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Author Topic: Pixel Piracy Brought to you by the creators of Terraria  (Read 138083 times)


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Pixel Piracy Brought to you by the creators of Terraria
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:34:59 pm »

You've read correctly! Pixel Piracy is now being published by Re-Logic, of Terraria fame!

It's been a long time coming, and we've kept it under wraps for a month now, but it's finally time to let the world know about our collaboration together!

Working with them is amazing, they are very professional and extremely humble people who strive to give the utmost quality to whatever they put their minds to.
Pixel Piracy is the first project outside of Terraria that they have undertaken, and it is an honor to be working alongside them!


Following is the official press release, and in honor of the announcment we are dropping the price of Pixel Piracy to 9.99 $ for a very limited time on steam!



-Quadro Delta



Good Afternoon!


Re-Logic and Quadro Delta are pleased to announce today that they are joining forces in an effort to fully realize the immense potential of Pixel Piracy – the rogueish, side-scrolling, real time strategy/sandbox/simulation game that is currently under development.


Core development of Pixel Piracy will continue to be led by the existing team at Quadro Delta, while Re-Logic will take on the role of publisher for this exciting title.  Known for its core property, Terraria, this will be the first publishing collaboration for Re-Logic.  Both companies are confident that this indie-publishing-indie partnership will yield dividends for both teams and – most importantly – the indie gaming community itself.


Vitali Kirpu, Lead Designer at Quadro Delta and Creator of Pixel Piracy shared his excitement about the partnership:  ”Working with Re-Logic will be an amazing opportunity to do Pixel Piracy justice. We feel that our collaboration with one of the world's most presitgious independant studios will serve as a means to give our humble title the touches it needs to become a sincere contender in the gaming ring. We are honored by the opportunity, and will prove that it was an immensely postitive choice.”


Andrew Spinks, CEO of Re-Logic,  echoed that sentiment:  “We are really excited about what Vitali has done so far with Pixel Piracy.  We feel like the game is a good example of what the indie game community has to offer, and we want to do our part to make sure it gets the attention it deserves.”


Interested gamers can look forward to further announcements on the future of Pixel Piracy – as well as other games in the Re-Logic portfolio – in the near future.   For now, keep a close eye on our various community locations (see FAQ)  for news as it breaks.


Additional information about Pixel Piracy – including how you can go ahead and purchase a copy via Steam Early Release today - can be found in the following locations:


Pixel Piracy is a side-scrolling real time strategy/sandbox/simulation game created by indie developer Vitali Kirpu and produced by Alexander Poysky.

In the game, the player leads the life of a pirate captain. Recruit a crew, outfit and customize your ship and set sail on the open seas. There you’ll use any combination of aggression, diversion, and trade to become the most infamous pirate crew of the seven seas! You can raid, pillage and plunder everything in your path, divert and lie to get what you want, or trade for a quick buck. Remember to be careful though, death is everywhere - and quite permanent!  Adventure awaits…



Media & Community Inquiries should be directed to:

Re-Logic:  Whitney Baird - | @Cenxx

Quadro Delta:  Alexander Poysky - |@alexpoysky


Pixel Piracy FAQ

When will the game be released?
Between the first and middle of the second quarters of 2014

 Why is the game so hard?
We are hardcore rogue-like enthusiasts, and punishingly difficult games are fun to us. If you can believe it, the initial stages of development had an even more difficult game on the table, thank goodness we toned it back a notch!

I have a suggestion, where should I send it?
We are VERY talkative and approachable. You can usually find us in the game’s official steam forum and chat group.
Home Site:
IRC Channel:
Pixel Piracy Wiki:
Twitter:  @PixelPiracyGame

Will you guys make more games?
Eventually we plan to, but we want to give Pixel Piracy the attention and love it deserves first!  However, you can expect us to come out with Pixel “something” In the future!

How long is the game’s campaign going to be?
Well, even in alpha we have reports of players who have put in over 100 hours already, so while we can’t come up with an EXACT number, we’ll give it a vague “A LOT, A WHOLE LOT”.


Re-Logic is a rapidly growing Indie gaming development &  publishing company headed by Andrew “Redigit” Spinks. Best known for its core franchise, Terraria - the revolutionary 2D Sandbox Adventure game that has entertained millions across PC, Console, and mobile platforms - Re-Logic strives to maintain innovation in gaming without abandoning its indie roots.

Through the development of groundbreaking games and publishing partnerships with other top-notch Indie developers, Re-Logic seeks to showcase and evolve the limits of what Indie gaming can be.



Quadro Delta is a two man team comprised of Vitali Kirpu - Developer and brains behind Pixel Piracy, and Alexander Poysky - the game’s Producer.

Of course, the team wouldn’t be complete without Luna (Vitali’s Ragdoll Cat) and Napoloen (Alexander’s Mini-Schnauzzer), between the four, they comprise Quadro Delta


Vitali Kirpu:

Lead Developer at Quadro Delta.  An expert Programmer and skilled Designer, Kirpu’s background in the industry goes back to work on the game ”Dethroned”. He received a scholarship for making an MMO prototype in school, and programmed three fourths of Pixel Piracy in his spare time while helping to develop the mobile platform title Dethroned!


Alexander Poysky:

Producer at Quadro Delta. Poysky’s background as a PR Manager at various studios launched him into a career at as their Content and Acquisitions Manager (He still works there!) over a year ago. Has been in the industry since 2009.



Re-Logic Pixel Piracy Publishing FAQ


What were the reasons and motivations behind the move to involve Re-Logic on the publishing side of Pixel Piracy?
We have always had the utmost respect for Re-Logic, and their quality of work. Being avid fans we knew that the wealth of knowledge they held would be beneficial, what we didn’t expect was that they too were fans of our title!

Re-Logic to-date has been known as a game development studio, and – more specifically – focused on a single game (Terraria).   What is the impetus behind this move?   What does the future of Re-Logic hold?
We have known the developers of the game for a while. After playing Pixel Piracy, we loved the game and decided that we wanted to help them realize its potential as well as bring it to a wider audience.

 What does this move mean for the development & timing of other Re-Logic games such as Terraria/Terraria 2/Future Projects?
As our studio continues to grow and thrive it makes it possible for us to branch out even further without hurting the development of our in-house games – both available and in-development.

 As publisher, what role and impact with Re-Logic – and specifically Redigit – have on the development and launch of Pixel Piracy?
We have given them a lot of tips and suggestions that we feel would make the game more user friendly. We have also helped with QA to get the game to a stable place. It is not our goal to tell them what to do, we want them to have the freedom to do what they want with their game.

What is the current status of Pixel Piracy’s release and plans for future development – timing, vision moving forward, updates post launch, etc?
Pixel Piracy’s release is slated for between the first and second quarter of 2014. After release, we intend to provide at least two years of content patches and updates to the title for FREE!  We have no plans on developing any DLC, and we will NOT nickel and dime our devoted fans.

 With this connection made, can we look forward to any cross-game influences – say, Pixel Piracy elements in Terraria or vice versa?
Most definitely, weapons, items, accessories, and even monsters from Terraria will be hidden away in the islands of Piracia, and you can expect some cameos in Terraria as well!

 Is there an official community location for Pixel Piracy?    What is it?
IRC Channel:

So, I heard you were ok with piracy in regards to this game about…piracy….is that true?  What gives?
Piracy happens.  It’s something almost everyone has done in some way/form/manner. We feel that in order to properly pay for a product you should be able to test it first. I know I wouldn’t buy a new car if I didn’t give it a spin first! I know the analogy isn’t the best, but the way we see it, if someone wants our title, but lacks the money, we would MUCH rather see them pirate our game than miss a meal! Yogscast video Our Steam page We got an editors choice nomination on IOTY! Buy it here!

Manga Minx reviewed us, she loves it and the resulting wave of viewers (over 10 k in an hour) has boosted our greenlight by A LOT. And pushed us up to the top 10 in indiedb. We're being nominated for an Indie GOTY award guys!

We couldn't have done it without you!

********PRE-ORDERS INCOMING (DESURA) More news will come here soon!!!!*******

HERE is a link to the latest version it will be the last for a short time

Here's the latest (And Last for a while) version!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Why are we doing this? Because we need to start taking active user feedback into account, and branching into it this way will help a GREAT deal. In any case I will leave the link to the old version below! RPS tech demo review Video by Idubbz - Review of the first semi-public Tech Build! ALPHA

Bug fixes!
Parrots dont crash game anymore when killed!
Captain customization!
Weapons can now be equiped
Weapons can now be upgraded.
Weapons can now be looted from dead pirates!
Chests can now drop more stuff than just gold!
Accidental attacks  removed, if you want assault friendly assault use battle orders!
World map auto camera pan added!
Camera auto pan added to the game aswell!

This build breaks all save files, so start new game.

Love you all!

0.3.4 ALPHA - THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT, go ahead and click on the CREDITS section and give yourselves a round of applause!


Fixed bug with few items where their price was 0!
hull blocks are now cheaper!
First version of CREW page is added!
BUG Fixes
pirates that live on island that die are now perma dead, game will now save that.
Added new visuals to the pirates (10+ new hair styles, 5+ new shirts, + 5 new jackets, + 4 new accs)!

New Ship Items!
Some foods don't need preparation!
Loot & treasure chests!
Islands now have more than just a dogs!
Shop progression, shops unlock new stuff as your crew levels!
New visuals there and there!
Cannons improved!
Fishing added!
Slavery added!
Pirates can now play cards.. if you have them!
Mutiny feature disabled until i add feature to regain crew morale!
Beds added, your crew can sleep at night!
AI will now board your ship if you attack with cannons!
Removed DEBUG ITEMS, and made is so you have limited stuff!
Taverns now have more pirates with differnt specialitys!
Misc tweaks!
Own pirates should not clip through the floor!

There we go, free access! Knock yourselves out guys! This'll serve as a semi-look into what the game will be like. Just imagine this with LOADS more actions, quests, pirates, classes, and CONTENT up the wazoo.

Thanks so much for all the help!


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You can sail

Pirates are now sorted by CLASS (Go to the tavern and hire a cook in order to eat, a sailor in order to clean the decks, etc etc)

Right click brings up general orders, you can now order pirates to grappel by right clicking near them and clicking on grappel (the order is shouted at them so anyone in the area of where you clicked obeys)

Morale system is being worked on, but currently POO will upset your pirates.

Oh yeah, your pirates now produce CRAP that has to be thrown overboard by a crewmember.

This will be the open pre-alpha before the official alpha sometime in the next few weeks. At the rate vitali is going it won't be too long before we start seing emergent gameplay!

HAVING SAID THAT, things to keep in mind:

We aren't looking for input or complaints about the aspects that aren't mentioned, so limit comments currently to the SHIP BUILDING SYSTEM, because the rest of the game is currently being worked on. While you CAN fiddle around with it, post screens of it, and talk about your experience, posts saying WHY DOESN'T X WORK or I WANT X IMPLEMENTED aren't what we are looking for. The BUILDING aspect is the main focus of the current build. I will update this post as new builds come out.

Thank you all so much for the support!

Allrighty, it's been long enough since I last popped on.

Update, we've been SUPER hard at work on gameplay progression, now it's not just a series of loose modules, you can actually start and end a game, albeit with limited content.

Here are some screenies :D

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Some of the new sea life on a fresh game.

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Mousing over to the tavern, I can hire pirates using my limited supply of money, I use it to equip them, as well as purchase food and new blocks for my ship.

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I start building my ship using the purchased blocks

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It ends up looking like this.

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I plot a course on the large world map, each red blip is a possible SEA encounter, with GREEN being islands.

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A small enemy ship! As neither of us have cannons, we proceed to board them and loot their ship!

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Here we are grappling onto them, once dead we can loot them, get more pieces and money and essentially build up my crew!




For the next six, yes SIX weeks, I'm hosting a giveaway wherein each week I will randomly give away games of my choosing from GamersGate's catalogue. These may or may not be Steam games, and I'll pick the winners at random. The participants HAVE to be a part of either my twitter @alexpoysky or @PixelPiracyGame's following (if you follow both you have higher possibilities) or be following our indiedb feed via posts, OR (AND THIS ONE IS ESPECIALLY TAILORED TO THE BAY12 CROWD that doesn't like to retweet or help in any form outside of the forum) if you post anything on this post following the announcement on page nine.

A HUGE round of applause to GamersGate for finding out I was a part of this project and instead of gving me the stinkeye (remember, I work as their content manager!) they decided to help promote the game outright! KUDOS to Gus, Theo, Daniel and all the crew back in Sweden!

*I'll be taking the comments most able to be misconstrued and posting them in the title ;) .*

Hey there guys!

It's been a while since I've last participated in any games, and I figured now would be as good a time as any to talk to you about my latest project (Of which I am Producer), Pixel Piracy.

In Pixel Piracy, you are the invisible hand controlling and guiding a pirate crew through a Caribbean world where everything is procedural. Recruit a crew, outfit and customize your ship and set sail on the open seas. There you’ll use any combination of aggression, diversion and trade to become the most infamous pirate crew of the seven seas! You can raid, pillage and plunder everything in your path, divert and lie to get what you want or trade for a quick buck. Remember to be careful though, death is everywhere and quite permanent! Adventure awaits…

Let me link you to an Indiestatik article about us real quick :

There we go.

SO, here is a bit of info on the game.

It's a roguelike-like, meaning that while it IS a SIM game (or god-game depending on how you want to call it), each and every aspect of the game is both RANDOMIZED and PERMANENT. If one of your elite pirates dies, he's out, and everything is randomly generated, from pirate stats, to their ability to grow in certain areas, to the weapon stats they pick up (a-la diablo loot), to the islands and enemy pirateships they do battle against.

Let's put this in simpler terms, while I hate to draw comparisons I'd say it is something in the vein of DF and FTL, where it's hands off except broad orders, random loot and randomized quests and adventures.

Ah yes screenies, let me set some up right now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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Yes that is a massive melee on deck against a group of dastardly pirates who took advantage of the fact that our boat had no cannons and boarded (ship to ship combat IS confirmed)

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here you can see the randomized stats for each and every entity in the game (living of course, undead have their own!)

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Randomized island with randomized trees, randomized aztec ruins in it.

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A commet event on a moonlit lonely island inhabited by monkeys

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Dialogue system and random tribals on an island

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Massacre on an island

Now let me explain, ALL of that was created randomly, we left it running and took screenshots every 25 seconds while it generated a random "scene". Your BOAT however will be entirely built by the player using money that you get from event rewards/discovering new islands on the map/killing krakens and other mythological beasties/and saving miscellaneous governer's daughters... or you know just pillage and junk.

Also, even though it is VERY early on in development we currently have numerous publishing deals in the mix, so general interest is QUITE high.

ANYWHO guys, thanks a lot for checking up on it, and as always feel free to tweet me about it at @alexpoysky or @pixelpiracygame , I'll make sure to get the dev in here to chat with you all often as well, but he'll show up as an escaped lunatic, so cut him some slack ;) .
Gameplay is still being nailed down while we build around it. But here's the basics,

You get to build your boat, limited at first due to cash restarints.

You use said boat to sail a LARGE map, finding events every day on the way.

Events can be passive, agressive, and probably some form of diplomatic. There will be a few ways around most.

You have to handle the ship's food resources, setting people to different ship jobs.

Islands can contain treasure, towns, tribals, and MANY events.

The events PROPER are there to add flavor and break up travel gameplay, and we want to make thousands of them ranging from the simple to the easter egg insane.

I'll go ahead and update the main post with this and will continue to do so as it comes along!

Ah the website, yikes I forgot! !
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:37:52 pm by alexpoysky »
Poysky Productions
skype : Alexpoysky


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 03:39:17 pm »

Looks very cool, definitely up the Bay12 alley. Good luck with development!

Any chance you have some video footage yet? (Also when can we play it? :P )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 03:39:58 pm »

A little heavy on how proud you are of the random effect - you ARE talking to B12, fine connesours of RNG and roguelikes!

That said, I like the idea a lot.  Pirates are always fun!


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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2013, 03:40:46 pm »

A pirate-themed sorta-roguelike? Where do I sign up?
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 03:43:22 pm »

Interesting. I will be watching this.
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 03:44:33 pm »

This looks pretty cool, but please tell me you can disable that terrible noise filter and turn down the bloom, they both look incredibly terrible in my opinion.
We're Bay12er's. If there is a bug, we will find it, exploit it, and make a recursive statue out of it. Just look up Planepacked.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 03:47:24 pm »

Yes, bloom and noise filter CAN be turned off in options.
Poysky Productions
skype : Alexpoysky


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 03:50:52 pm »

It sounds amazing and I do agree that it will be necessary to change those graphics options for my sensitive eyes. I can't wait to see more about this as it develops!
Only a simple mind can be certain.


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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 03:55:49 pm »

Yes, bloom and noise filter CAN be turned off in options.

Thank goodness. I'm sorry, I was thinking that it looks like the screenshots were taken on a cell phone with bad color sensitivity or something until I scrolled back up to check if the interface was like that too.

Other than that, looks quite intriguing!
Stench Guzman: Fix this quote, please.
Now celebrating: Two and a half years misquoted. Seriously man. Just fix it. -_-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2013, 04:01:51 pm »

That looks amazing.  Those screenshots look so good! :D

What a great idea for a game. 
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 04:03:43 pm by Levi »
Avid Gamer | Goldfish Enthusiast | Canadian | Professional Layabout


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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 04:01:59 pm »

Yes, bloom and noise filter CAN be turned off in options.

Thank goodness. I'm sorry, I was thinking that it looks like the screenshots were taken on a cell phone with bad color sensitivity or something until I scrolled back up to check if the interface was like that too.

Other than that, looks quite intriguing!

I know some people might not like those effects, its same with color blind people and i think its good if devs include as much different options as possible. And hey everyone, i am Vitali Kirpu, developer of the game!

Got some stuff to show that i am working on right now :)



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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2013, 04:04:43 pm »

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2013, 04:05:52 pm »

Really would be better to reveal when this was closer to release.  Hype can fall flat quickly if it's not timed right.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2013, 04:09:14 pm »

Pirates! I could have a lot of fun with this.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pixel Piracy
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2013, 04:10:32 pm »

Let's put this in simpler terms, while I hate to draw comparisons I'd say it is something in the vein of DF and FTL

As long as you are admitting that you just don't have another way to describe it I am fine.

It isn't like you made the topic: "Piratesim: It is like Dwarf Fortress and FTL had a baby!"
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