Didn't losed... barely... Probably will lose...
Jomon. Lucked out kingdom of Eludia just nearby home province. Captured throne of bones, get necromancer and some zombie mooks from it. Fighted for a bit with Tien Chi, built castle at but not captured another throne(forgot that you need a prophet for this, dammit), built provincial defence and some native archer cavalry, was pushed back to one province around my home and throne of bones. I then turtled down and continued to spam onmyo-jis and eludian mages for a while. Tien Chi made few attempts at capturing second throne with 20 mooks(why? bot sometimes refuses to see provincial defence?), then get a bit beaten by Ragha and turtled too.
On turn ~45 i suddenly event on province with second throne(stuck between Ragha, Tien Chi capital with 400+ nature summons (where the hell they get so much gems?) and my unwillingness to give it up) - ruler get posessed by demon! This causes turmoil tomax out, and constantly causes unrest events. And i have absolutely no way to banish damn thing, because my closest priest is 5 enemy provinces apart from it. Ok, patrol can deal with unrest, so i don't care much.
Then, Ragha terrythory nearby throne of bones get captured by freaking HORDE of Ulm troops. There was 800 of them in one stack, and some more roaming around. I hastely move all my mages(25 onmyos and 9 eludians) to the throne. I formed all of them in a communion, with eludian mage leader, which was supposed to cast light of the northern star to buff everyone to 3 astral. Then 2 more eludians will cast antimagic and astral healing. Everyone else spams with soul slay and stellar cascades. Regular troops are standing in place, militia first. Probably not the best plan, but should work.
Ulm wasn't eager to attack me for some reason, so when i noticed 200-250 army, i decided to attack myself.
I forgot that if you want stealth units to attack, you must press Ctrl+RMB. Thrice goddamned eludians didn't show up for a party. So, no soul slays, no antimagic, no regen. I winned the battle, killed all their summons, but losed 20 onmyos, partially because i forgot about archers, and giving mages at least some protection against them. But now i have on this province 14 mages total(necromancer died too), ~300 troops half of which is militia, and 800+ army just nearby. Help.

Can someone identify banner in a sea to the west and south? It isn't Lemuria that gone underwater?(with magic, growth, and productivity, yeah)
And before battle i had this

EDIT: No help needed, Ulm divivded his doomstack in many 200 stacks, which i promptly slaughtered with minimal looses. And yes, it's really underwater Lemuria. With Growth 3, Productivity 2, Order 2, Luck 3, Magic 1 and Temperature -1.

Developers really wasn't able to make Lemuria AI to not pick literraly worst things possible?