Hi all,
Firstly let me say that I'm not proud of what I've done. However the science is there and the results must be shared with the masses.
After never understanding why players hate dwarfen children so much I've finally had a fort live long enough to find them annoying.
List of grievances:
- FPS loss by useless dwarfs standing around all day starting parties
- Bad thoughts. Through having children the possibilities of tantrums when mass dwarf deaths occur increases significantly
- Skill pool dilution - Without new migrants chances of training hard skills are low (animal training for example). Better to have more migrants with more diverse skills than useless children
- Crafting artifacts. URGH how many donkey bone amulets do I want? 0 thats how many.
- Deconstructing things slowly. My masons are all legendary. I want THEM to do the deconstruction not some slow weedy child
- Constructing things slowly. Jobs take much longer when children decide they want to haul the items before a laborer is assigned. I setup my hauling so that where possible the person hauling the block is going to be the mason who builds using it.
- Getting in the way - I'm fairly confident that children standing on tiles prevents them from being linked to mechanisms. This is especially a problem when building mega projects. Plus children are always deconstructing stuff and crushing themselves or falling off high levels and dragging blood throughout my fortress
The list goes on.
- Bug prevents proper growth (without DFHack) and so "homegrown" dwarfs are not as good as migrants.
Anyway I decided that enough was enough and I want NO MORE children. Here is the system I designed, and how to use it:
Basically the system boils down to exploiting the fact parents drop babies when riding in minecarts. This can be used to make a parent run over their baby. The parent will repeat this behavior until the baby is dead, stopping only to replace their infant onto the tracks between minecart rides.

Instructions for use:
- Get a dwarf into the chamber with their baby (I make a military squad with no uniform, ammo or supplies then assign them to it and station them in the chamber)
- Lock the door
- Enable minecart pushing
- Watch as they repeatedly run over their baby until it's dead.
It's pretty grim to watch as after each attempt they carefully pick up the baby from where it ends up and place it back in the middle of the mine tracks before running it over again.
Points of interest:
- Babies are knocked in direction of travel, so the longer the track the higher the chance of killing them on the first try. This can also be used to kill them more humanely.
- Even slow minecarts are very dangerous so there is no need for rollers, a long track or anything really.
The most efficient design:
PIT - EN Corner - Track (with stop set to RIDE east) - EW Track Ramp - WALL
Fill your pit with water, magma, lots of hungry wild animals or perhaps a very long drop.
To explain better than words, here is a video I made.