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Rise of the Magic Girls: The mine

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Selina jumps from the sudden smashing of her house before realising their getting attacked... and that her house has a big hole in it now.

"W-why did this have to... to happen now, of all times...?" Selina turned to Maria but saw she had already transformed. She started to panic before thinking, maybe i can do it on my own now.

"Come on Selina, you can do it." Selina starts to focus on transforming, trying to think of turning into Ghost. Her thought wandered though, and she began thinking of Maria kissing her. How great it had felt, their lips together, the warm feeling that ran through her whole body. Then suddenly, Selina began to glow again. Not as quickly as before, but after a few seconds, she had fully transformed into Ghost again and knew how to do it again. (Plan B!)

"Good job Selina! Now, big bad monster to kill... and try not to burn the house down Nuriel."Ghost pulls the sword with the green gem from earlier back out of the sketchbook, much easier now since it was already infused with magic.

"Your going down you scalely monster!

And Kyle just kind of walks in the hole as he was watching the new magic girl and the scalely girl fight.
"Um... Try not to hit that house? Goddammit do you know how hard it is to watch people fight in a house!? Quite hard! Oh, wait I should help."
And Kyle transforms. And Not Kyle has a beard in addition to red hair and an accent.

Maxinum McDreich:
(HOLY COW! I hate going to sleep at a reasonable time... you guys just go WAAAAY ahead. On a note, I just finished my HND accounting course and am happy ^^)

(some additional reactions from Matt from before:)
Matt blushed profusely at Conny when she had her shirt off, and as he stopped gazing, he noticed Selina was looking the other way suitably embarrassed. Something in his head bothered him by this, but he couldn't pinpoint what. (funny story, Matt's not seen Maria and Selina kiss, and only heard it once from Kyle and can assume it was a joke :P).

Once everyone was rushed out as Angel's parents were arriving, Matt had gone back home after chatting with Kyle and thanking him for dragging him out after all. It was embarrassing and horrible with them knowing Gintama, particularly with Selina and Maria. Oh, that was bugging him too. He was thinking this over on the way back, before sighing: 'So, bottom line, I think I like Selina... but Maria calls me cute and likeable which makes my head like her as I feel I have a better shot... damn these hormones. Why can't I have an adult's bod-... ok... why can't I have a NORMAL adult's body?' Matt corrected himself when he remembered Gintama.

On arriving back, he sat down at his computer. It was important to find as much information as possible. He specifically looked up on any magical events that Gintama could go help and if there were any sympathisers in the Austrialian government of influence that could help them. It didn't feel like much, but maybe he could be of worth using his own head.

The woman look at the magic girl squad "Did I interrupt a magic girl tea party or something?"

--- Quote from: GreatWyrmGold on June 14, 2013, 07:12:38 am ---Angel knew what to do. First, the one-liner:
"You interrupted my drawing lesson."

--- End quote ---
" humans get weirder the more I fight."

--- Quote from: Burnt Pies on June 14, 2013, 04:22:32 am ---"I'll give you one more chance to explain who the Hell you are and what you want with me before I start fighting properly."

--- End quote ---
I am the vanguard, Tabella and you are my enemy, nothing more."

She turn to the monsters "Gold! Xantalos! Attack!"

Nuriel cast(12+7) a field of fire catching all three (5+1vs9+2,10+6,20+9) who all block the magic attack with barriers, the dragon barely manages it, but the magic girl and mass of flesh do it so easily they throw an attack back.

*COUNTER* An axe and a tentacle fly through the flames(18+6,16+9vs4(well the RNG hate you)+5) and both hit(4+6,6+9vs5+7) but only the tentacle does anything noticeable, drawing blood(Nuriel HP:103/105)

Chiron ride through the beasts, choosing the dragon as his first target(2+5vs20+2) but the dragon fly up and unleashed a fireball back.

*COUNTER* (4+9vs15+5) Which Chiron cut in half with his staff(don't ask, magic).

"Nice try, here ours. Dance to my will." Tabella hands glow blue. Xantalos and Gold start glowing the same colour, causing the mass to dig into the ground while the dragon take fight "Malice!"(tails)(3+6)(18+9vs11+5-3(misdirection))*CRIT* Chiron look at Tabella, thinking the attack coming that way, allow tendrils to grab him from below. Tabella giggles "Meteorite!" (5+9vs*CRIT* negated dodge chance, *CRIT*)(13+9x2vs12+5) Chiron look up in time to see a fireball that engulf him.

Anima screams in shared pain(Anima HP:38/65). The tendrils are burned away, but Xantalos seem unaffected by their loss.

"Tá tú ag dul chun íoc as sin. I fola!"
Kyle attempts the rasengan again.


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