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Author Topic: The luckiest tourist EVER (Update underway...)  (Read 89898 times)

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER (Now playing the 1-on-1 community game)
« Reply #240 on: December 04, 2013, 03:57:15 am »

Had a RL steal my artifact "Free time" and the resultant tantrum spiral has kept me from updating.  Game is on hold for awhile.  Sorry guys.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #241 on: December 27, 2013, 06:45:00 am »

Christmas is over and some free time has been freed up, so I'll post those "pretty pictures" and do a write-up of everyone's status.  Segregating personal stuff is more difficult than I thought - dwarves really like to chow down!  Once this update has posted, I'll wait until the listing falls off the front page before playing another year and so on until 5 years have passed.  The next game in the que is "The Forbidden City", which should be interesting.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #242 on: December 27, 2013, 09:43:32 am »

Oh goody more "pretty" pictures
Ah ha.  Spirallances...
                [-_-]~ Text Ninja I like it.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #243 on: December 27, 2013, 04:15:33 pm »

Ever notice how difficult it is to tell when someone's being subtly ironic in text? "Pretty"?
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #244 on: December 27, 2013, 04:38:47 pm »

I'm what you might call a text ninja
Ah ha.  Spirallances...
                [-_-]~ Text Ninja I like it.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #245 on: December 27, 2013, 10:38:38 pm »

Ah ha. 

             Text Ninja

I like it.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii

Timeless Bob

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Spring and Summer, 1729 reports:
« Reply #246 on: December 27, 2013, 10:49:15 pm »

Spring 1729:

Pretty picture:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So the amazing seven made it to the site of The Lonely Mountain without getting eaten by the resident dragon.  To keep it that way, it was decided to set up shop in a peak on the other side of the volcanic caldera.  As you can see above, we've been able to hollow out a temporary storage place within the stoney embrace of the Lonely Mountain and have begun flattening the peak into a suitable foundation for the lighthouse.

Summer, 1729:

Much has been done, and much is there yet to do - is this not the simplest philosophy of dwarven life?
Even so, The Lonely Mountain begins to slowly take form as the Lighthouse Tower above and Highmax's Deep Forges below become the vertical boundaries of our new home.

(Warning: Large pictures)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Three dwarves migrated to The Lonely Mountain, "Bolt Claspsteal" (an old friend of some of you from the Mountainhomes), an adventurous milkmaid named Salve (think of that what you will) and a miner toting a battlepick, all the way from the Danglearena project on the southeast coast.

I've pulled together some dossiers of the dwarves of The Lonely Mountain, so you can see all of their particulars in a glance.

Darkening Kaos Fordglaze:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Highmax Roperesponsible:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hame Hamejackals:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hatchet Barricadehumour:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Maskwolf Knifeimprison:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Tattoo Craterarrow:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Vgray Sindrill:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

     Summer migrants:
Abyss Shadeseason:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bolt Claspseal:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Salve Reputationgranite:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

One last thing:  The Torrid Attics is the name of the Dwarven civilization here on The Misty Isle.  Their pantheon currently consists of five goddesses:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 11:20:37 pm by Timeless Bob »
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #247 on: December 27, 2013, 11:57:55 pm »

Whoa whoa whoa wait. Wasn't I a military dwarf? Why am I a smith?

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #248 on: December 28, 2013, 06:36:03 am »

Whoa whoa whoa wait. Wasn't I a military dwarf? Why am I a smith?
Well, you're the Military Commander and have just begun training in the barracks, but I believe the conversation was that you wanted to be able to craft your own weapons and armor too, just in case.  It would explain why you are also one of our miners.  May I suggest drafting that new miner Abyss?  He's already got a minor kill to his name, so may make a worthy sparring partner.  With your strength, endurance and agility, you should be able to get into fighting shape in no time.  You already have a couple favors owed from the other inhabitants for helping to dig the area out a bit, which you can cash in on food and drink - another miner might give you double that, as well as being a sparring partner.  As it stands, unaffiliated workers are in food production with the farmers/herbalists.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #249 on: December 28, 2013, 02:55:14 pm »

Start making forges! We need fuel for the furnaces, so get one of those new guys on wood burning duty and start making stuff! Mostly swords
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #250 on: December 29, 2013, 02:40:23 am »

Highmax: So - you don't want me to set up magma-forges and magma-smelters?  You want to use charcoal instead?  Just double-checking.

Also, where will I be getting the ores or metals for forging?  So far we've only found stone, (If I remember right).
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #251 on: December 29, 2013, 12:10:29 pm »

Has our resident hermit been dwarfed yet? Also I presume that I haven't been dwarfed yet correct? Also thanks for the "pretty pictures"
Ah ha.  Spirallances...
                [-_-]~ Text Ninja I like it.


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #252 on: December 29, 2013, 12:34:00 pm »

Highmax: So - you don't want me to set up magma-forges and magma-smelters?  You want to use charcoal instead?  Just double-checking.

Also, where will I be getting the ores or metals for forging?  So far we've only found stone, (If I remember right).
Charcoal for now. No need to rush magma.

And as for the ores, berate our miners for not digging enough! :P
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #253 on: December 29, 2013, 11:56:12 pm »

OK, charcoal for now, miners will be berated for not yet finding metals, (or better still, why don't you just post your ire as a message to the people whose avatars are the miners?), and no - Spirallances, neither you nor the hermit have been dorfed yet.  Do you have a preference as to which of the available dorfs that you'd prefer to be dorfed as?
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The luckiest tourist EVER ("The City" game to start 1st week of January)
« Reply #254 on: December 30, 2013, 12:05:12 am »

For the poll, make it a hoard for gold and silver baubles when we get them. WHen we get a dragon, lure it in there and note it as "Smaug's Hoard" :P
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.
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