And again, I have absolutely no idea why, but adding [SYN_AFFECTED_CLASS:ALL] (ALL is something we've all used) seems to have fixed the problem. Either that or some of the other fiddling I did with the raws to make them resemble disease mod more.
The exact changes were
[SYN_NAME:vampirism present for creature]
[SYN_NAME:vampirism present for creature]
[SYN_NAME:vampirism determined]
[SYN_NAME:vampirism determined]
And that's it. Weird.
New version with apparent fix uploaded. Please redownload and overwrite... and sorry, Jacen.
There seems to be some confusion so as to how this all works, so short explanation
- The "pray for vampirism" is available to all with HAS_VAMPIRES and can be targeted on self daily, but target cannot have VAMPIRISM_SET class syndrome. So once it's done once, cannot target self -> anyone again.
- Using it gives with 100% certainty a VAMPIRISM_SET syndrome that's permanent (only pray once per lifetime) and with 10% probability a chance to go to the next step via another similar interaction. Cannot proceed to next step if you have VAMPIRISM_DETERMINED, a redundant safeguard.
- The next step always sets VAMPIRISM_DETERMINED permanently, and with 1% chance makes you able to spread vampirism to yourself only as if you were a vampire already. This then makes you a vampire once done. So all in all you have a 0.1% chance in lifetime to become a vampire if you are a creature with HAS_VAMPIRES.
- Vampires, then, can spread it, bypassing all other interactions, 2x/year after a DF year (28x12x1200 phases) and start slashing things with a delay too. These effects don't start immediately so as to not have cascades.
What seemed to be the problem was that not having defined whom the syndrome affects somehow made it affect everyone upon DF reload? Still not sure, but my test saves and reloads no longer turn people who aren't supposed to be vampires into vampires.