. From fortress

Bobnova still hauinting

Slabbing everyone
Ha ve to fight. corpses
Wrex killed by zombie wrex

Akll ded. killed by corpses of old dorfs
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 03:17:37 pm by Scruffy »
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1932 on: September 16, 2013, 03:13:46 pm »

Get new raws.


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1933 on: September 16, 2013, 03:18:41 pm »

Bloody resurrecting biome.

Edit: Uploading save. Feel free to skip this turn and use the previous save if you want to continue from the (mostly) living and unhappy fortress instead of a zombie infested one
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 03:33:32 pm by Scruffy »
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [Fowl Weather: Not-so-sober Undead Avian Embark Year 1]
« Reply #1934 on: September 16, 2013, 04:00:34 pm »

Yeah, there were a few screwy things going on re: DFhack.
I made+engraved a couple of slabs, but never got around to actually placing them anywhere. :P I don't think the military I tried to set up really worked, either... might be because we had no weapons. I dunno.

Overall that was pretty fun! Except for the BSoD part. I swear, I had never had one of those before I got this laptop...
Everything got just a bit sillier the second time around. Trying to dig out nice bigger rooms like I usually do, ended up accidentally joining one onto the dining hall, making them all different sizes and getting the doorways all out of line. Whoops.

I maybe wasn't quite as drunk as I could have been... I didn't have that much booze, after all. It was hard to force myself to drink that rum and coke even at the height of my drunkenness. :-X Still, I definitely was drunk. Doing internet things like uploading screenshots was hard.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.
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