Date: ??/Granite/141
Well here we go....Another try at getting me killed.Why do they always want to kill me?I am handsome,rich,powerful and....About to get much richer!!!
The fools thought they could force me to work?At a fortress?Where the dwarves probably only eat mushrooms?Well I say let them!
My plan is simple!Try and double the worth of the fortress!!!Or even triple it!!!How does one do that with a pile of stone and dwarves???
Easy!So easy!Create loads and loads of rooms.And smooth them and engrave them!!!Make every one stinking dwarve (except farmers etc...Duh noone wants to die) a stone worker.Couldnt be simpler!!!Also by making a great chamber for myself....(I told the dwarves its going to be for the King or whatever...And they bought it!)
So time to get started
And the evil part

....Let the former overseers join in the engraving!!!Its for efficiency of course...The faster the better.Every dwarve makes a difference.Well except me.I know absolutely nothing about stone so I would be of no use.Yes its better for my to watch and order them about!!!
(Note to self:Selecting the entire map for smoothing doesnt work very well and results in a really bad lagspike....)
Artistic sketches:
http://prntscr.com/1suuqz -Some of the engraving recruits

Sorry my dear dwarves but I hope to write more but suddenly everything got frozen when I issued the command about smoothing!!!I feel evil powers are at work!!!
(Sorry but cant post anymore because of the lagspike....I might have to go back to the previous save if it doesnt unlag?.Until then I'm posting this)
Its a miracle!!!I can move again!And issue commands again!
What a tantrum!!!In my fortress?!
http://prntscr.com/1suwpw -Some dwarves dont take kindly to a change of job?

And in case you kind folks are wondering:
http://prntscr.com/1suy92 -My chambers in progress.The room at the very top of the sketch is going to be my burial site.The halls will have pillars as you can see in my beautiful masterpiece of a sketch.
Note to self:DONT EVERY SELECT THE WHOLE MAP FOR SMOOTHING.Thats right loads of lag now and stuff but once they the dwarves are finished it will probably be all great.....I hope...
Now what kind of leader only cares for himself???Not me ofcourse!
Im creating a great housing project to house all the dwarves that will come here in the future! Two x one sized rooms!!!Thats right!!!Smoothed floors and walls!!!Great stone doors...And best of all...Great wooden beds!!!Isnt it great?!?!
Note to self: Stop overusing question and exclaimation marks.And stop waving your hands around while you read this to yourself.Its not these people will see and hear this great speech....Its just another
crummy diary journal.
(Edit:Everything unfroze....5 secs after I posted...Ugh do i hate dwarf fortress for this)