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Author Topic: Problem with Compiling?  (Read 755 times)

Avails Mew

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Problem with Compiling?
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:12:20 pm »

Hey guys, I am running into a serious issue by compiling with Visual C++ 2010. Whenever I compile and debug it gives me the same error, "Unable to start program 'C:\Evan\Desktop\New Folder (2)\workspaces\.\Debug\game.exe' The system cannot find the file specified." Could someone please help me out with this?

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Problem with Compiling?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2012, 07:14:09 pm »

First question is, are there other errors along with this one? If it didn't compile, that's your number one issue; you'll have to fix errors in the code before you can test the changes to the game, since the compiler didn't understand how to compile it.

If you aren't getting other errors, try running the executable at "C:\Evan\Desktop\New Folder (2)\workspaces\Debug\crimesquad.exe". You should have a copy from checkout, so this should work. The only real question *ought* to be whether it compiled a new one for you.

If the actual Debug executable in crimesquad.exe has been updated, then something in the project settings needs to be changed so that it launches that exe file instead of the non-existent one it's referencing in your error message.

If that file exists but it hasn't been updated, and your actual compile is working, then Visual Studio 2010 is handling the debug exe differently than earlier versions and is just compiling it to a different location, and I'm at a loss as to why it can't find it after compiling it. You might try rooting around in the project settings to try compiling to the old exe and directory. It's a bit of a long shot though.

In the end, given that it's not able to launch the program, my best guess is that it's either not compiling at all (probably due to code errors), or is looking for the executable in a different location than where it's putting it.

Capital Fish

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Re: Problem with Compiling?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2012, 08:27:50 pm »

This is going to be the least helpful thing you've ever read, but I've had this problem myself. I think it's related to the new version of Visual Studio. I had an older version of Visual installed on my old computer, and everything worked fine. After installing a newer version of Visual on my new computer, however, I was tearing my hair out trying to get LCS to compile.

Fortunately, I did manage to get it to compile. It was a few months ago, and I don't remember the exact steps I took, but the problem (I think) was that the program is saved as "crimesquad" while Visual was looking for a file called "game". Or maybe it was the other way around. I don't quite remember.

Anyway, when you've got LCS loaded in Visual, look to the side where all the files are. The file at the very top will say either "game" or "crimesquad". You want it to say the other thing. I forget the specific way I changed it. It might have been really simple, but I might have had to jump through a bunch of hoops, in which case it wasn't. The crimesquad/game mixup was the bulk of my problem however. I was able to compile after I had fixed that.

I hope this was at least somewhat helpful. If it wasn't (or if I've just confused you more), then I'm very sorry for wasting your time.
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Avails Mew

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Re: Problem with Compiling?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2012, 09:13:34 pm »

This is going to be the least helpful thing you've ever read, but I've had this problem myself. I think it's related to the new version of Visual Studio. I had an older version of Visual installed on my old computer, and everything worked fine. After installing a newer version of Visual on my new computer, however, I was tearing my hair out trying to get LCS to compile.

Fortunately, I did manage to get it to compile. It was a few months ago, and I don't remember the exact steps I took, but the problem (I think) was that the program is saved as "crimesquad" while Visual was looking for a file called "game". Or maybe it was the other way around. I don't quite remember.

Anyway, when you've got LCS loaded in Visual, look to the side where all the files are. The file at the very top will say either "game" or "crimesquad". You want it to say the other thing. I forget the specific way I changed it. It might have been really simple, but I might have had to jump through a bunch of hoops, in which case it wasn't. The crimesquad/game mixup was the bulk of my problem however. I was able to compile after I had fixed that.

I hope this was at least somewhat helpful. If it wasn't (or if I've just confused you more), then I'm very sorry for wasting your time.
Holy fucking shit, you are a genius. You have to change 'Crimesquad' to 'game'. Thank you man.