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Author Topic: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress  (Read 887306 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3555 on: March 14, 2020, 02:48:08 am »

What mod is that space station?


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3556 on: March 14, 2020, 03:13:52 am »

What mod is that space station?
I think it's called Save our Ship?

Grim Portent

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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3557 on: March 14, 2020, 06:48:29 am »

Save Our Ship 2 to be specific.

The main point of this run was to try out the ship and the SkyCloud from Android Tiers. I've had SoS2 in my mod list in previous runs but never got around to building one. It's neat, but very resource heavy to build and my game freezes frequently when generating maps for orbital encounters.

EDIT: Also, the shuttles from SOS2 are annoyingly small, the Heavy Cargo Shuttle can carry 2k worth of weight per trip, but that's not actually all that much when you think about it. The shuttles/planes from SRTS Extended are much bigger, but don't play nice with SOS2 shuttle bays, so they break the roof and walls of a space station when they land in it.

Of course loading up the thousands of materials to add bits to the ship in orbit takes forever, so I'm kind of wishing I'd just built a fully furnished one on the ground and just dealt with the extra rockets and chemfuel it would take to get it into space.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 06:54:39 am by Grim Portent »
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3558 on: March 14, 2020, 01:35:01 pm »

My own android colony is going well. The humans that have joined have no idea that they will soon be organic sock puppets. I've managed to get one android to very high skill levels and am now duplicating his mind endlessly in the skycloud core for use in controlling surrogates and download into androids.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3559 on: March 14, 2020, 11:39:53 pm »

My tribals now know how to make cocoa!  About time too, since I limited their total item usage to WWI levels.  Nothing I trade or loot will be higher as per my own conduct.

Industrial medicine and bolt-action rifles, grenades and a single psychic soothing stick for emergencies.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3560 on: March 14, 2020, 11:49:55 pm »

a single psychic soothing stick for emergencies.
I didn't realise dildos were a thing back at the beginning of the 20th century, but apparently they have existed for (probably) tens of thousands of years.   
The more you know!   
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.

Grim Portent

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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3561 on: March 15, 2020, 11:21:49 am »

So to reduce the irritation of solar flares affecting my colony I've begun downloading/duplicating minds into organic prisoner bodies. Apex-Gamma was downloaded into a prisoner's brain after I installed the necessary implants to allow the transfer, and now has 2 instances and another prisoner waiting to be modified to host a third copy.

They are now called AG-XX, so I can keep track of how many Gamma clones I have made.

EDIT: Also, nuclear stomachs cause a lot of cancer.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 11:50:32 am by Grim Portent »
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3562 on: March 15, 2020, 12:12:34 pm »


My colony currently consists of a T4 android with the original mind of the first colonist I started with, a T5 android with a copy of the original mind, and 5 android surrogates being run by 5 more copies of that mind from a computer. I also have 3 human surrogates who are also also being run by 3 more copies of that original mind. All together I have 10 copies of the mind of the original android.

Two of the minds running two human surrogates have just fallen in love with each other.

I was curious if this social state was tied to the mind or the body so I swapped one of them to another human and it followed. It even followed when they were both androids.

So yes, androids can feel love too.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3563 on: March 15, 2020, 12:28:32 pm »

The question remains then: Do they dream? And is it of digital sheep?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3564 on: March 15, 2020, 12:33:00 pm »

Does everyone else make singular structures for their base, or make individual homesteads?  Obviously with the tribal motif I think several huts are better, but do others tend to make singular large bases or a walled off community?

I have, on average:
- 8 houses
- A large dining and rec hall
- A food/crop processing facility
- A Clothiers hut
- An industrial complex and a smaller one for making blocks
- Hospital with a prison area
- Barn/stables with dedicated farm field
- Graveyard with morgue
- Armory
- A small gatehouse and hopefully tasteful trap corridor

And what about defenses in general?  I mostly limit myself to 3 sides walled off and one open.  But how about other defenses?
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!

Grim Portent

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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3565 on: March 15, 2020, 12:43:35 pm »

For tribal/medieval themed runs I tend to have individual houses, though there's often a big dormitory for much of the run, and then the industries are kind of scattered about with some sharing workshops and others being on their own.

Industrial/spacer runs are usually a single large building with additional rooms added as needed. This is mostly due to the efficiency of lighting a large indoor space with electricity and how much faster pawns move on tiles than on dirt or unsmoothed stone.

I frequently build into a mountainside area and have a defensive wall between me and the outside world, but depending on what mods I'm using, simple ogres for example, I may just rely on being able to brute force my way through attackers.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3566 on: March 15, 2020, 12:55:43 pm »

(Caravans had just come out last time I played)
I preferred to stick the base under mountain overhead tiles to avoid drop pod raids in the bedrooms, but the very slow mining through rock tended to push me towards at least temporary outdoor forts, which were built piecemeal, and ended up using many buildings in order to maximize the enclosed farmlands. The buildings tended to congregate several of each functional area of room together.
Always used killboxes on a developed version of either approach though. If it was tribals, I'd sally out and take down what I could with (sniper) rifles, before retreating behind the close quarters, turret-lined entrance room, in order to minimize the costs of rebuilding whichever turrets they managed to take down.
For raiders, I just stayed behind the killbox since I didn't usually have a significant range advantage.
To minimize collateral turret losses, each turret went in it's own alcove, up to two tiles deep.
In the cases where an attacker found a blindspot thanks to non-inverse LOS, the numbers were low enough that I'd send in a squad with non-rifles to finish them off.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3567 on: March 15, 2020, 02:07:34 pm »

Does everyone else make singular structures for their base, or make individual homesteads?

I pretty much always end up with "walled off community" for my bases. Housing usually ends up like multi-unit housing (i.e. one building with a number of rooms, but only residential), one complex for freezer, butcher, cook, dining/rec. Buildings over time for industry (i.e. about 5-6 production units per buildling), hospital unit, etc. I never plan terribly well for prisoners, so my prisons are usually just converted housing units from the apartment complex.

One mod that can help 'naturalize' settlement planning a bit is Open The Windows - allows natural light and (with supplement mods) outdoor beauty to matter and they work as shootin' holes if you open them, but at the same time it makes your pawns more demanding of outdoor exposure and of beauty (if using outdoor beauty supplement). The three pics it has on the mod page do a good job showing what it does, honestly.

My perimeter wall usually has an entrance at 3-4 sides, with fortifications either just outside or at the wall. Not a fan (thematically) of trap corridors, myself.

I'm generally pretty terrible at pre-planning my settlements, though, so it's always a little different.

(Doing an accelerated tech start this time, seeing as the modscape is still fairly volatile at the moment.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3568 on: March 15, 2020, 02:14:33 pm »

Does everyone else make singular structures for their base, or make individual homesteads?  Obviously with the tribal motif I think several huts are better, but do others tend to make singular large bases or a walled off community?
My colony is pretty open. I have 4 large structures. One is the Human Cluster, a building with all the amenities humans need such as beds and food and toilets (hygiene mod) and medical, the second is the production complex with all of our production spots and workbenches. The third is the android complex with charging benches, android repair bays and android creation bays as well as the core which contains all of the minds. The final is the farming cluster where we grow food for the humans, crops to become drugs for trade and crops such as cotton and devilstrand to make things.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3569 on: March 15, 2020, 02:30:46 pm »

a single psychic soothing stick for emergencies.
I didn't realise dildos were a thing back at the beginning of the 20th century, but apparently they have existed for (probably) tens of thousands of years.   
The more you know!   

Sigged. For the record, Rimworld is set in the year 5500 at the start of every run. It hasn't been tens of thousands of years since the invention of dildos in yet in Rimworld's setting.
it's over
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