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So, how should this storyline end?

Stoner manages to avenge all he has suffered through, and lifts the title belt victoriously!
- 13 (76.5%)
Sackhead not only gets away with everything he's done, but now is also the Champion
- 4 (23.5%)

Total Members Voted: 17

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Author Topic: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler! Updates Weekly!  (Read 64684 times)


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EDIT: A freeware version of the game can be found at this official site. It is the 2005 Edition of the game, and was released as freeware to promote the 2008 edition. Keep in mind that many things have changed in the last 8 years, so my advice in this AAR may not apply if you use this version.

Welcome to the Smackdown brother! Are you ready to get in the ring and show your true strength! Piledrives, Pins, Chokeholds, do you have what it takes to be the very best wrestler in the buisness! Come on, show me your Pythons brother!

Well what's that, you don't have any Pythons? And your idea of true strength is carrying that box down from the attic without stopping to set it down once? Well no matter, after all wrestling isn't about the muscles, or the rules, or even the wrestlers themselves. Who is the most important man in wrestling? The one who everything hinges upon?
Spoiler: This guy (click to show/hide)
Why yes, the humble booker. Part talent scout, part coach, part screenwriter, it is the Booker who reins supreme in the land of Wrestling. After all, it's all just a show, and a wrestler is only as good as the script he follows. So what's that, you want to be a booker? Well the good news is there are pleany of opportunities, especially in the smaller federations. But first, perhaps we should explain what this is all about...

So yes guys, for those of you who thought "There may be games about simulating a farm, and games about beign a train conductor that costs $1000s with all the DLC, but there can't be a game for everything" Well yes. There is infact a game for everything, and this is one of them. TEW allows you to take control of a wrestling federation and guide it to success, and its workers to stardom. Or you migth wind up bankrupting the company, and making all your wrestlers unwantable by even the Indy Feds, or worse, dead (Steroids and coke are not a good mix people). You control the storylines, and decide who becomes the champion, and who is relegated to life as merely a Jobber, the type of wrestler who exists only to lose to the up and comers.

Of course there is always competition. The default database has 40 companies currently active, and the Default XL mod we will be using contains 75 active ones (The new ones mostly fill out the very bottom of the barrel, in order to allow wrestlers to develop SOME skills early in their career. The easiest comparison would be mods for Football Manager that add more league levels). With many more able to open up as the game progresses. However, the big ones to look out for are:

Spoiler: The Big American Three (click to show/hide)

However, we won't have to deal with them for quite awhile. As we will be starting at the bottom of the barrel. To this I give you all our first choice. Should be be the Booker to a small, local federation, with our starting rosters pre-selected, but with an owner to appease, and follow the career of a Booker as he moves up the ladder of Federations? Or should we start with a small sum of money, open our own Wrestling Federation, and try to take the world by storm?

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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 03:27:16 pm »

This sounds like awesome crazy. Is that even a question? We start our own federation. It will be glorious.
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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 07:45:20 pm »


I started a thread dedicated to this game series a while back, but it never really took off.  I hope the best for your game and this thread.

Personally, I love the free version, as the pay versions are only incrementally better.  But each new version adds some nice extras.  In 2013, for example, alliances can be formed.  Hence, I demand an Indy Alliance!

As for starting our own versus starting as an employee, I suggest a middle ground: We start off working for somebody else, but with high enough prestige/skill/whatever so that we can start our own promotion.  Then we can experience the awesome of having to satisfy crazy owner demands, then abandon that headache when it starts to be unfun (which shouldn't be long, really).


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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 03:15:16 pm »

Throwing a poll up to decide what to do. Probably gonna start this proper sometime this weekend.


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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 03:18:25 pm »

Iption 2, with the request to add forumgoers in as our wrestling... team? crew? not sure of the correct word.
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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 03:41:26 pm »

Iption 2, with the request to add forumgoers in as our wrestling... team? crew? not sure of the correct word.

The one issue with ADDING wrestlers is that when you manually create one, you set all the stats up yourself, and it's not a point buy system. I'll need to check if you can rename wrestlers, although I know for sure you can give them "Character" names (IE: The Ultimate Warrior), but those don't stick when they leave your company for another usually.

EDIT: That said, anyone who wants a wrestler, please say so. I'm starting play on Saturday most likely.


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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 08:45:49 pm »

We can certainly create a point system, such as the following for example:

1000 points total (there are a lot of stats)
Most stats are one point each, except Psychology at 2 points each and Popularity at 10 points each.


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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2013, 02:16:34 pm »

Well it looks like we're going to open our own company. As such, the start time is going to be pushed to Sunday, and instead today's Update will be about the wrestlers themselves, or rather, what makes them tick.

In order to do this, we are going to look at none other than Tommy Cornell, one of the Greatest Wrestlers of the Modern Era. While he and his company do stike me as a bit of fan wank, the truth is without them SWF would probably snowball out of control without the competition. Anyway, these are the stats for him.

Spoiler: Tommy Cornell Profile (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tommy Cornell Stats (click to show/hide)

Now first off, as you can see the man is....a bit... overpowered. He's literally the #1 wrestler in the entire world, and is singlehandedly responsible for making TCW as much of a thorn in SWF's side as possible.

First off, Skills are rated either on a Letter Scale, or in Raw Numbers. The Letters go from A++ to F-, and do not skip E like a traditional grading system. The Numbers go from 0-100. I myself have downloaded a mod that replaces the images that the numbers use with a combined system instead. But for all intents and purposes, we are using numbers. I personally like the letters only because there are a few things that hinge on the threashold of letters, but those aren't something we have to worry about for quite awhile.

Now most of the stats speak for themselves as far as what they mean, but I will attempt to explain the ones that are not immediatly apparent to someone.

Puroresu: Perhaps the only In Ring skill that's meaning is not immediatly evident, Puroresu, or Puro for short, refers to a style of wrestling that is predominant in Japan. This style is more about having a belivable fight than the more "Western" style of theatrics.

Selling: Selling simply refers to a wrestler's ability to "sell" a hit, meaning how well they react to being hit with a move. A wrestler who can't time his flinches right, or who doesn't spend a "reasonable" time in "pain" after an especially hard hitting movie is one who is lacking in "Selling".

Safety: Basically, a wrestler with poor Safety is more likely to hurt himself and his opponent, either through lack of skill, poor self control, or just simply being an ass.

Microphone: Or as I like to call it, "Not Scott Steiner". This is how well a worker can do their speeches in the ring. Unlike the later "Acting", this also represents how well they do as working off the cuff, so to speak. In the ring, unlike promos, there's no do over, so this stat also comes into play if you allow them more freedom in an angle.

Sex Appeal: Self explainitory, but this really is only an important stat for "Ring Girls". Or if you're running a promotion that features female wrestling as a T&A style as opposed to "legitimate" wrestling.

Menace: This is mostly only important for Heels (explained below), although a few Faces rely on this too. This is simply how much dread the character brings onto the stage when he shows up.

BabyFace and Heel: Put simply, Hero and Villian. Faces and Heels are what drive the "story" aspect of wrestling. These are how well someone does on each side of this.

Another thing to mention is his stats for Referring and Announcing. As you notice, they have an X and "weak" instead of an actual number. This is because we have never tried to put him in this role, so the best we have is a rough estimate of his skills. This also happens to wrestlers not of our promotion if we are scouting them, if we have the "Fog of War" setting on. We will have that enabled.

With this, I leave us with the new Poll. Where shall we put our wrestling federation? I presonally want to use the Tri State area, as I am familliar with the competition there at the low level,s but I will allow you all to decide. Also if you want a wrestler, please tell me, you can use EucreJacks' point buy system, and I will adjust it from that if I determine it to be too much for our level.

We can certainly create a point system, such as the following for example:

1000 points total (there are a lot of stats)
Most stats are one point each, except Psychology at 2 points each and Popularity at 10 points each.


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Re: Let's Play: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2013, 05:25:40 pm »

Just a reminder that if you don't want to do a point buy, just give me a basic description and I'll try to make it work.

EDIT: Going to start this later tonight. Votes are a dead heat right now, but I'm leaning twords Tri State.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 01:02:25 pm by Silent_Thunder »


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2013, 03:16:18 pm »

Update has been pushed to Monday, stuff came up.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2013, 03:32:18 pm »

Sex Appeal: Self explainitory, but this really is only an important stat for "Ring Girls". Or if you're running a promotion that features female wrestling as a T&A style as opposed to "legitimate" wrestling.

There is something wrong with this entire sentence. I mean, while "Sexyness" generally isn't that important in Wrestling it doesn't seem to be THAT unimportant all things considered especially as we approach the modern age.

The second is that I am stunned that you cannot, in this game, actually through force of will turn female wrestling into legitimate wrestling... Dang it! Or find some way to slip a female wrestler into the official circuit.


Though here is a legit question: Are there times you want someone with LOW refereeing? Like to allow those cheat crazy situations? (I admit I don't watch wrestling... almost at all... but I do remember the times where they took down a ref, bribed him, or the ref just didn't care and all of a sudden it was a 3 on 1 match)

Then again this game is about the "Fake" aspects of Wrestling, KIND OF SORT OF, so Referee skill might actually be what prevents injury.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 03:43:58 pm by Neonivek »


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2013, 03:45:24 pm »

Sex Appeal: Self explainitory, but this really is only an important stat for "Ring Girls". Or if you're running a promotion that features female wrestling as a T&A style as opposed to "legitimate" wrestling.

There is something wrong with this entire sentence. I mean, while "Sexyness" generally isn't that important in Wrestling it doesn't seem to be THAT unimportant all things considered especially as we approach the modern age.

The second is that I am stunned that you cannot, in this game, actually through force of will turn female wrestling into legitimate wrestling... Dang it! Or find some way to slip a female wrestler into the official circuit.


Though here is a legit question: Are there times you want someone with LOW refereeing? Like to allow those cheat crazy situations? (I admit I don't watch wrestling... almost at all... but I do remember the times where they took down a ref, bribed him, or the ref just didn't care and all of a sudden it was a 3 on 1 match)

I think you misinterpreted what I said. You can run female wrestling as a legitimate sport, or as legitimate as regular wrestling. but Sex Appeal isn't as big a factor in that type of promotion. As to the ref, not really. A Ref with high skills is better at all aspects, including "failing" to notice foul play. Remember, everyone involved is essentially an actor, the ref included. A ref with poor skills is just a guy who can't convincingly be a good or bad ref from the viewer's eyes.


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2013, 03:49:39 pm »

A ref with poor skills is just a guy who can't convincingly be a good or bad ref from the viewer's eyes

Ahh that makes sense. I guess that would also explain why Refs even have a multitude of skills, so if a wrestler takes one out, they can do it convincingly.

So does the game do "The best actor wins" or "The best show wins" so to speak?


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2013, 03:55:33 pm »

A ref with poor skills is just a guy who can't convincingly be a good or bad ref from the viewer's eyes

Ahh that makes sense. I guess that would also explain why Refs even have a multitude of skills, so if a wrestler takes one out, they can do it convincingly.

So does the game do "The best actor wins" or "The best show wins" so to speak?

Best show, although the best actor tends to wind up being the star of course, if only because you don't want your Main Event for the night to be two guys who fight as convincingly as extras in a Reb Brown movie. When we do our first show I'll get into it. As for integrated Female wrestling, in my current non LP game, I've actually got a fairly well integrated promotion, and the women do alright, including one who is the star. The issue is it's not a WWE style promotion, the style my fans like is to focus on the action, with very minimal theatrics. The most they tolerate as far as theatrics is short in ring speeches. This probably would hurt me if I ever made it to a larger audience. That save got bricked though when my harddisk failed, so I'll never know, unless I find the USB I backed it up to. Part of the game is knowing your audience.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 03:57:46 pm by Silent_Thunder »


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Re: Total Extreme Wrestling 2013: Come create a Wrestler!
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2013, 03:59:43 pm »

Ahh a lot like Pizza Tycoon

Where you can certainly do a lot of crazy things, and they do give you options to do crazy things, but mostly the audience will sort of normalize your actions. Except apparently no where close to as bad as Pizza Tycoon though.
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