FFFFUUUUUUUU-- I just had a BSoD.

Seriously. I can;'t believe it. This I s aso annoying. I think I eed a new computer.
But, you know., THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
(I havebn't passed out tyet after all!)
So I wailll redi my turn.
man this re-do sucks alreaduy
4th Timber: Rofl I am so sorry guiys, I think I am even drunker than Ib awas the first time around...
Only noticed that acter it was dug uot. Oh well.
Also I think these Wild Tirkey ads really appeal to m,y drunk self. Why am I jnot drinking that?!
Bla bla bla building Trade deopit etc again just like last time. Al.so bedrooms, barracks etc.
Listening to this. Is osslddly appropriate.20th Moonstone: Th emerhcants left. again.Whatver,.
28th Mooonstine: Okay, this time the merchants want splints and... I can't re,e,ner tjhere ther thing. Oh well.
Migt have been drinks? I dujnno. Anyway Ib am seting up the tmilitary again. Uau me.
1st Obsisoan: It
s Siquo 2's northday! Yaaaay! She is now a peasanat. Maybe I will daft her.
Also maybe I will eat something to stave off unsconsiousness. NOOLOOOOODLES
4th Obsisian: Aw shit Bobnova's doing the mood styff agai,. Let's hope it';s as easy as last ime.

It's weird seein g a muscic video in a different language to what you're sued to when drunk. Blug thi
OOH PSIRNG arrived! yay!
Also looks like I'm listenting tio the Flatliners ow,
'lol wrex kills the fort in 4th year' has created a masterpiece. YAAAAY. We are asaved!
26th Granuite:
Congrats Clover and Bobnova!! I hope you guys are very haopoy together.4
Also migrants.
I gess this means I exist again,. Yay! I might save the game now, incase my stupud laptop BSODs again.
Listening to Pennywise now. Seems approatiate somehow,
8TH Felsite: Loveschild had a baby. Gaian. AGAIN. Think I', almost caught up to where I was before the BSod. Maybeb I'll save the game again.
Does anyone need to be fordef, DOFE ... Dorfed, still? I have no idea.m
12th Felsire: 'That Guy With His Wife and Sock' just had skohter baby. WTF. Also he is apparently nn ta *NOT a he? I don't know. Maybe I kam jus tnot drunk enougj. It made sense to whoeer gave him *her the nickanm,n e, afer all.
14th Felsite: Elven cravarn! Also Bobnova 2 dies of thirst. Prettu sure they were crazy so it's kokay.
20th Felsite: We had a koolmd thief, but they got away. Damn. Also a wardog got stabbed.
I think I should satt making some of my awesome patented watchtower things.
26th Felsite brb gotta wee.
Also another kbold thief escaped. Didn't stel anything though.
Stipud Elven teraders wouldn't accept my offer. I guees that meabns they all DIE! AHAHAHAHAH! DIEEEEEE!
Also it is raining IRL. Cool. Usually I don;'t hear the rain do it must be pretty loud.
21st Hemaite 132: KM-18210 have birth ton a girl! Uaaaay.
20th Malachtie: More migrants! W=hoooo!
5th GakebaL &*Galebna: aom some peanant no one cared about mwent insane. Oh well toob bhd.
Ooh, finished my frink. That's, like... fouy rbeers and three bottl;knb *BOTTLES of rum & coke. Sp like... 10 testandard drinks or so.
Oh, it's okay guys, Muigrants appaeared to replace those idior s who died. Yay!
1st timber: AAGH the DOG SKIN is interrupting everyonn e runn for your liiiives!
Also Kikrost Idennomal I s making a mysrterious contrsution,.
5th Timber:
Umm okay then, Kikrost.
15th TimberL: lovely, out dwarves hunb t things and they come back to life before they can even treturn the kill. x_x
19th TimberL A Carasvan has arrived! Maybe they brought us stuff!
21st TimberL Finally, killed a ikobild thief. Also outpost liason here. Let's have us a lovely chat. I will brew up the tea.
21st Moonstine; Clover Magic gave birth to aboy. Yyay!
20th Opal: Ohgreat, now the ravesn are SKELETONS. Oh wel. they're not causing much trouble. We should be fiiiiine.
laos I'm making a bunch of new rooms.
27th Opal: OPh great, some dipshit got possessed. MAKE SOMETHING DECENT THIS TIME DAMNIT
17th Obsiidiian: Uggghjh, out of logs agaihn. Also the moody guy is p[robably going to go insane.
Oh and a snatcher just showed up. KILL IIIIIT
27th Obsisidian: Chased off a bunch of kobild thieves and goblins snatchers. Thun k we need some markdwarves.
Finisdhed drink #8.... go m.e
Oh wow,
SPRING IS HERE!Guess I'll upload the save tetcetaera.
One sec, uploading.,
Here is the save!