Just a brief question - my fortresses always seem to implode when they hit about 120 or so Dwarves. Unfortunately, since migrants seem to arrive insanely fast at times, this means I've never managed to embark on any fancy construction or dig down to HFS/Forgotten Beasts.
In fact, the "Dwarfsplosion" seems to happen so fast I've never even seen siege gameplay before my fortress sort of caves from the inside!
I don't really understand why. My last fort, I had a pop. of 130 Dwarves. Basically when I had 50 only, about 35 of those were "Ecstatic" and the rest were happy. It was great.
I continued treating them all the same as the pop. grew, giving them all nice engraved bedrooms, keeping the booze and meals up, building furniture, giving the pompous Nobles huge luxurious offices...but then weird things happened:
1. Loads of Dwarves (about 20-30) suddenly became V. Unhappy/Miserable and started going insane. I had 10 or so deaths total from failed Moods and useless soldiers, but I buried the bodies or memorialised them pretty much instantly. Regardless, practically half of the Fort's population got upset about "dead friends" or the like and started mass-tantruming.
Their thoughts were filled with "Slept in a great bed" and other good stuff, but for some reason the one or two negative things really dominated their happiness.
2. My whole military started getting "enraged due to long patrol duty". This didn't make any sense, because I actually took them all off duty and they basically milled around still complaining about their "duty". I then put them back on again and they continued to be upset. Is this a bug or something?
Either way, I sort of get this happiness collapse for no discernible reason when I start getting to the big pop. numbers. Is there anything you can do about this, or is it just a natural aspect of
fun that one has to live with?