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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1172428 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3060 on: December 21, 2014, 06:07:45 am »


Blast any hostile\projectile that comes into the range of my bling-arm.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3061 on: December 21, 2014, 08:48:36 am »

Bryan, survival

to everyone again: <I don't think these men are a threat yet, I only sense fear and confusion>
Head next to the almost finished car and be ready to leave at a moments notice.
That's why you should always wear a seatbelt kids! You never know when a telekinetic assassin is going to cause your car to crash! Safety first!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3062 on: December 22, 2014, 05:56:13 pm »

Entity Challenge

These are mission briefings for the entity challenge mission choices.

This is in reverse. Instead of choosing a mission and then seeing its briefing, this time I'm showing you the possible briefings first. There's not too much info here, but it should help give you a better idea OOC about some things.

It's not yet done, but I thought I should write what I have. Consider it a holiday present or something.

Spoiler: Single (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Pair (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Triad (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Q&A (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 04:14:36 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3063 on: December 22, 2014, 05:58:16 pm »


Campaign, Ike!

"Brilliant! Drama! It's what makes the world go around!"

Fetch a few of those bleach bottles. The nicest-looking ones in reach, mind you, not those Brand X ones that always fare poorly in the commercials.

Then surreptitiously guide the willing (or captive in the case of Nikolai) of the party out of the room (at least the members of the party not in clear view of Irene) while Mom and Dad work out their issues.

((Oh no! Looks like he's been using brand X!))

You grab a big litre-sized bottle of bleach (at least, you think it's bleach, the label is not in any language you know) that appears to be glowing slightly before you start shoving and dragging people out of the room. "Come on, people! Get out of the way of the crazy magic user drama argument thing."

The hallway looks much like the other room. It is just a large, wide, angular hallway similar in build to the other room that runs one side of it. It is mostly empty. A curious thing is that it lacks windows, torches or any other method of illumination, making it darker the further you get from the door. And the smoke left here by all those fires is definitely not helping with the visibility problems.

Then again, now that the fire is out, the situation will probably get better. You can sense hot air coming from the end of the corridor and disappearing somewhere through tiny holes in the wall behind you. That must by why it's so comfortably warm up here.

Your superior senses tell you that the hallway is surprisingly empty. There's a couple of parasites and a humanoid you guess is a slave walking around there, shambling towards your general direction, but not much else. You can also sense a... thing in the left wall some distance away, something like a triad of very irregular bumps.

The hallway continues a bit further until it reaches a right turn. You sense that it becomes larger and more irregular there, although you can't tell exactly what is there. A stairway or similar, probably.

"River's not even really dying. Why don't we let him do his heroic sacrifice thing? It is better than killing teammates or carrying a useless unconsious person.

By the way Zech, if you need a power boost send your crystals this way. I will give you more crystal to use. More crystal is always good, yes?"

Continue encumbering Ike.
If I get to relative safety then bandage my leg and neck to stop the bleeding.
If Zech sends a crystal over then give it a boost.

While Ike spends his time clicking and clacking at the darkness, you spend yours bandaging the cut in your leg, using some spare duct tape. You do a very good job, considering the materials you're working with. The bleeding has almost stopped.

But it is only a temporary solution. You really hope either River survives so he can heal you properly or that there is some sort of magical hospital around here. Wonder if the entities provide you with health insurance...

I stand there and watch River with wet eyes, refusing to evade, block, counterattack, or look away.
"Don't die, ok?"
I perform three tasks with my flames:
1) I maintain a defensive perimeter around the group, keeping any parasites off us.
2) I have my flames near the portal back away and then suddenly rush back towards it, catching any parasites that advance in their wake.
3) I protect River and any others out away from the group from any threats that come for them.

River brings his hand close to his face, its back facing you, opens it and then immediately closes it.
You feel like there's pressure applied to your body, focusing primarily on your head and chest.
A familiar pain overcomes you. You start to feel sick. Like you want to throw up. Everything is spinning. You can't focus. You can't even stay upright.
The pain lets up for a moment, only for another more intense wave to hit you a moment later. You feel weak. Every movement is hard. You feel like your insides are burning.
You're not sure how much time passes. You start to near unconsciousness. Probably for the best. Unconsciousness means no more pain. No more emotion.
But then it stops. You still feel sick and disoriented, but at least it feels like you're slowly getting better.
Should you open your eyes, you shall see that you have fallen on the floor.
You've lost control of all fires. The only thing that's left on fire is some of the burning supplies inside the room.

((In case you are wondering, you'd normally get both a will roll and an end roll for this sort of attack. I interpreted the lack of dodging as an autofail for the will rolls. You always get End rolls even if you're unconscious, since they are considered to both your and your body's reaction to harm.))

"Shit, Rover, what's the deal? I dunno what whatserface wants to do, but if there's one thing I've learned its that you have horrible judgement. Take a chill pill! That or the plentiful lemonade I've summoned everywhere.

Summon a large burlap sack/sturdy garbage bag. Keep Spot Rover distracted with rambling of the above kind while I sneak up to him and get him into the bag. Then drag it to safety.

((Too bad River can't hear you, because I had a great comeback.))
Dodge doesn't appear very interested in what you have to say. It's like he can't even hear or see you. Much rude. How sad. Wow.

In fact, his refusal to listen to you infuriates you so much you actually manage to run. And nobody is around to see it. That was like a once in a lifetime event and everyone missed it because they're busy doing something else. It's like the first time you walked all over again.

Running takes you there in record time although you are starting to feel a bit tired. River doesn't appear to have noticed you, or if he has, then he is not paying much attention to you. Well, that should make your job easier. Just need a sack.

And you get a sack! Flying at high speed. Out of your hand. Hitting River straight on the head. Throwing him down on the floor.
River whines and clutches at the air before he closes his eyes and his body goes limp. Well, that should make carrying him easier.

But there is a slight problem with that plan. You aren't really strong or quick or dexterous. Meaning that trying to carry him like this will be really slow, barring another stroke of luck (or unluck, depending on how you look at it).
Oh, and there's a bunch of parasites coming your way.
And the portal is acting up. Looks like it's coming towards you.
This is going great![/sarcasm]


Zechariah gritted his teeth, his mind becoming frayed from too many tasks compounding themselves on him at once. He was a Medium, sure, but that meant he drew power from the people around him and their spirits, as well of the spirits of the natural world. However, if he could not take care of himself also, then there was no point. He was just as useless as a twig.

He had to keep up his fighting spirit, but he also had to know his limits. He would burn himself out far too quickly if he kept trying to become more than he was capable of.
This would seem to be a recurring problem for Zechariah. It's as if he is an addict to the pain that he experiences when he stretches himself too far.
A masochist, he is.

At any rate, he was far too preoccupied with his work to listen carefully to the words that were being thrown around by River and Irine. He could tell there was strife, but he couldn't focus himself too much on the argument. He could only pray that the two of them would keep themselves together long enough to have the group escape without anyone dying.

"Irine, I'm going to have to drop some of the protective shields. I can't manage so many energy sources and hardlights. Just keep the perimeter safe until I can help River with what he needs!"

Lose some of the shields protecting the group and refocus the power to maintain the portal's shields and draw on the Shadows to pull the parasites off of the Generator.

He seriously hoped that this would not endanger the group, but even he was human..
You already did that. I had you do it last turn by more loosely interpreting your action to make success easier. Yes, I am sometimes nice. Especially when there's a chance it will make a TPK less likely.

Anyway, let's try again.
You continue to fail to utilise the shadows. The good news is that with River K.O., that doesn't really matter.
The bad news is that River and Alan are near the portal.
The worse news is that the wall around the portal is starting to fail. You're pushing as much power and concentration as you can muster into it but it is still not enough. The parasites keep draining the wall faster than you can replenish it.

The ugly news is that the portal has stopped pouring out parasites and is simply getting larger. It engulfs a few of the parasites inside your wall but it looks like this isn't what's driving it. This isn't a chain reaction. It just keeps getting larger. It will reach your wall any moment now.
On one hand, keeping the wall where it is means that all the parasites caught inside it will disappear inside it. But that will also mean that you'll loose all those shields shards and will have to recreate them.
On the other hand, opening the wall will save those shards for later use but will also unleash the parasites inside in the room.

Note to self: NPCs' life expectency appears to be low when near players
Possible solution: Provide armour to all NPCs. Make all NPCs also be PCs scratch that, the life expectancy is even worse
Addendum: Store owners should move inside tanks to prevent (accidental) killing and looting. Look into Sandcrawler modifications.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3064 on: December 22, 2014, 06:14:03 pm »

((What was the comeback? I'm curious now.))

Alan looks about and sees the day is dire/
He knows what he must do, it's time to light the fire!
Summon COUCH!
Glorious wheeled couch that will save hiiiiiim/
Awesome couch!
Throw Doggy on the sofa and begin to speed away

((That was set to some sort of rythm in my head.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3065 on: December 22, 2014, 06:49:20 pm »

Zechariah kept moving around, trying to multitask but failing to do so. The best he could do was try to salvage the wall of crystals, but even then, the wall was diminishing. He had little room to observe his surroundings, but he could see Irine fall to the floor, her fires no longer under her control.

"Irine!" he shouted out to her. This was only going to make things harder, as he no longer had her to provide primary defense against the parasites. He fought his instinct to drop the shields and assist both her and River, and continued to mount the defensive wall, trying to keep the portal from spewing out more monsters.

He began shouting out to his teammates, trying to get them to help him with his endeavors. He wasn't sure if they were even going to listen, but he had to try. "The portal is unstable! Nikolai, I need you to help repair the crystals and keep them strong. After that, I need you to back away or hit the floor immediately. Try to help Irine out if you can. Ike... keep doing what you're doing. Alan, get River out of here  and help Ike move us out of here!"

He had a plan. It was a simple plan, and it wasn't a particularly good one. But it was a plan.

After Nikolai (hopefully) repairs my shields and gets out of the way, manipulate the wall so that it breaks up into sharp, jagged shards. Manipulate the new shards so that they form a maelstrom, spinning around the portal and killing any parasites that dare to touch the spinning shards. If possible, try to manipulate the Shadows to choke the portal, keeping it in a state of neutrality or collapse if I can.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3066 on: December 22, 2014, 07:00:14 pm »

Irine, Campaign

I slowly roll over and dazedly look around, trying to avoid jostling my head.

If I'm alone, then I curl up and rest my head on my knees, letting myself rest and recover.

If I'm in a room with few parasites and no teammates, then I let my predatory instincts take over, and grab the few flames in the room with me and begin hunting them down.

If I'm in a room with many parasites and no teammates, then I start crawling towards an exit.

If only a few moments have passed and I'm still in time-sync with the rest of the team, then I crawl towards the main group, trying to put a wall between me and the portal and the slabs, once I'm sure nobody is left behind in the room with the portal, I start siezing the fire it's using as fuel and tugging on it, backing it up, making it flow too fast, attempting to rip it away, just generally messing with it and pushing the limits of whatever is fighting with me for control.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3067 on: December 22, 2014, 09:57:45 pm »

Get to Zech's barrier as fast as a cripple can. Repair and strengthen it. Then retreat.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3068 on: December 23, 2014, 02:19:01 am »

Campaign, Ike!

Take a look inside the portal room again. Is drama still in progress?

If not and nothing challenges the assumptions that immediately follow, fetch bag from Rover's vicinity and bag Irine for safe transportation using the Bag of K.O. while Alan takes care of our kindly host.

If yes or something challenges the assumptions in the preceding action, secure the hallway with sword in hand, like one of them knights!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3069 on: December 23, 2014, 08:41:30 am »


Well, keep out of site of those guys, don't want to mess with them, until I head to a hospital and get my shoulder hole fixed
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3070 on: December 23, 2014, 06:57:25 pm »


Morph to a large hawk, screaming a cry of rage at the oncoming creature, hoping to startle it. Then, flick around, and start flying around towards the way out.

Now I'm glad I had that training session with that weird entity that was the hawk. I'm used to flying through narrow bits!
((It was a crow. And it wanted to teach you how to use your head. Although I guess head-butting things does count as using your head.))

You turn tail and run away as fast as you can, trying to transform at the same time. The thing tries to bit you but you're too fast for that. Its teeth snap at empty air. The transformation works OK, for the most part. You think you might have left a small piece of you behind, but it wasn't anything important.

A minute later, you're flying out of the hole in the ground in front of the Gallery.
The area looks much the same, except that now most of the Gallery is on fire and there are a few more wrecked cars around.
As for ways to get off the island:
You've got the North, with the centre of the island and a bridge and a tunnel beyond that.
You've got the West with the docks and another bridge.
You've got the East, with yet another bridge.
Or you could choose to not follow a terrestrial escape route.

Bryan, survival

"Sorry man, I didn't mean anything by that."
To the dudes from around the corner.
"Hello there"
He takes a step backwards.
He takes a few hasty steps backwards and disappears back where he came from.


Yeah, better finish it up.  Makes us safer and less conspicuous.

"Just a second longer... Bryan, you better drive..."
Almost done. Just the roof and the windows left.
Now that I think about it, you might want to skip the roof, make it a convertible. It would certainly make fitting Saevus in there easier, unless you're planning on throwing him in the trunk or dragging him behind you. Or you could just leave him behind, that would work too.
Anyway, consider yourself free to drive away next turn. As in, give me your destination. Just drive out of the alley and towards the nearest bridge (which is the western one)?


Blast any hostile\projectile that comes into the range of my bling-arm.
You keep your arm pointed at the corner behind which the man disappeared. About half a minute later, a pineapple flies out from the corner and towards you, bouncing on the floor. Well, littering like that is not going to be left unpunished. Especially when the perpetrators are using such evil fruits.
Strange. You never felt pineapples were dangerous or evil before. In fact, you don't think you've ever seen a pineapple before, yet you know its name. It's like this one triggers a memory you didn't knew you had.
Well, no matter, you'll deal with those foreign memories later. Right now the evil fruit plotting against you takes precedence.

A swift application of bling-arm pushes the pineapple away. The pinapple rolls and bounces a couple of times before it disappears behind a trashcan. The trashcan disappears with a bang and a flash of light.
Hah! You knew that pineapple was plotting against you. Now its plans are ruined and you are victorious.

Bryan, survival

to everyone again: <I don't think these men are a threat yet, I only sense fear and confusion>
Head next to the almost finished car and be ready to leave at a moments notice.
You take cover behind the car, making sure to keep your distance from all the things materialising around it.

You feel a transformation in feelings coming from the group. The fear of the man that left spreads to the others. All except one. That one also feels fear, true but he also feels more of anxiety, anticipation and relief at the same time. A moment later, this changes to something more like determination, courage or something similar. A few seconds later, similar emotions spread to the other two groups.

Now that you think focus on it, it feels like the other groups have stopped somewhere nearby. One somewhere towards the south and one somewhere towards the north. That leaves only the west clear.

Before you can contemplate more, there's the sound of air moving at high speed, followed by a trashcan some distance away exploding.


Well, keep out of site of those guys, don't want to mess with them, until I head to a hospital and get my shoulder hole fixed
You make sure not to visit those guys' website. They're probably full of boring status updates like "I just did the laundry." anyway.

It looks like they have finished preparing whatever they were meant to be preparing. The man talking in the radio says something and nods before removing his headset. He reaches for the handbag of the other and retrieves a revolver, the man with the handbag doing the same. The guy with the big hollow stick thing stands ready.

About ten seconds later, there's an explosion. The men get ready, kneeling and aiming somewhere down the road.

Staging Area

Quote from: Yourmaster
You open your eyes.

You find yourself in a larger open area made of stone and wooden supports. One of the walls features a few of those gigantic wooden barrels that usually hold alcohol. It is lit by a large fireplace, complemented by a few torches hanging from the stone walls. The room is filled with tables and chairs, although they are all unoccupied. In a corner of the room, there are is a music band made up from humanoids that look like bioluminescent fungi.

Finally there's a counter, with a few smaller barrels, a small fire and some cooking implements behind it. Behind the counter is a a burly man with medium length platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and the facial characteristics of a stereotypical Viking, sans the braided beard. He simply has some short facial hair.
He's wearing a light cloth shirt with short sleeves that show off his muscles. A large wooden mug rests on the counter in front of him. He appears to be reading something, deep in thought.

He turns to face you once he notices that you're conscious.
"Hey." he says, acknowledging your presence.
He uses one hand to close the book and the other to make a motion towards you.
"Nice eyes. I bet they're really good for night reading."

"Don't think I have anything else to say, though if I recall correctly you wanted to see this."
Take the red apple and set it on the desk in front of me, then pull out my clipboard and use it to create a laser to cut the red apple into slices
You retrieve the red apple and the notepad and prepare to show off your skills.
"I am watching." the voice states through the speaker. To punctuate that statement, the screen behind the speaker splits into a grid, each square showing an image of you from a different angle.
With that, you start working. You get distracted a few seconds into the calculations and draw a doodle of yourself in a giant death robot instead. As you start drawing a man get crushed under one of your robot's legs, you suddenly realise where you are and what you were supposed to be doing.
"That was just a warmup."
You quickly flip your notepad into a new page.
"For a future design." you add. The lack of facial characteristics of the speaker does nothing to aid any feelings of awkwardness you may be having.
"Never mind that, now pay attention, here it comes."
You start working on your equation, trying your best to remember how everything was supposed to be written, how all the variables are supposed to interact. Then comes the setting of the variables, judging the location of your target and the intensity necessary to hit it, making sure there are enough components to account for the needed focusing and amplification. Finally, you work on solving the equation, trading variables around, rewriting things until it reaches the necessary form. And immediately, the moment your work is complete a line of distorted air appears near the apple. That surface of the apple is instantly obscured by vaporizing liquid, while more liquid drips from the newly forming hole, creating a small puddle around it. The generated pressure causes the apple to wobble a bit, melting uneven gashes across its surface. Smoke starts coming out of it as it gets hotter and hotter. Finally, the beam penetrates the other side of the apple and starts to melt the plastic of the wall. A moment later, it stops.

You are left with a smoking apple with many gashes molten across its surface and a funnel-like hole going through its middle, surrounded by a puddle of its own juices and a cloud of vaporised water.
"Good. A bit messy, but good." the voice says.
The robo-secretery comes through the door and approaches the desk with rubber gloves and a wiper in hand.
"Just give me a sec to consult my assistants. Opinions?"
<This being fits the minimum specifications provided in your search query.> you hear a voice in your head, cold, monotonous, deep.
<Give him a challenge. Let him show who he really is. If he does well, keep him. If he does not, kill him.> another deep voice in your head, accompanied with a small growl. It sounds slightly angry. It reminds you of thunder and giant rocks falling.
"Helpful, as always." the speaker replies sarcastically.

"Well, I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment." he adds after a small delay. "And I enjoyed this little conversation. You show promise, although it remains to be seen how you act in a more complex situation. But I think I can work through any issues. So... the job is yours. Congratulations."
The image behind the speaker shows confetti falling.
"Just go through the door you came in through when you're ready. I'll clean up in here in the meantime. Rebuild a bit. Make the place better. Any preference?"

Edit: Oh, people in the campaign mission are all at the same time and should be ablr to see each other, in case it matters.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 07:11:14 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3071 on: December 23, 2014, 07:23:04 pm »

<Give him a challenge. Let him show who he really is. If he does well, keep him. If he does not, kill him.> another deep voice in your head, accompanied with a small growl. It sounds slightly angry. It reminds you of thunder and giant rocks falling.
((River, what are you doing over there? I thought you were with us, and unconscious.
Maybe Charlie's impersonating him?))
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3072 on: December 23, 2014, 07:40:04 pm »

Fly up several hundred meters, then simply glide to my destination. East.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3073 on: December 23, 2014, 09:27:43 pm »

((Can I get a health/status update of everyone who is with Team Car?  I need to know who needs prosthesis.))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Special People: Portal Combat
« Reply #3074 on: December 24, 2014, 02:16:00 am »

((I've been absent primarily because of net troubles :x Sorry people.

...Oh...oh wow. Oh dear. I was reading this up when the new replies flooded in -_-
Ngghhh. Dislike being dead weight.

Can anyone post for me or fill me in for the next few days if no response occurs? :S))



> Sequential aid allies generic action {Until I catch up to all this}
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