Sauropelta - Hardback most comon plant eating dinosaur in this part of the world. When full grown they are about half again as long as an adult Hunter, and weight about 20 times as much. (3300 pounds) The bulk of the weight being thick armor and clusters of spikes on the top of the head, neck and back. Pairs of spike horns several feet long project from the front shoulders or some individuals. The whole bulk supported by trunk like legs. They can be bad tempered, but play to their strengths in combat, attempting to guard, and making occasional forward rushes.
-1 Cunning
-1 Sense
+1 Defense +2 From the Front and/or Top
Hits to top of head, neck, back and front shoulders encounter significant damage resistance.
Tenontosaurus - Common Herbivore is one of the most common creatures in your world and a traditional prey for your kind. They lack dedicated weapons or armor, but adults weight about 1.5 tons and are not to be underestimated. (Wolf vs Moose is an equivalent match) You're better off trying to separate a youngster from it's parents if you're hungry.
-1 Defense Rolls
Consider attacks it makes to generally be blunt. No massive claws or teeth. Would rather avoid combat unless in defense of close kin. Quadrupedal, hard to knock prone.
Corythosaurus - Duckbill
Max weight: 4 tons.
Max length: 33 feet. though they can walk on two legs if they wish. Herbivores. Can make a very loud low pitched calls to alert herd members to danger. Bulky physique, like cattle.
Combat behavior similar to a larger Tenontosaurus.
Snatcher - ~10 feet and 140 pounds as adults.
-1 Attack
-1 Defense
0 Sense
-1 Cunning
0 Stealth
Snatcher Boss - ~11 feet and 150 pounds
+1 Stealth
+1 Sense
Rivals to Hunters, not as good physically though. Sorta humans vs orcs thing going on. Weigh a bit less, no sickle claws, teeth not as imposing.
Theoretically these are a large Microventaror following some scientist's theory that the skeletons found so far are juveniles. Not much seems to be known about these guys, but they lived in the right area and were about the size I needed for an early enemy.

Damage Multiplier 3 (3-18 on hit)
Alamosaurus - Longneck
height- 40 feet (from foot to head in average stance)
Length- 120 feet (35-37 m) (from head to tail)
Weight- 100 tons (metric)
+1 Sense (so tall, hard to sneak up on.)
-2 Attack vs Small. -0 vs things in it's size class.
-3 Stealth (Seriously too big to hide)
Can't be Held by anything under 1/4 it's weight.
-2 Defense (Ponderous Bulk)
-2 To damage rolls against it. (Thick skin. you can hit it, but did you hurt it? Can you even reach it's vitals?)
A giant Sauropod, one of the biggest ever. A humongous frame with a long neck at one and and an equally long tail on the other. Players killing one of these things could literally take days, if they can even manage it. Not so much a fight as a siege. And you might lose raptors in the process. All it needs to do is step on one...
Albertosaurus - Deathbringer feet long
1.5 tons.
Large Therapod, but smaller than Trex. Absurdly dangerous if you get on their bad side. They hunt in packs like you. They are much bigger than you. They are your worst nightmare. A 2 year old might weigh 110 pounds. Almost a match for a full grown Hunter. Adult at about 16 years at which point they are ~10 times your own weight.
Acrocanthosaurus - Great One feet long. 7 tons.
TL:DR Like a T-Rex, but heavier.
Apex land predator in the area. Even a pack of Albertosaurus would rather not mess with one most of the time because no one wants to be the first to die. It preys on the big stuff, but will happily waltz over and steal your kills. Just because it can. It's not so big a whole pack has no hope of hurting it. But...don't take that as an invitation. This thing can kill with a single bite.
It has the standard Therapod body plan but on a huge scale. Large head with massive jaws. Relatively small arms. Long stiff tail for balance. Long muscular legs. Very tall, it's belly is above player head height. Back and upper neck have huge extra muscle and thick flesh making it's shoulders look bulky.
General Combat Notes:
Reduced damage to back and upper neck.
Moving at high speed is risky for this creature. A fall would be something like 6g decelration to the body. Broken bones ensure.
IT can kick well while standing still, or moving very slowly. Can't jump-kick or kick while running. Enough muscle to charge and possibly flip fairly large creatures. Or grab and yank legs out from under them.
VS Player Combat Notes:
Heavily muscled core and back give it above average agility for a creature it's size; it can whirl around to face surprise threats and lunge about it's own body length.
When standing upright can only be hit in the belly or legs.
-2 Attack vs Players
Bite Damage Multiplier: 20 (Egregious Damage)
(Over a 2 and the target is held in the jaws)
Kick Damage Multiplier: 10
Fore-claw Damage Multiplier: 3 (Prefers to grapple with these)
+2 cunning when players roll to escape it's grapples and holds
General stats:
+1 Sense
-1 Stealth
Deinosuchus - Giant Crocodile "Longmaw"
9 tons. 40 feet
Stealth +2 IN WATER
+1 Attack IN WATER
+1 Defense
Ambush predator, frequently hides and strikes when opportunity presents. Absolutely nothing in your entire world that is capable of cognition would mess with this thing on purpose. Let me repeat. Crocodile. 40 feet long. 9 tons.