I quite like the colour scheme. Lee's Natural colours is a scheme I'd never thought to try, it looks good with the new background colour.
Tileset reminds me of a cross between Tocky and Jolly Bastion. Any plans for a square version?
I said it is based on Plac1id's tileset without knowing that his tileset was based on Tocky's...

I have a square 12x12 version but without backgrounds and with different dwarves tiles, i'll add them and then upload both versions.
actually i have already uploaded it
http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Tileset_repository#VidumecVidumec is my login for magmawiki also there is my first try of messing with colored backgrounds This looks really good! After seeing all these amazing tilesets I really want to ask someone to make a custom ASCII tileset for my Post-Apocalypse mod to enhance the feeling of the wasteland, but I am not sure if someone may do it for me
Is there any green vegetation in your mod?

Changing the ground background to wasteland colors is not complicated, just a small playaround with values to find the matching ones. Are you using modified raws to change some of the tiles to add extra stuff into the game? Looking at Joyous Bastion and this, it seems that by subtle tweaking of colorscheme and tiles backgrounds vastly different atmospheres can be created...
TO ALL:Thanks! I've actually done this tileset for myself, but when i finished it i just felt an urge of sharing and could not resist it

PS:added another screenshot, showing a fortress of a little bit later stage