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Author Topic: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 20: Fin  (Read 34601 times)


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #90 on: July 18, 2013, 03:43:28 am »

(Leg broken, but it can't effect my movement if I don't use it.)

Roll into the river.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #91 on: July 18, 2013, 03:45:20 am »

Swim downstream from the fire. If I get burned, revel in my +1 to resisting fire.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #92 on: July 18, 2013, 03:49:27 am »

Wait, where were the +1s to my rolls? Everything I did was reckless!
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #93 on: July 18, 2013, 04:52:28 am »

Wait, where were the +1s to my rolls? Everything I did was reckless!
Ah, I assumed you just meant to sit there and mope. If you had actually tried to do something though (like try to smother everyone with your flaming body, which is the only other thing you could have meant), you would have gotten a even worse roll due to all the penalties you had at the time. And due to having a roll of 0, you would have just sat there anyways.
Swim downstream from the fire. If I get burned, revel in my +1 to resisting fire.
Sadly, you only get a +1 to causing and manipulating fire.
(Leg broken, but it can't effect my movement if I don't use it.)

Roll into the river.
I think you will find that rolling around on a broken leg is *quite* painful. Not as bad as running on one, but not exactly doable without extreme penalty.
On second thought, due to how amusing it is, I suppose ill allow you to avoid the penalty this way.

Also, with the exception of the crocodile man, everyone in the river at the end of the turn will have to make a check to avoid drowning.  The river isn't a nice place to be some mode of transportation.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 04:55:51 am by lemon10 »
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #94 on: July 18, 2013, 07:01:38 am »

like try to smother everyone with your flaming body, which is the only other thing you could have meant
That's what I meant. Though, now that you explained it, I'm just glad I'm *barely* alive.
On second thought, due to how amusing it is, I suppose ill allow you to avoid the penalty this way.

So just because rolling down a hill is amusing, you'll let him not be penalized?
*looks back at all the pain Tim has received*
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #95 on: July 18, 2013, 08:26:06 am »

Rereading the turn, I do think I should have dedicated a fair bit more mention to that actually.
For the record, I understood.

Also, with the exception of the crocodile man, everyone in the river at the end of the turn will have to make a check to avoid drowning.  The river isn't a nice place to be some mode of transportation.
Wait, why doesn't Crocodile Dumbee need to make a Not-Drowning roll?


Locate some tree that should be safe from fire or attack. Climb it. Sleep, lightly.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #96 on: July 18, 2013, 10:30:03 am »

((I'd say Annie is pretty lucky at the moment, but she is a small child and she's all by herself in a jungle next to a cliff.  Hmm...))

Annie tries to look back to see if anyone followed her.  She already assumes that this was not the case and that everyone may have possibly died from the large fire.  Whoever these people are, her father must do better background checks!!  She also tries to rest a short distance away from the ravine.  It's too dark to travel far, but she doesn't wish to get knocked off the cliff.

What are those ridiculously stupid stuntmen up to now?!

(She's not sleeping yet.  Things are a bit too excitable for her to calm down right away for that.)


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 3: Fire Everywhere
« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2013, 11:54:41 am »

((I've seen movies like this, so my best advice for survival is to be as not Black/Latino as you possibly can.))
You seem to have the wrong genre of movie. This isn't a horror movie. This is one of those documentaries about when a bunch of people got lost in the wilderness and slowly starve to death/killed by wild animals, the story pieced together by journal entries. So yeah, being white won't help you at all (especially since those documentaries are usually only about white people).

((Yeah, you're right. The only Blacks and Latinos in this type of movie would be indigenous tribesmen that go "HUNGA-DUNGA-PUNGA" and make sacrifices to the sky God. Horror logic wouldn't work at all, for example, in a horror movie if you're a pretty busty blonde girl you'll live to the sequel, but in this genre you'll end up captive, and depending on the shock value of the work, raped/killed.

Best Advice: Be the protagonist.))
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #98 on: July 18, 2013, 11:57:18 am »

Swim downstream from the fire. If I get burned, revel in my +1 to resisting fire.
Sadly, you only get a +1 to causing and manipulating fire.

What if I try to convince the fire to not burn us? Would I get +1 to manipulating fire?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 3: Fire Everywhere
« Reply #99 on: July 18, 2013, 12:13:25 pm »

((I've seen movies like this, so my best advice for survival is to be as not Black/Latino as you possibly can.))
You seem to have the wrong genre of movie. This isn't a horror movie. This is one of those documentaries about when a bunch of people got lost in the wilderness and slowly starve to death/killed by wild animals, the story pieced together by journal entries. So yeah, being white won't help you at all (especially since those documentaries are usually only about white people).
((Yeah, you're right. The only Blacks and Latinos in this type of movie would be indigenous tribesmen that go "HUNGA-DUNGA-PUNGA" and make sacrifices to the sky God. Horror logic wouldn't work at all, for example, in a horror movie if you're a pretty busty blonde girl you'll live to the sequel, but in this genre you'll end up captive, and depending on the shock value of the work, raped/killed.

Best Advice: Be the protagonist.))

Swim downstream from the fire. If I get burned, revel in my +1 to resisting fire.
Sadly, you only get a +1 to causing and manipulating fire.
What if I try to convince the fire to not burn us? Would I get +1 to manipulating fire?
((You'd get +1 to your Displayed Insanity score.))
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #100 on: July 18, 2013, 12:56:56 pm »

Take my crate, pull out some dynamite, and run further from the fire.


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #101 on: July 18, 2013, 06:06:59 pm »

Good thing I'm just burning and suffocating instead if being raped by tribesmen.
*realizes the GM can see this*
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #102 on: July 18, 2013, 06:08:29 pm »

Good thing I'm just burning and suffocating instead if being raped by tribesmen.
*realizes the GM can see this*
Don't worry! If I encounter you I can get Kevin to eat you.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2013, 06:12:34 pm »

Good thing I'm just burning and suffocating instead if being raped by tribesmen.
*realizes the GM can see this*
Don't worry! If I encounter you I can get Kevin to eat you.
I still have explosives~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge the Tyger: Turn 4: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
« Reply #104 on: July 18, 2013, 06:13:39 pm »

Good thing I'm just burning and suffocating instead if being raped by tribesmen.
*realizes the GM can see this*
Don't worry! If I encounter you I can get Kevin to eat you.
I still have explosives~
I have a crocodile named Kevin.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))
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