the Male Night Troll
"My father says I earn a name when people fear me enough to give me one."Physical Traits:Tattooed Arms
"Prevents me from getting magic fatigued as easily, and even helps out a bit with casting. Also: Fashionable."Springy Legs
"I wish I could fly, but being able to jump like a flea and kick peoples ribs in is the next best thing."Camouflaged Body
"I can be invisible... at a glance or at a distance." Hypnotic Gaze
"I'm good at disabling a mortal's self preservation instinct... not so good at predicting his actions once I do."Skills:
Eon Manipulation (+4)
"Eon Manipulation is a family tradition. I hope to someday be as good as my father..."Stealth (+4)
"They can't escape what they can't see!"Dark Manipulation (+2)
"The night is my birthright and my greatest ally..."Night Creature Empathy (+1)
"Because it pays to be friends with other night dwellers."Communication (+1)
"Even for one as hideous as myself, a silver tongue goes a long way!"Inventory:A cursed bracelet of binding (Worn)
An Elf Tooth Charm Necklace (Worn)
Alchemist's Work Outfit [Shirt, Apron, Pants] (Worn)
-7 Fistfulls of Oak Ash (In pocket)
-1 Flask of Oil [4/5 Full] (In pocket)
-1 Flint Fire-starter Kit (In pocket)
-1 Pair of Forceps (In pocket)
-1 Handheld mirror (In pocket)
-2 Large Rubies (In Pocket)
-1 Human Stomach of Phyros [Magically Preserved] (In Pocket)
-1 Human Brain of Phyros [Magically Preserved] (In Pocket)
-1 Medium Sized Jar Labeled 'Ghost Pepper Jam' (In Pocket)
-1 Small Sack of Grey Powder Labeled 'Phoenix Ash' (In Pocket)
-1 Small Sack of Assorted Dragon Bits [Small Bones, Scales, Teeth, Ect] (In Pocket)
-1 Small Sack Labeled 'Warning: Gunpowder' (In Pocket)
-1 Book Titled 'The Utility of Fire: Basic Flame Manipulation for Non-Combat Use' (In Pocket)
-1 Book Titled 'Intro to the Inferno: The Scourge's Guide to Flame Manipulation' (In Pocket)
-1 Book Titled 'The Devil's Cookbook: Alchemy for Those Lacking in Moral Fiber' (In Pocket)
Thick Belt (Worn)
-1 Large Knife (Sheathed, Hanging from Belt)
"Well at least my master let me keep my belongings."Perks:Magic PerksBudding Animal Empath: You will gain the animal empathy skill if you succeed in 2 animal empathy actions, or successfully study it in a book
Improving Eon Mage: Your Eon magic skill will increase if you succeed in 4 successful Eon Manipulation actions, or train extensively with a superior eon manipulator twice.
Time Displacement Specialist: Take a +1 to any attempt to send something foward in time.
Budding Fire Manipulator: You will gain the fire manipulation skill if you succeed in 2 fire manipulation actions or train with somebody who has it
Aspiring Water Manipulator: You will gain the water manipulation skill if you succeed in 6 water manipulation actions, or train extensively with somebody who has it
Fire Manipulation Utility Theory: You do not suffer an untrained skill penalty for using non-destructive fire magic
Fire Manipulation Combat Theory: You do not suffer an untrained skill penalty for using fire magic to destroy, kill, or maim
Bug Speaker: You do not suffer an untrained skill penalty for using animal empathy on bugs
Reproductive PerksMature: You are physically and mentally capable of converting and impregnating mates. To do so you must spend a "Gift" perk. "Gift" perks can be gained by rolling very high, learning new skills, or through other supernatural means. If you create a child it may be born with some traits of it's mother in addition to whatever gift you use to conceive it.
First Gift: Can be spent to convert or impregnate a mate. The night troll created will have your four physical features. Gifts that grant more than two traits are rare, so this may be worth saving for somebody special.
Gift of Displacement: Can be spent to convert or impregnate a mate. The night troll created will have the ability to blink forward short distances through time and/or space.
Recipes:Drought of Perception Blotting: Causes the drinker to become invisible to members of a single sentient race unless the drinker tries to get their attention or is pointed out to them.
-1 Brain of the Race you wish to be not noticed by
-1 Fistfull of ash from burned oak
-1 1 Large Mug of digestive juices from a mammal