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Author Topic: Appreciation post.  (Read 756 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Appreciation post.
« on: March 08, 2013, 05:02:55 am »

So, there are a few people that I think may not be getting the appreciation they deserve, so I thought I would make a small OT post for them.

I, of course, have to thank Tarn Adams, also known as The Great Toad or Today One, and Fox. Without them I wouldn't have a reason to thank them and we also wouldn't have Liberal Crime Squad today. I also think I should thank "ThreeToe," whoever he is, since he is the third mod for Curses.

I also need to thank KA101, because without him version we wouldn't have 4.06.04. If you don't know KA101 made a mod that added new things to the department store, which lead to Fox making the new version. I would also like to thank him for reminding me that things that I said were actually important and helped drive a past version, which lead me to not hold my ideas in, which, if you think about it, is another way he helped LCS expand.

I would also like to thank The Darkling Wolf, he was nice, calm, and cool headed on one of my previous thread which was deleted. I know I was kind of breaking rules posting it, even though I didn't at the time, and he was nice enough to support it and even helped support it against people who didn't like the idea, and were flaming it.

Now, I was told that I was far to modest, so I thought I would give myself a pat on the back for giving suggestions and ideas that helped bring about version 4.05., as well as the AA guns, and I also discussed the idea of bank robberies.

Lastly, I think you, everyone reading this, should be thanked for posting, making comments, downloading the game and generally keeping it alive. Even though you may not think it, you are helping Liberal Crime Squad with every post and reply you make. So, I think we should all give everyone a round of applause, and I think we all deserve a Liberal medal.
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."

Just goes to show, even a Male Doctor that Looks Like a Female and a Criminal with Poor Hygiene Habits can fall in love.

Jonathan S. Fox

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Appreciation post.
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 05:23:25 am »

ThreeToe is Toady One's brother, Zach Adams. I don't have a clear understanding of how big of a role he plays in Bay12Games, but my best understanding is that while he doesn't program the games, he is a major contributor to the design and vision of both early LCS and Dwarf Fortress. I don't think I've ever asked, but I imagine he does indeed deserve thanks in helping to make LCS.