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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1172423 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2013, 12:49:07 am »

I look up at the sky in awe and wonder. I know what a sky is and all, but it's still the first time I've ever seen it before. All my life I spent underground, in the enclosed cave systems of my moon. the only places on it that contain air.
Clearly, I'm not where I used to be.
I look around, trying to figure out where I am.
"Um... what... what happened?"

As I shake the cloudyness of sleep from me, I rapidly become more and more worried. something... something is very, very wrong. This isn't where I remember being. not even close. Was I kidnapped in my sleep?
maybe... but still, even so... that... that's not it.
finally, I realize the problem, I don't feel the connections I'm used to having. I'm not tied to this place the way that I was to my home. The bonds of creator and creation are completely gone.
Even if I had been moved in my sleep, those bonds should still apply, weakened by distance maybe, but I'd still feel them. Somehow they're... they're just GONE.
someone rewrote the laws of the universe while I slept, broke my connection with the world, ripped me out of my home, and then...
left me out in an open field, facing the sky for the first time.
panicked and angry, I cry out to the heavens.
"What have you done this time?!?"
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 07:09:14 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2013, 03:35:40 am »

Eria look around the tent 'Okay, I'm in my old tent. Why?' She digs her hand into the sand and pull out a reddish rock 'Even got that detail correct. Now why is the tent not burned down?'

Getting to her feet, Eria look out the flap
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2013, 07:27:48 pm »

((Had a post ready 14 hours ago but the moment I posted it, I started getting 504s till right now. Unfortunately, the post is saved in my home PC. I'll post it the moment I get back. Also got the other two characters ready, again, I'll PM them when I get home. Unless there have been new posts until then.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2013, 07:30:21 pm »

Addition: Forgot to mention earlier that the staff is used for offensive moves. The best Zechariah can do without his staff is defensive light shields on his arms (kinda like gauntlets, but shields) and cover himself with the shadows. Other attacks or defensive moves require his staff.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2013, 07:55:49 pm »

Jordan stretched out onto the armrests, then shook out his head and looked around alertly. He narrowed his eyes and stood up, his mind sparking with tactical plans and possibilities. He had to teach himself to do that: when you were the best (Not best, he remembered, just very adaptable: one cannot be arrogant in such a dangerous business) hitmen in the world, you had to be ready to consider things. Of course, sometimes you came to faulty conclusions, but as long as you kept all your possibilities open and had multiple options at the end, you'd be fine.
Calculate the three most likely possibilities for where precisely I am.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2013, 11:12:50 pm »

You can submit dragonish characters? Ehehehehehehehehehehegege.
((It was one of the characters I used to test the system, a man bonded with the soul of a dragon.
I had this very fun upgrade tree that got him from a man with 2 upgrades (superstrength or superreflexes or superendurance along with enhanced senses as a secondary power (I assumed he rolled 5 in the character creation roll)) to a shapeshifting psychic flying monster the size of a building that could use a powerful breath ability and also had physics bending abilities.
Of course that required you to fill the entire upgrade tree, while a player would probably go along one or two paths.
Still, fun to consider.

Maybe I'll put him in as a boss for when you're more powerful. Shame to let a character concept go to waste.))

Harry Baldman: Lucky Ike Watkins
You look around.
You seem to be in a bedroom.
On your left is a nightstand and on top of it is the alarm clock from which the music is coming from, along with a lamp. The alarm clock blinks 8:08.
Further on the left is a window with the blinds half closed from which the room is illuminated.
There is also a wardrobe and a desk with pens, paper and another lamp.
There are two doors leading out of the room. One seems to be leading outside. It has a peephole and what looks like an emergency evacuation map. From the white tile you see under the other door and from what your other senses are telling you, it definitely leads to a bathroom.

"Thanks mate, I tried." responds the alarm clock, the deep male voice distorted by the device's low quality speaker. At least it's more polite than the ceiling.
"I knew you ware a fun guy when I picked you. None of that 'Aaah, where the fuck am I?' freaking out nonsense." He really seems to be enjoying himself.

Lenglon: Irene
You prop yourself up by putting your hands behind you and look around.
You seem to be near the edge of a large clearing, resting on soft overgrown grass and weeds.
The clearing is surrounded by old looking trees with huge brown trunks, standing close to one another.
In front of you, you can see a lake, small waves on its clear water reflecting the sun behind you.
In the center of the lake is a small island with two white trees that have become intertwined.
A small distance to your left is a small wooden hut with a small vegetable plot.
To your right is a human sized object covered by a purple veil made of fine fabric.

"Hey, it's OK. You're safe." You hear a soft female voice being carried in the wind.
"I... I brought you here. Do you feel okay? Did anything go wrong with the transfer? Do you want me to change the environment?" She sounds worried.
She begins speaking really fast, the wind picking up speed with each word. "I found your universe, well, a friend told me where to find it and I went there but there was something wrong and it was falling apart and I saw your aura and there was no time and you were the only thing I managed to save and there was nowhere else I could take you because the rules don't allow it so I had to take you here, even though I hate this stupid thing and I didn't know anything about you and I had to slave your connections to universe 523 and reconstruct what I could cause the data from yours was missing and I was analyzing you to prevent corruption but I was doing it very fast and I saw the fox and I thought you'd like nature and I have this place for when I want to relax so I made a copy for the games and I left you here to recover but now I think I might have made a mistake and... and you probably don't understand a thing I'm saying 'cause I'm panicking."
She sighs, which comes across as a small gust of wind. She continues more calmly and a bit sadder. "Look, what I wanted to say is, your home was destroyed, you were in trouble and I tried to help. I'm sorry this was the only way."

scapheap: Eria
Urged on by your peculiar circumstances, you quickly get up, untie the flaps and lift one to the side to look outside.
That's... strange. To say the least.
Outside, you can see total darkness, a stark contrast to the orange light coming from the desert outside your window.
In the darkness, you can see an object, illuminated by nowhere in particular. A large, human sized mirror on a wooden frame, showing the reflection of purple fabric.
And the flap you aren't holding up seems to be moving  in sync with the wind in the desert outside the tent, even though you feel nothing coming from the void.

"Oh, good, you're up."  You can hear a voice in your head, female with a slight electronic distortion effect. "Just in time too. I looked into your memories. Tried to find a place that would feel familiar to you. Makes the transition easier."
Before your very eyes, the mirror moves aside and something that looks like the end of one slide and the beginning of another materializes in its place, in a flash of golden and green sparks.
"For you to have gotten to the door so fast, there was clearly an error on my part."

DarkArtemisFowl: Zechariah Dimikaelo
You wake up. You can see a dark rock cave ceiling above you, illuminated by the occasional glowing green crystal.
"Get up Pretender." she says in a commanding tone. The voice is coming from above, the crystals pulsing green light in sync with it.
"The others are already getting ready." Her voice sounds like someone randomly used a dozen voice filters on a woman's voice to produce a slight electrical effect with musical highs and lows and many harmonics.

GreatWyrmGold: Angel Carlson
You wake up.
You can see a colorful ceiling above you, like someone threw balloons filled with paint at it. It seems very low.
You notice something strange. Your powers seem to be giving you nothing. You can feel them, but it's like blank fields of text or empty boxes. You could let them go and try for new ones, if you wanted.
You hear a voice coming from nearby. "Come oooon, wake up." he urges you.
"The others are already up, we're going to miss it." He sounds like a child, but with a small echo. He sounds very excited.

Fniff: Jordan Svenson
((I'm very tempted to say 1. You're here 2. You're sitting on an armchair 3. You're in a room. Because you're asking me to think for your character and frankly I don't know how your character thinks. But let's do it, just this once, see what happens.))
You examine the room under the dim light the fire provides.
There's a wood and glass table on your right with an empty unlabeled bottle and a glass on it. So, maybe you just drank too much? Or maybe you were drugged?
And there's a wood and glass cabinet with more unlabeled bottles of liquids of all colors.
There's also a wooden door with an intricate design carved on it, the only way out of the room you can see.
Coupled with the design of the fireplace you guess... British? The room does give you an British vibe...
There's also a record player there with 10 discs, those too unlabeled.
Hmmm... unlabeled, what could that mean? To avoid tracking? Custom made? Whatever it is, it means whoever lives here must be very quirky. Or dangerous.
There's a chandelier in the ceiling, looks old and expensive.
The wallpaper might hold more info, perhaps you could determine its age or... Oh, wait it's not a wallpaper. It's just a white wall that has been meticulously covered in blood to form intricate patterns without making it look ugly or scabbed. It actually looks pretty consistent and well drawn, enough to fool the eye in this dim light. Clearly a professional artist's job. Probably used some sort of chemical coating to preserve the design without making it unpleasant. Well, that means whoever lives here is quite powerful, quite crazy and quite dangerous.
The only thing left to examine is the mirror. There's an inscription there but it's been covered with a small blood spatter. You scrub it a little. Oh, yes, it reads-
"Mirrors are more fun than television." whispers your reflection in the mirror while looking at you, before pulling a knife and cutting its own throat.
You are taking this all very calm, all things considered. Besides your heartbeat elevating a bit and your body tensing, there's no noticeable reaction.
"Excellent!" approves your reflection, keeping its head upright to prevent its throat from opening, this time using another voice, not yours.
"You seem to be exactly what we're looking for. So cold, so focused. A real killer."
'What we are looking for.' So, recruiting. A secret agency?
The British probably wouldn't go to all this trouble, setting up holographic displays and directional speakers. The Americans or Chinese maybe? Or an unknown third party?
And that leaves you with no indication of where you could be. This could be a studio in the middle of nowhere, created just so that interrogators can mess with their victims' heads.
Or maybe you're just drugged and hallucinating. Or maybe you've gone crazy. Who knows? Reality is a bitch, but determining reality without reliable information is even worse.

So, let's choose a game mode for the next map, shall we?
We have:
  • Arena: A simple "last man standing wins" match. Other objectives may be present based on map size and state or may appear during the game.
    • Standard Arena: Just perfect for instant action, with not much room to run away. About the size of a large restaurant, maybe a bit larger.
    • Large Arena: Gives some more room for resting, maneuvers, tactics and ambushes. About the size of a large warehouse or factory.
    • Huge Arena: This arena is so large, there will likely be other means for motivating players to go and fight each other, like trackers or other primary objectives for example. About the size of a small town.
    • Extreme Arena: Even with other primary objectives and means of tracking other players, you're likely to spend as much time finding each other and interacting with NPCs as fighting each other, if not more. About the size of a small city, if not larger.
    • Changing Arena: Your surroundings will rapidly change. Provides opportunities for people to quickly get near or away from a fight.
    • Malevolent arena: This arena is dangerous. It might be because someone designed their base with no OSHA compliance. It might be that the arena is changing itself to confuse you and put you face to face with danger. Or it might be that the arena is growing hands that try to suck you in the walls. Either way, this is neither a pleasant nor a safe place to be.
  • Boss fight: Fight against an incredibly tough opponent. The entire team wins if the enemy is destroyed, else last man standing wins
    • Small scale: He might be strong, but he's still human sized, or close enough. Your challenge would most likely be managing to hit him and evading his attacks.
    • Large scale: Big threat in a big package. You'll want to hit this one hard and stay out of its way.
  • Survival: Stay alive while being under attack by hostile forces. The entire team wins if one of them survive past a certain point, else last man standing wins.
  • Conflict: Two or more teams with conflicting objectives. Complete your team's objectives to win.
  • Race: Complete your objective first or be the last one standing. Essentially a combination of Arena and Conflict.
  • Assault: Work as a team to finish an objective. It won't be easy, and there will be incentive for infighting.
  • Tournament: Settle this the old fashioned way. Duel until there is only one left standing.
  • Other: Got any good ideas?
I personally recommend a Standard-Huge Arena for simplicity, since this is the first match and all.

EDIT:((Too sleepy to send PMs, will send after sleep. ZZZzzzzz))
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 11:21:31 pm by Parisbre56 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2013, 11:16:43 pm »

Some CtF variant would be good to add at some point. And maybe something where we get minions.

Extreme, Malevolent, Changing Arena: The City of Gears
More description incoming.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2013, 11:30:05 pm »

(I should have phrased it better: it was meant as an attempt to analyze the area and see what's up.)
Tokyo, Japan, Yenshen Labs
Large Arena
Backstory: Yenshen Labs, a large Japanese company, has recently perfected the process of genetic modification. Obviously this would be much better in our hands. Get the data from the computers, and kill anyone trying to stop you.
Location: Hi-tech underground lab with bright lights and lots of metal. Rooms are large with lots of objects making it easy to find cover, while corridors are tight and all too exposed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2013, 11:31:46 pm »

No one knows where the City of Gears came from. It was clearly made, however. No master watchmaker's masterpiece resembles the complexity of the City of Gears. It is a massive clockwork device, built around a massive pole with a massive ball rolling down a ramp studded with devices the ball powers, activates, or both. These devices trigger others, and when the City activated set off a chain reaction that proceeds onwards through the present day. The interior of the City is deceptively safe; buildings, even small towns and farms, stud the inside of the City. Yet, it is only a matter of time before your farm falls away to power some other device, or before your entire town is ravaged by becoming a pendulum, or before your house is crushed by a shower of loose gears. Yes, sometimes malfunctions seem to occur, but even these seem to have a function.

Who knows why the City exists? Was it a gift from one god to another, or the work of an immortal mad tinker of ages past? What does it matter? All who enter brave great danger. All who exit exit powerful, rich, or dead.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #39 on: November 08, 2013, 11:37:06 pm »


John frowned.  Where was he?  What had happened?  What was this place?

He needed to search for an exit.

((No idea if you still wanted an action- I blame 504 errors))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #40 on: November 08, 2013, 11:38:06 pm »

Zechariah blinked for a few moments, adjusting his eyes to the lights.

Get up.

He was trying to view his surroundings, but couldn't see much other than the rock ceiling and the pulsating crystals. He had a dull headache, like those he used to get from Artemis. He turned his attention to the voice. Could it be... Scion? No, no, Scion has been dead for two years now. She was a part of Artemis' world anyways. Zechariah could only assume that this was another test from The Medium, another world he had to endure and save. He had already gone through four worlds; how hard could this be?

If his memory served right, this should be this world's Medium site; he would call it the Crystalia for now. It sounded nice. Well, at least nicer than the "Castle of Glass," which was his Medium's name. This woman... whoever she was, sounded orderly. Superior. Like Mattatron did. Maybe, if things are the same here also, this is this world's equivalent of Mattatron. In that case, he was not ready to confront her. He would have to listen to her, for now.

"Okay. What do you ask of me? Who are these others?"

He knew it might be useless to ask who the others were, since these superior-types NEVER gave out any information. But he might as well play along and do his part. If this WAS another case of The Medium, then he would have to do anything he could to save this dimension. His job never ended.

This is what he asked for after all.

Ready my staff. Await requests.

Huge Arena, to start it off. Let's get the ball rolling.
The Highlands.
A jungle-forest type environment set in mountains. The main feature of this environment is a giant waterfall off of one of the mountains, which leads down to a basin area, circled by the other mountains and heavy trees and green vegetation. Mist and fog covers the area. Mixtures of wooden and stone buildings cover the area, including above the waterfall.

The rest is up to you guys.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 11:43:50 pm by DarkArtemisFowl »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2013, 03:01:48 am »

"I... I... I don't..."
I stop and think back, back to how things were, and remember.
remember the way that everything seemed to be slowing down. slower and slower, time itself had seemed to be dragging on, occasionally needing a push.
yet another sense that I've now lost.
and yet, if... if that had been happening...
I slowly stand up, my tails swishing in the grass, and glance down at myself.
Am I clothed? Are they the same clothes I had before?
I then look up and carefully listen for where the replies are coming from, as I speak.
"I... I suppose I thank you. I... could you explain where I am? I'm... This...
This is a nice place, isn't it? I've never seen the sky before with my own eyes.
I'd like to know who I'm speaking with. could you tell me about you?"

No opinion as to first mission.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: An RTD (Working on abilities)
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2013, 03:47:40 am »

"Well, this definitely is an upgrade from the place I last remember falling asleep in, so I see no point in complaining, really. By the way, that's some nice-looking stationery you've got over there. Mind if I take it?"

If the voice allows it, grab pens and paper. Go to the bathroom and wash up. Pretty rare privilege for me, all things considered.

I vote for Assault because I hate arenas.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:21:30 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Preparing for the first mission)
« Reply #43 on: November 09, 2013, 11:17:54 am »

"You know, I'd prefer if you simply just asked me whether or not I wanted a job." said Jordan, as he checked his pockets. His iPod was still there. Good, he needed two things in a fight: a weapon and some kicking tunes. Those got him in the mood very well. Besides, at least they didn't confiscate it. "My girlfriend will be wondering where I am. Now, I have two questions: who are you, and what's the pay?" The first question was common courtesy and the second was obvious from his surroundings: a lot. You had to be careful with jobgivers, though, they tended to be rather prickly if you cut the bullshit and go to the chase.
Ask the circumstances of the arrangement and the identity of the person in question.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 11:26:28 am by Fniff »


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Re: Special People: An RTD (Preparing for the first mission)
« Reply #44 on: November 09, 2013, 12:19:24 pm »

Some CtF variant would be good to add at some point. And maybe something where we get minions.
I dunno. I think that getting minions would do nothing except give me more things to manage. A companion, sure. For example, one of the Conflict missions I was considering had the players have companions or other assets that aided them in their objectives.
And CTF, while very fun in an FPS, I think it would get boring pretty fast in an RTD.

Toaster: John Lancaster
You get up from what looks like a mix of high tech bed and sensory deprivation chamber that seems to have slid out of the wall and make your way around a touchscreen table to a triangular door made from the same silvery metal. You push the button near the door and it slides upwards, revealing darkness beyond and a collection of strange objects. Doors, slides, mirrors, tents, rock slabs.

"Human remain calm and proceed outside for your briefing." you hear a male voice in your head. He speaks with a deep and slightly distorted voice, a cold and unemotional monotone.

Oh, hey, look, that rock slab just started glowing red.

DarkArtemisFowl: Zechariah Dimikaelo
You get up and look around. You seem to be inside a large cavern, its roof studded with those strange green crystals.
You are standing on a small floating rock island with a bed and nightstand on it. It is connected with bridges made of rope and wood to an island with a rock desk and an island with a rectangular gray rock slab. The underside of the islands you can see are full of those strange green crystals.
The rock slab has a disk-like depression with intricate geometric designs carved in it. There is a short pedestal in front of it.
Below you there is only darkness.

"Make your way through the portal." As she speaks, the carvings of the rock slab light up a fiery red.
"He will explain to you there and you will meet the others."
The red light expands into a ring, a portal revealing darkness beyond, with strange objects in it.

Lenglon: Irene
You look down. You are wearing a long white shirt that seems to be enough to preserve your modesty, but little else. "You can change it if you don't like it." she says. "You can change almost everything in here. You just have to focus on it." Her voice seems to be coming from somewhere near that island.

"This is... well, the best way to describe it would be your Home, at least for now. This is a private pocket of reality I have created for the Games, with his help and permission, as an extension of the Staging Area. Only you and me can be here."
"As for who I am... I am simply a powerful being. Some of us call themselves Gods, but I am not that arrogant. I guess you could call me an entity?"

A gust of wind lifts the purple veil revealing what seems to be a mirror, but only darkness and a collection of strange objects can be seen in it.
"Unfortunately, like I said, our rules forced me to put you in the Games. Make your way through the portal and all will be explained."
Oh, hey, look, there's a horned blue lizard man looking out from a tent in that darkness. Or is it lizard woman? Hard to discern with these non-mammals.

Harry Baldman: Lucky Ike Watkins
"Sure thing mate, take it." the alarm clock responds. "It's all included in the price."

You make your way to the bathroom to wash up, after pocketing some pens and paper. The warm water and cheap soap sure fell good.

"Speaking of price." the voice continues, this time coming from a waterproof radio hanging on the wall "Make your way out of your room once you're done. We're gonna be discussing our arrangement."

Fniff: Jordan Svenson
"Who am I? I am I!" he says and chuckles a bit, like the word I holds everything you need to know in it. "And I do not ask. I take." He sounds amused.
"About your payment..." The wooden doorway opens with a creak, revealing the same view of darkness and strange objects everyone's been seeing. "Step on through the doorway and we'll discuss it."

Get your votes in for gametype if you want. Right now Assault is leading with 2 votes. If I don't get more votes next turn, we'll continue with that.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 12:30:12 am by Parisbre56 »
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