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Cave crab death pit. Thoughts?

Yes! Let the death pinchings commence!
- 6 (75%)
Eh, I could go with ants or crabs.
- 2 (25%)
No! I want my promised giant ant death pit!
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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Author Topic: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks. - Retired  (Read 47965 times)


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2012, 01:04:32 pm »

Are you using any of the additional races? Or just the stock ones?

My last fort died to Sand Raiders riding in on Giant Mosquitos. I had good ground defenses up, but couldn't deal with an air attack yet.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2012, 01:33:55 pm »

I removed ranged weapons from hostile races as a standard procedure of mine. They fight on my terms in that regard. But I do in fact have most of the extra races (I left out chaos dwarves, frost giants and I think Dyansauri) But either way, if push comes to shove, I WILL NOT fight fair.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2012, 01:43:28 pm »

Should be interesting to see how things go.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2012, 02:05:41 pm »

Indeed. I'm wondering if the fist batch of elephant cales will even see adulthood and battle.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2012, 02:51:43 pm »

Dorf me as the exped. leader.
Tai'shar DwarfFortress

I've heard Minecart Airlines Express offers nice trips to nobility. Alternative trips include a voyage over the volcano. Call 1-800-I-THE-GUINEAPIG-VOLUNTEER and book now!
My fucking armok, you broke the game.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2012, 03:03:11 pm »

Done good sir. And once more, I fully encourage you guys to take part however you see fit. It helps fill the void between updates.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2012, 03:07:57 pm »

Please, some screenshots!
Tai'shar DwarfFortress

I've heard Minecart Airlines Express offers nice trips to nobility. Alternative trips include a voyage over the volcano. Call 1-800-I-THE-GUINEAPIG-VOLUNTEER and book now!
My fucking armok, you broke the game.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2012, 03:10:29 pm »

I'm not really a screenshots guy unfortunatly. I'll be posting some of important facilities when I feel the time is right, but I'm focusing on the story, slightly less on the gameplay (which, as said means screenies will be sparse.)


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2012, 08:22:34 pm »

“EMU!” Wax shouted one morning in Obsidian. It was cold, with a light snow falling, when he came running from the mines. “Godsdamned Emus just tried to peck my eyes out!” He shouted. He slipped and slid his way back to the stockade. Everyone found this rather funny until they were struck by logic: The snow had come down and compacted, he shouldn't be slipping this badly. He came back in screaming about demon-emu while the others checked the river: They could see the water moving below the ice, but it was still beyond their grasp. It was a good thing the booze they'd brewed and bought had gotten them through the winter. “Hey, I just realized something guys.” Corai said as if he'd never once considered it. “Won't more dwarves show up after the spring thaw?” The others were horrified by this thought. They barely had the provisions for themselves, let alone another thirty entitled little bastards and their little bastards.

“Anyone know the date?” Slade asked one morning at breakfast in the storage building. “2nd Granite I think, why?” Squid replied between mouthfuls of meat. “You guys should stop walking on the ice then. It's been getting awful thin. Probably means Spring proper is here.” Slade said to the masons of the group who'd been assembling a small house for any short term guests to stay at. “Means more mouths soon too.” Wax said while draining his mug. “We'll burn that bridge when we need to, for now I want anyone who volunteered to focus on getting the first floor covered over in the dormitory. I'll be finishing the watchtower as highwood becomes available.” Feral said after swallowing some blackberries. It was rather humorous as Feral finished when Anvil blundered in soaking wet. “River's thawed.” She said flatly. “Go for a little dip there Anvil?” Targe said with a chuckle, tossing her a giant squirrel kidney that Andi had spit roasted. She grumbled as the others had a small laugh at her little swim.

Roughly two weeks later, Feral came in dragging a highwood log behind him and pointed at the miners and Mantis who were idly chatting between jobs. “Giant skunk across the river, want me to lay a log so you guys can have a go at it?” Wax grabbed his pick and Mantis her sword “Sure, why not. Could use a bit of practice.” With that Feral grabbed the nearest log and laid it across the river, though Wax said he'd be taking a nap before they headed out. Mona and Usi decided to join in, figuring they could use some practice in combat since they'd probably be the backbone of the settlement's defense. An elephant calf was also born to the matriarch of the herd, and shuffled away to be reared with the rest of the herd.

The squad moved quickly once they'd assembled, and quickly encircled the giant skunk. It  growled at them threateningly, but due to so many opponents didn't know which to spray to drive off first. Mona struck frist from behind, swinging twice into it's back and smashing it's spine while Mantis pinned it in place with a thrust from her sword to it's front paw. It batted her aside into tree, but she righted herself unharmed, aside from some bruises. Usi to the momentary drop in guard to plant his pick in the beast's midsection and jerked it back towards him, yielded its guts and a spray of blood and viscera. Wax finally got stuck in, quite literally as  he smashed into the skunk and planted his pick in its remaining leg, the sickening sound of bone crunching and splintering to the pickax being audible even over the screeching skunk monster.  As Mantis cut into it's fat with her stoneblade and Mona's pick tore into it's upper body, it made an adrenaline fueled swipe at Wax, only to have its paw ripped from the joint by one powerful pickswing, then a backstroke removing one of the rear paws. After another minute or so of swinging picks and increasingly pitiful cries from the skunk, it fell silent. Mantis was rather pleased that night since she got to chop something up, with Wax helping her drag the carcass and severed limbs to the storage building. By the 25, the lesser female of the herd even managed to pop out triplets. Targe and Squid seemed incredibly happy at this, simply saying they'll have a good strong herd in a decade. Mantis also decided, when she learned that the others had left their picks at the battlesite if they weren't using them, to have their meager force stack their weapons across from the beetles that were nesting. “Picks aren't made from rope reed, so they've no reason to eat them.” It was nearly Felsite when the group realized no migrants had come. Feral found this to be a godsend, as their meager supplies would never support a bigger group, though Since Stone had decided to take up fish gutting, they could at least use the river's small bounty to survive another season.

[OoC: This was legit shocking. Usually ANY trading results in teeming hordes dropped in my lap.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2012, 10:07:58 am »

Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #55 on: October 20, 2012, 12:29:34 pm »

Wow...that's a rare message indeed.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2012, 12:00:53 pm »

Indeed it is. Haven't played much, but I shall not let this die! Just fired the game up so I can do another update before playing through more of Hopestarved.

EDIT: Edited the poll for what to do with the elves. If indifferent they'll be put down. I'd like six votes minimum besides my own (3/6 votes cast)


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2012, 02:37:14 pm »

Postin ta watch.
...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2012, 12:12:22 am »

[Much appreciated.]

Work on the mill and well space was coming along nicely. Feral insisted that the roof and mill support be made of cedar, and went to chop down some of the needed trees while Squid and Targe began laying out cage traps in hopes of catching some animals. They took note of a giant opossum roaming around outside the stockade, but even Wax thought it wasn't worth going after anything today. However, one night Zinc made a rather startling outburst of simply “Farms.” “What?” Corai asked, confused. “We need farms. We can't survive on what Wax and the others kill and whatever we pull from bushes forever.” She said, though it seemed like it was just some absent-minded thought. “Zinc was it? Well, you my fine woman are correct.” The others were still taken aback as Zinc rarely spoke to anyone. “What's with the stares? She is right! Feral, surly you see the wisdom in this?” Corai asked. His enthusiasm was beginning to wear the tempers of several of the others thin. They had no grudges against him, but it was just irritating. “The soil here is rather poor, merchant. Even some of the shrubs and saplings find life here difficult.” Lev said darkly. He'd intended to get a farm up at first opportunity, but all of the boulders and patches of stone and saplings made finding  good patch of land difficult, and they hadn't the time to dig irrigation canals. Where would they even put them? “Looks like we got a project Mona, come on.” Usi said grabbing his pick. Mona sighed, simply saying “Alright.” Before draining her cup of whip wine. “Since you're going out, see if you can't dump that shit in those barrels in the depot.” Feral said before glaring at Corai. “What? I thought it was booze!” Corai said defensivly. “It was  pig blood and insect body lube we can't even make use of you fucking tool. If they can get that crap out though we can at least use the barrels.”

The next few days were quiet. A pair of echidna people, probably out to start their own tribe passed through, but otherwise nothing totally important occurred. A dormitory was finished, and the original meeting hut was on the way to being converted to an office space for the manager and book keeper, when they got around to picking them from the group. Then a call was heard. “Elves come!” Who it was was unknown. But there they were, visible through the swathe Feral had cleared for wagons. “Oh damn.... Alright, Mantis, get Wax ,Usi, and Mona. We can't let them out of here alive. If they leave, we'll end up with more people dropped on us than we can handle. Move it!”


“Hey! There's an outpost up ahead!” Coce said excitedly. “Oh, so our high and mighty cousins wern't just blowing a load of ash out their asses?” Gica asked blandly. “This is great! Maybe we can offload some of this damned cloth those dickhead Vamari talked us into buying.” Coce blurted out and began tugging her giant beetle laden with goods towards the stockade. “Damn tree killers.” Gica mumbled. “Hey, they do what they must to keep the bears and whatnot out.” Coce said in the dwarves' defense. After all, not everyone was gifted with power over animals like the forest elves. As they pulled their beetles into the depot and offloaded the animals' loads, they were greeted not by a merchant, but militadwarves. “Expecting an ambush gents?” Coce said with a mile. In return she was responded to with a copper pick removing her hand as the dwarves set upon them. “THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA!” were Gica's final words as the pick tore into his midsection and Mantis smashed him in the head with her kiteshield, coating the tip og it with blood,  grey matter and small bits of bone. The miners meanwhile, as Coce struggled to escape with a shattered spine courtesy of Mona, Set to work on their pack beetles. Coce's beetle succumbed first, all of it's legs on one side being torn away by Usi and Mona with bloody archs of ichor following behind the flying limbs, and as it began to fall limp, Wax delivered a crushing punch to it's head which nearly split the chitin in half. Coce tried feebly to flee but was left ina motionless puddle of blood after Wax removed her arm and Mantis shattered her ribs with a lucky swing from her sword. Next and last, was Gica's packbeetle. As they finished the killing, they realized there were small beetle nymphs roaming around.  “The hell are these things doing here?” Squid seemed overjoyed. “Ohhh! The sugar beetles managed to hatch a clutch of nymphs!” She seemed positively giddy, just as when any new animals were born. “Hey, less talky more beetle choppy.” Skull said, dragging one of the mangled giant beetles into the cellar.

“Hail dwarves! Is this Limulid?” A rather muscular high elf woman said from atop her wagon. “I take it you're the merchants the caravan master told us would be here this year?” Feral said, approaching the wagon. “That'd be us!”  She said with a smile, before looking upon the fallen forest elf corpses. “Real pretty. Come to a minor disagreement I take it?” She asked, slightly disgusted by the mess but seeming otherwise unalarmed.  “Unexpected visitors.” Feral said grimly, kicking Coce's severed hand away from the depot. “We won't tell who killed them if you won't.” She said with a wink. “Let's get to it then shall we? We haveother contacts who want to see what you have to offer. Could make this little place a major trade stop in time!”  “Corai! Come on, we have customers!” Feral shouted before pulling his axe from his belt and walking out of the stockade to fell more highwoods. A major trade stop? That was something Feral was afraid would happen.... It was only a matter of time before the flood of hopefuls would come.


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Re: The Story of Limulid, Goldenrocks.
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2012, 08:56:37 am »

soooo, why did you kill them?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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