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Author Topic: Roll to Raptor: Turn 31 - Where the Buffalo Roam  (Read 70999 times)


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Roll to Raptor: Turn 31 - Where the Buffalo Roam
« on: October 12, 2012, 02:04:22 am »

    You are a Raptor. A Hunter. Go get meat for the young ones!

    Specifically you are a Deinonychus...
    Spoiler: **In a nutshell*** (click to show/hide)

    Note, this post includes the full rules of the game so I can keep track of them. Some of it you don't need to know, but it's there if you want it. Subheadings marked with ** contain the mechanics players must grasp to play.

    Spoiler: **Character Sheet** (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: **Basic Action Rules** (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Status Modifiers (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Your Pack's Territory (click to show/hide)
    « Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 02:26:05 pm by Joben »
    Broken Arrow - A small stats tweak to fix unrealistically overpowered arrows and bolts.

    My RTD games: Roll To Raptor (On hold), Dino Arena


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Raptor
    « Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 02:04:42 am »

    Life here is brutal. Many chicks will not grow to become Hunters. Many Hunters will not survive to become elders.

    If a hunter is killed or crippled another may join the party at your next visit to the home nests. (From the wait-list)

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    « Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 12:59:11 am by Joben »
    Broken Arrow - A small stats tweak to fix unrealistically overpowered arrows and bolts.

    My RTD games: Roll To Raptor (On hold), Dino Arena


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 02:44:18 am »

    ((Ahh, first time GM? I'll give you a shot.  :)

    Warning, I like to Roleplay ))

    Name: Strider
    Sex: Male
    Age: 33
    Description: An older male with a thick broken pattern of perfectly lateral dark brown stripes over a light tan body, he's best referred to as 'Strider'-he's taller and thinner than average, with a longer than normal tail. His claws and teeth are not overlarge, but they seem polished and sharpened, as if he takes good care of them. Oddly, Strider is missing the very tip of his tongue, a thing many of his prey might have wondered about with their last thoughts. This gives his calls and vocalizations a very distinct echoing warble, unique and known to his pack, as all calls are to most degree.

    A recent debilitating leg wound courtesy of a Pachycephalosaurus (a species he now shows marked disdain for) has left him somewhat slower and weaker than the rest of the pack-after sprinting he occasionally suffers from a pronounced and likely painful limp. He likely suffered a recent drop in the packs hierarchy due to this, and is unnaturally tense around the others when not on the hunt. He's happily married (in the sense, insofar as he has a mate he has preferred the most often and longest) and has more than a few children, but first hatched son, Hooktoe is the only one whose old enough to hunt.

    His namesake is his way of hunting-slow, methodical, patient. While his claws and teeth do not reap as much prey as they once did, his sharp senses and hunting calls have summoned and rallied the pack many times to the glorious feast.


    Attack -1
    Defense 0
    Senses +1
    Cunning +1
    Stealth 0
    « Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 03:08:02 am by Dwarmin »
    Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

    "The hats never coming off."


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #3 on: October 12, 2012, 02:55:22 am »

    (Joining as well... actually, just treat my post as having exactly the same OOC note as Dwarmin's. :P Also, Dwar, you don't mind if my character is your's kid, do you?)

    Name: Hooktoe
    Sex: Male
    Age: 7
    Description: A young, bright-eyed male whose name, such as it is, comes from the fact he prefers to disembowel his prey with his powerful hind legs while pinning it down with his teeth. He's of small size and powerful build, but unlike his father who operates on cunning and guile, he's unfortunately about as dumb as a rock like his mother. His coloring is mostly dark brown, the better to blend in against trees and mud with. He's only just recently been allowed to start hunting with the pack and has a few kills to his name. He's very eager to prove himself and so can be considered hot-headed.


    Attack: +1
    Defense: 0
    Senses: 0
    Cunning: -1
    Stealth: +1
    SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #4 on: October 12, 2012, 02:56:32 am »

    Name: Charlie
    Sex: Male
    Age: 11


    Defense -1
    Cunning +1
    Stealth +1

    « Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 03:00:02 am by NRDL »
    NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #5 on: October 12, 2012, 03:00:11 am »

    ((@Serc: Sounds good to me. Though, how come I feel this is going to end up like...

    Serc: *leaps into Tar pit*
    Me: 'I tell you what, that boy aint right'


    Ahh, what a vague reference.

    @Nrdl: If you name a dinosaur Charlie, we're going to kill you out of the pack! Think of a...more raptor-y name. ))
    Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

    "The hats never coming off."


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #6 on: October 12, 2012, 03:04:27 am »

    (I didn't realize their last name was Hill. :P But yeah, that seems somewhat likely with the -1 Cunning.)
    SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


    • Bay Watcher
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      • Lazy Lizard Gear
    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #7 on: October 12, 2012, 03:15:27 am »

    Great we're almost there. One more guy to start.

    @Dwar lots of RP is great!

    @Serious I'm SO pleased to have you here. I'm a big fan of your play-style after reading all of Deviation-22

    Broken Arrow - A small stats tweak to fix unrealistically overpowered arrows and bolts.

    My RTD games: Roll To Raptor (On hold), Dino Arena


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #8 on: October 12, 2012, 03:20:38 am »

    (First time I ever got that reception. :P I thought for sure you'd be dreading me, like 'oh God it's the innuendo-crazed maniac here to troll the other players' or something.

    More seriously though, thanks. It's nice to be welcomed. ^^^ Also I'm looking forward to this. It'll be a bit unusual; I don't RP animals much at all - I think I've played... one of the more animalistic Khajiit types in an Oblivion RTD and that's about it - but it sounds very interesting.)
    « Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 03:23:24 am by SeriousConcentrate »
    SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #9 on: October 12, 2012, 03:32:48 am »

    And, claimed last spot >:D

    ((Ahh, first time GM? I'll give you a shot.  :)

    Warning, I like to Roleplay ))

    Name: Moonfang
    Sex: Female
    Age: 17
    Description: A female in her maturity, Moonfang is aptly called for her canines -- gleaming in any source of light, and sharpened to puncture flesh easily. Streaks of amber and tan flow down her body, complementing the partly-iridescent color pattern which singles her out from the rest of the pack.

    Fortunately, she lives up to her name, having been bred and trained by her parents (who are now sadly processed from the cycle of life) to give any potential mate a run for his money, and possibly any predator foolish enough to attack her. Her colors make her stand out, though, but this could work as a double-edged sword.

    Attack +1
    Defense +1
    Senses 0
    Cunning 0
    Stealth -1
    « Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 11:32:16 am by Tiruin »


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 03:50:36 am »

    Gosh. Can I waitlist?

    edit: actually I probably won't have time for another game but I'll certainly watch.
    « Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 04:26:17 am by lawastooshort »


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 04:03:42 am »

    I wonder what kind of large carnivores were around at that time?


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #12 on: October 12, 2012, 04:22:08 am »

    I wonder what kind of large carnivores were around at that time?

    ((Rule of cool says...all of them?))
    Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

    "The hats never coming off."


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #13 on: October 12, 2012, 06:32:01 am »

    I wonder what kind of large carnivores were around at that time?
    Ornithomimus. Also Microvenator, but it's about the same size as Deinonychus.
    Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
    [GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


    • Bay Watcher
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      • Lazy Lizard Gear
    Re: Roll to Velociraptor
    « Reply #14 on: October 12, 2012, 11:19:49 am »

    ((Dwarmin is the Alpha, or the pack leader. :3))

    Very clever sir, +1 internets to you. Dwarmin's raptor is the oldest and therefore the default leader of the group.

    Dissent it possible but the other raptors will find it psychologically difficult to disobey orders from him. If one of the whippersnappers doesn't like the way things are going he can challenge for dominance if you have downtime for a sparring match.

    I wonder what kind of large carnivores were around at that time?

    Depends on what time it is. dundunDUN. ;)

    Rule of Cool will probably have a large influence on this game. We may even get to Somewhere, a Palaeontologist is Crying territory.


    Ok, gonna proccess the sheets, and start writing a setup info dump for where you are.
    Broken Arrow - A small stats tweak to fix unrealistically overpowered arrows and bolts.

    My RTD games: Roll To Raptor (On hold), Dino Arena
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