Winter 198The artifact is done - Again, it is truly great, as well as being something actually usable by an adult. It seems the madness that takes some dwarves does seem to listen to reason. The only unfortunate thing is that some forms of the madness leave no learning behind - and this was one of them. I wish ghosts would be a bit more considerate.
I've begun some work on growing the smelting works. This is hampered by the fact that I don't know quite where the top of the magma sea is and I needed to build our iron production with some speed to attempt to get the furniture for the Captain of the Guard's quarters finished. I still didn't finish all the furniture but so long as the smelteries keep going...
What is it with Exodius and ANVILS?! THIS IS MANDATE THREE. THREE. WE ARE SWIMMING IN ANVILS (I need to make more forges - or more likely, leave that to my successor, with how late in the year it is growing) But Exodius. WHAT. IS YOUR ARMOK BE DAMNED FETISH. FOR ANVILS. BY ARMOK'S BEARD ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS GO DOWN TO THE FURNITURE STOCKS. THERE ARE SEVEN OF THEM IN THERE I THINK. By Armok he was a capable leader but he seems to have lost his... whatever he's left to lose.
I am being truthful though. We have many anvils.
I've focused inward a lot, in the new crafting area. All three floors are completely dug out now. I never got the opportunity to set up the minecart system I wished to. Truthfully I never got the chance to even start it. However the way things are current set up, we have a place for finished crafts, a place for furniture right next to it, There's room for more stockpiles, however I've not designated it yet, there not being a true need yet.
In the materials floor there is a stockpile for stones that have been determined to be useful economically, a section for wood right below the carpentry shops, a section for gems under the jeweler's shops, and a section for cloth below the cloth shops. They are not terribly full yet (Except for the stone) but I was planning for our crafting area to be able to expand easily.
I've also built at least one of most work-
FEH! By the hirsute ballsacks of Armok what idiot put the butchery INSIDE THE FORTRESS! There is SOMETHING in there that is rotting and I can barely see through the stench caused by the unfortunate decision by that quivering pustule!
End of Winter thoughts:
I cannot say I succeeded in all of my aims. Nor can I say I failed. I wished to make things more efficient and I succeeded to a degree. We are no longer using all of our iron faster than we can make it, with the added smelteries. I have worked to make our crafting less chaotic, as well as having our craftsdwarves make crafts to increase our trade economy. I've made some small steps at repaying the debt that Exodius left us. I've built at least one of each workshop I can think of that would be useful. I hope whoever follows me will know more what to do with the military because I didn't know how to handle them at all. It was like they were in a different outpost altogether from me.
Unrelated, a notice came to me while I was finishing these notes. It seems that we are passing into an age of Legends.
((I'm really sorry this took so long. I got sick, and now there's a lot of potentially deadly infection going around my family so I've not been in the right place to finish the writing. I'm still not completely but hey, distraction.
Anyway, here is the save

I had a lot of fun doing this! I'll try to keep up with some journal entries until the fort dies, but my semester is starting soon meaning I get even BUSIER