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Author Topic: Idea : Doing stunts while driving around obstacles  (Read 745 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Idea : Doing stunts while driving around obstacles
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:21:28 am »

Chase.cpp : Flexible difficulty

1525 char dodgedrive(void)
1555 if(!activesquad->squad[driver]->skill_check(SKILL_DRIVING,DIFFICULTY_EASY))
1582 if(!encounter[driver].skill_check(SKILL_DRIVING,DIFFICULTY_EASY))

If this were changed to...

1525 char dodgedrive(int risk_taken)
1555 if(!activesquad->squad[driver]->skill_check(SKILL_DRIVING,risk_taken))
1582 if(!encounter[driver].skill_check(SKILL_DRIVING,risk_taken))

...then there's a basis for doing vehicular stunts that the chasers have to match to keep up.

Then, by rewriting obstacledrive()
Spoiler: old_obstacledrive (click to show/hide)
moving the choice above the switch, the "choice" can be put to work as a measure of how daring the driver wants to be.
Spoiler: new_obstacledrive (click to show/hide)
(0 and 1 reversed)

In functions like chasesequence(), obstacledrive() could then be called with either
obstacledrive(obstacle,0) for no risk or obstacledrive(obstacle,DIFFICULTY_CONSTANT) for various stunts.

Dodgedrive() could probably use a difficulty-switch to print a more impressive-sounding avoidance message depending on the stunt, and obstacledrive() maybe give juice for success.