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Author Topic: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.  (Read 334009 times)

King Zultan

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Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
« Reply #3000 on: December 28, 2024, 02:52:58 am »

Think you might have posted that in the wrong thread.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
« Reply #3001 on: December 28, 2024, 04:48:05 am »


I did get the chin wrong, I can't remember if I saw an option to add a cleft.
FINISHED original composition:

Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit

King Zultan

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Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
« Reply #3002 on: December 31, 2024, 06:42:15 am »

Oh that makes more sense, I didn't see the name when I first saw the picture.

Even without the cleft chin I say you got pretty close to recreating him.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
« Reply #3003 on: January 19, 2025, 12:19:38 am »

I finished watching Creature Commandos, a Suicide Squad spinoff with the premise that forcing human prisoners to serve as a strike force in extremely dangerous missions has been made illegal, so Waller finds a group of prisoners who are not technically considered 'Human' and makes them the successors to the Suicide Squad.

The animation and action scenes are solid. Music is energetic and well choreographed. Each of the characters gets their own backstory, which range from good to great. The story has multiple twists to keep things interesting, although the last twist is a bit confusing and doesn't quite hold up upon inspection.

They chose to kill off the most affable member of the team, which certainly had the intended emotional impact. But after that character's backstory showed them doing absolutely nothing bad, and also demonstrating absolutely no combat skills, I was left frustrated by the feeling that they never should have been on the team in the first place.

But despite these shortcomings, I still found Creature Commandos an enjoyable watch and would recommend.

I also recently finished the seventh and final season of The Dragon Prince.

After earlier seasons frittered away episodes with lots of filler, this final season packed constant story progression into every episode, very much giving the impression that their funding got cut and they had to rush the ending.

Claudia, who up until now flirted with evil but generally had good goals and strict limits on how far she would go, in this season made a very sudden leap to 'Okay, let's just kill everyone' without any real progression or reasoning. That arc really needed more time.

More frustrating however, most of this season saw our protagonists trying to find a way to contain the Big-Bad, because he has the power of resurrection and if they kill him he will just come back after a few years and do it all again. But at the end things got messy, so they just killed him, and then they declared Mission Accomplished and ended the show with absolutely no mention of any plans for when he returns. WTF?

Main story shortcomings aside, most of the side-plots got nice tidy resolutions. It was a vast and interesting world with varied characters and factions which unfolded over these seven seasons, and overall it was an enjoyable setting to be engrossed within.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cartoon/Western Animation Thread.
« Reply #3004 on: January 19, 2025, 06:59:18 am »

I finished watching Creature Commandos, a Suicide Squad spinoff with the premise that forcing human prisoners to serve as a strike force in extremely dangerous missions has been made illegal, so Waller finds a group of prisoners who are not technically considered 'Human' and makes them the successors to the Suicide Squad.

The animation and action scenes are solid. Music is energetic and well choreographed. Each of the characters gets their own backstory, which range from good to great. The story has multiple twists to keep things interesting, although the last twist is a bit confusing and doesn't quite hold up upon inspection.

They chose to kill off the most affable member of the team, which certainly had the intended emotional impact. But after that character's backstory showed them doing absolutely nothing bad, and also demonstrating absolutely no combat skills, I was left frustrated by the feeling that they never should have been on the team in the first place.

But despite these shortcomings, I still found Creature Commandos an enjoyable watch and would recommend.

I recently watched this as well and I'd agree with all this, enjoyable, but some weird stuff. In retrospect it somewhat felt like the main plot was just filler for them to have between flashback sequences showing the backstories, and once they ran out of backstorys to tell they just abruptly ended the main plot as well, although I felt like the emotional reasoning for cutting it short was fine, the actual way it played out seemed sorta nonsense.

As for the character they killed off, although in general I approve of "shocking" "emotional" deaths, with the show approved for season two I'm not sure if it was a great idea. The dead character was sorta not that interesting imo, just a sort of generic woobie, so in that sense was fine to kill, but with the bride is looking like she'll be even more of the main character in season 2 then she was in season 1 I'm not sure if killing her morality pet off was a good idea. Her being a unstoppable bad ass is cool but not that interesting, exploring her straddling the line between hardened sociopath and actual emotional being is what I think she needs to be interesting as well as cool, and in season 1 at least that was almost entirely done though the dead character as the vehicle, so I'm wondering what they'll do for her emotional parts in season 2.

I do wonder if Rick is going to come back for season 2, he was by far my least favorite character and I'm sorta glad he was taken out of an active role in the show part way though, and it seems like his spot on the team is occupied now, but I'd be a bit surprised if he's not doing something in season 2?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 07:03:26 am by Criptfeind »
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