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Author Topic: Alternative CCS Options [Suggestion]  (Read 758 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Alternative CCS Options [Suggestion]
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:33:25 pm »

I thought of two possible options concerning CCS presence, in addition to the current have-it-or-don't.

1. The CCS starts with similar power to the LCS, and similarly grows with time, instead of starting out strong. Probably easier, but given that it would be optional, I don't see a problem with that.

2. The CCS is a reactionist group that forms when the country is suitably liberal, as a true opposite of the LCS forming when the country turns strongly conservative. They gain power fast at this point, but don't trouble you in the early game.
I assume it was about cod tendies and an austerity-caused crunch in the supply of good boy points.

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Alternative CCS Options [Suggestion]
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 06:27:41 pm »

That's actually the default behavior. The current options related to the CCS are "Classic Mode" which disables it entirely, and "We Didn't Start The Fire", which makes it exist at the start of the game and jump to being pretty dangerous.

If you don't use either of those options, the CCS doesn't exist at the start of the game, but will appear when the country becomes sufficiently Liberal. It begins weak and makes less frequent raids, avoiding direct confrontation with the LCS. If unchecked, the CCS will become more bold and powerful over time, appearing more often in the news, sending groups to attack your Liberals as they're on their way home from major missions, and eventually raiding or carbombing LCS safehouses.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gargoyles! Psychics!
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Re: Alternative CCS Options [Suggestion]
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 06:43:15 pm »

That's actually the default behavior. The current options related to the CCS are "Classic Mode" which disables it entirely, and "We Didn't Start The Fire", which makes it exist at the start of the game and jump to being pretty dangerous.

If you don't use either of those options, the CCS doesn't exist at the start of the game, but will appear when the country becomes sufficiently Liberal. It begins weak and makes less frequent raids, avoiding direct confrontation with the LCS. If unchecked, the CCS will become more bold and powerful over time, appearing more often in the news, sending groups to attack your Liberals as they're on their way home from major missions, and eventually raiding or carbombing LCS safehouses.

Oh, thanks. I'm not quite sure on the inner nuances of the start-screen options. You should probably add a note on the start screen, clarifying the default options.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 08:32:21 am by SealyStar »
I assume it was about cod tendies and an austerity-caused crunch in the supply of good boy points.