Dwarf Fortress > DF Gameplay Questions

Wounds and resting

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I'm pretty sure the wiki didn't have an answer for this anyway so-I've got a dwarf with a broken arm, but I don't have any beds made.  Since there are no beds, he has no way to start his Rest task, so he's mingling and hauling like nothing's wrong.My question is, if he never gets to Rest, will his wound not heal at the season change?  Have less of a chance?And if there's no difference, is this a way to keep wounded dwarves useful?

Osmosis Jones:
No there's no penalty to not having a bed (I know you don't need to be in a bed to heal, because I've seen a dwarf heal a yellow wound while on foot), with two exceptions. 1) Your dorfs will be unhappy about sleeping on the mud etc, nobles especially.2) If your dorfs are critically injured - e.g. can't move themselves - they're dead. They won't get fed or watered, they'll just lie on the battlefield till they starve.Now that I think about it, here's another reason to ditch the beds; If your dwarves are bedridden for too long, they go nuts. I had one dwarf go berko and and slaughter, among others, her husband, and a second dwarf start babbling and throw himself into the incinerator (yes, they can walk when crazy... go figure). Both were either happy or ecstatic at the time too.So yeah, ditch the beds, and buy yourself some armor racks. That way, they get barracks instead of bedrooms.

Thanks for the info.  I love that you assume he was wounded in battle; he got his arm broken wrestling a deer.Which leads me to two more questions.1) I've now got a dwarf missing an eye.  (A lamprey latched onto his face and sucked it right out of his head.)  He doesn't seem too effected by it, not flashing or anything.  If a dwarf loses a limb, or an eye, will he Rest his life away waiting for it to regenerate, or are missing parts exempted from Rest checks?2) I knew a barracks was made from stands/racks, but I'm not supposed to make a bedroom?  So, I should make it so the barracks encompases beds then?  (In a sane fortress anyway).

Osmosis Jones:
Dunno bout the bed in the barracks... dwarves will sleep in barracks if they don't have a bedroom. This also means they act as hospitals, with injured dwarves using the communal barrack beds.
So, there's a goodly chance that if you put a bed in any barracks, you'll undo any benefit of having no beds (However, you can set ownership of the barracks, so that might limit who can use them).  The only reason I suggest barracks is it will tell your dwarves to sleep in a specific place, something you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without beds. As for missing limbs, I really wouldn't know. However there are numerous tales of blind marksdwarves floating around etc, so I guess they eventually stop stressing bout it.

I don't think a missing eye will give you a problem. They will go about their business normally.Missing limbs are a quite a bit different. Every dwarf I have had that has lost a limb dies. They just lie where they are injured until they die of starvation or dehydration. Dwarves won't rescue them because they don't have an injured bodypart.


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