Second chance round
You are inside the cargo section of a cargo plane, close to its tail. Everything is illuminated by a dim red light. Judging from the noise and the vibrations you are experiencing, you are flying.
"Listen up!" you hear a slightly muffled voice shouting.
The voice comes from a woman (at least you assume it's a woman due to her voice) standing close to a tank, wearing a flight helmet with a dark green-tinted faceplate that along with an oxygen mask are completely obscuring her face. Her gloved hand is close to some sort of control panel with various large buttons.
"Get ready! You'll be dropped into the combat zone soon!"Any attempt to move more than a few steps away proves futile, as you appear to be tied to something behind you. Looking left and right, you see the other contestants (identifiable by the interface on their arm, the silvery shackle-like thing with a round cyan screen), each of them wearing the same uniform, dark green with a grey skull in the shoulder. They all wear backpacks that are attached to the ceiling behind them, close to the cargo door.
"There's two win conditions! Either take and hold the hill-"You start feeling weightless. The noise of the engines becomes quieter and is replaced by intense shaking.
She takes a second to readjust her grip to the wall.
"Take and hold the hill or be the last man standing! Understand?"Something explodes nearby, causing the shaking to intensify. The door behind you starts opening and the feeling of weightlessness diminishes somewhat.
Not waiting for a response, she continues yelling.
"Move quickly! Before he has a chance to catch up to you!"The door finishes opening, revealing darkness lit by the occasional flash or point of light. The dim red light illuminating the cargo section becomes a dim green light.
"Go, go, go!"Before you can do anything, she presses a button and one by one you fall backwards.
You fall out of the door along with the rest of the cargo, your parachute starting to open the moment you exit. The parachute deploys, the sudden deceleration causing some discomfort. You watch the cargo plane disappear inside the clouds, climbing upwards while releasing a stream of flares behind it. The flares fall towards the ground along with you and the other- Wait! The ground!
The impact is a bit rough but you come out uninjured, despite the fact that you were dropped so low reaching the ground took only about 10 seconds. The ground is soft and muddy, like it has recently rained, which helps soften the impact.
The area around you is still illuminated by the leftovers of the flares that fell with you. You appear to be inside a shallow ditch carved by a rather large tank that is slowly trying to move forward in front of you, the mud slowing it down. Behind it you can see a small hill with tracer rounds flying into the sky behind it. Occasional flashes of light illuminate the sky above it revealing grey clouds, with the sound of an explosion following less than a second later.
Looking left and right, you can catch glimpses of the other contestants behind their parachutes. The terrain appears to be relatively flat, with only the occasional rock or shallow crater providing any sort of cover. Not that you can see very far away in the darkness of the night.

The hill starts at the top of the map.
Each square in the grid is ~2 metres (~6.5 feet).
The lighter colour indicates places where there is shallow cover (cover you can use by going prone).
Brown is Tank
Green is Beirus
Red is Alarith
Yellow is Coolrune206
Blue is Wolfkit
White is akkudakku
Staging Area
The central pillar lights up, showing the three remaining contestants images of their potential opponents competing for the fourth place of Round 2.
"Anybody want some pop corn?"
Campaign, Ike!
Take off the bowl from my head sharpish and put it at a respectable distance from my foolish self. Hide my face in my hands.
Campaign, Ike!
Oh, and if shit starts to go down, throw the bowl at Master Kassiver's face as a distraction. If he's hostile, of course. If it's someone else, throw the bowl at their face instead.
You attempt to put the bowl away from you yet in a position that you can quickly grab it.
You also attempt to remain alert but at the same time cover your eyes. If it weren't for your enhanced senses, I would be making some sort of joke here.
<dialogue I used to respond>
I'm watching the old mage really really closely right now, afraid of how he might react.
and if he attacks me, I immolate him in flame summoned directly on top of him.
You reach out to the board he's drawing on, and slowly and gently tug it towards your chest and away from his implement. He stops drawing and looks at you very annoyed, while trying to hold on to the board with one hand. He lets go of it when you tug more firmly.
"Please, I'm nervous right now, don't do that."He continues looking at you with an annoyed look. He ends a sigh of exasperation with a single
"Fine." before letting go of the implement and crossing his arms.
You take three slow deep breaths, and then respond to his question.
"I'm nervous because your suspicions are partly correct. I did have something to do with how the portal here was closed."He looks at you with more interest than annoyance now.
You swallow before continuing.
"D-dont... don't do anything scary for a bit please, I'm... I'm afraid you're going to attack me when I tell you this, and if you attack me, I'm going to have to kill you on the spot. I don't have anything less than lethal right now. I've killed way too many people lately, don't make me kill more. Please!"As you speak, you watch his body become more tense. He lets his hands fall to his sides where you can't see them due to the table obscuring them. He is watching you intently, his eyes following the movements of your body.
You carefully regulate your breathing before going on.
"The world your portal connected to was a nexus of paths, a place it is much easier to go between worlds to and from. We arrived there using the abilities of one of my teammates. I honestly don't know how he does it. We actually were trying to reach your world directly, but someone, I think the being we're chasing, had damaged the relay there and we had to stop short. While we were trying to fix the relay, we were attacked by some of the parasites infesting the world, and by a couple people they had possessed. After we struck them down, one of my teammates somehow examined the remainder of the mind of one dead human they had possessed. Someone wearing an emblem that looked like this."You sweep some of the ash into a pile again and draw the symbol on the emblem as best as you can. His eyes follow the movement of your hand, occasionally glancing at you. He keeps looking at it for about a second after you finish, his eyes widening and his eyebrows coming closer together, before he continues looking at you very carefully.
"He told us that the person had been some kind of mage, and that they had been part of an expeditionary group from the place we were trying to go. and that he could show us the way to where their portal was. We followed his guidance, and found a glowing rift in the middle of an open area, one that was pulsing with energy, and that energy was drawing the parasites towards it from far, far away, and that was surrounded by many possessed humans too. We fought our way through it, and when we came out the other side, we were inside a stone structure, with a large hole in one wall that showed a city under siege. giant parasites were roaming the skies and devouring the people below, dozens upon dozens of parasites were in the room with us, and we could see still more roaming the city. we had many more possessed people in the room with us too, and an army was coming through the portal behind us. So we fled the room to a more defensible position, and I noticed that the portal was partly powered by a form of modified flame. So I reached out to it and disrupted that flow. I wanted to stop more of the parasites from coming through, to maybe give the people here a chance. It worked, the portal shut down, but in the fighting some dark stone tablets in the portal room were damaged, glowing cracks spreading across their faces, and eventually they started exploding in a chain reaction, the tablets damaging each other and making each other detonate. We managed to shield ourselves from the blasts, but the explosions damaged the floor below the tablets, and it suddenly crumbled away below us, revealing a giant glowing power source, and a number of the damaged tablets fell down the hole directly into the power source before we could react. The resulting explosion kept all of us disabled for... I don't even know how long, really, i think weeks? and several of us still haven't recovered. I'm pretty sure that explosion is what destroyed your city."The man continues looking at you intently. He stays silent for a long time. He doesn't look very happy. You notice his arms moving slightly.
"I see." he finally says very slowly, his voice quiet and calm but a bit bitter.
He remains silent for a few more seconds.
"I do not-... I will not try to hide my... displeasure with what you've told me. I fear that-"He pauses for a short moment to glance at something towards his right and then continues speaking a bit more quickly.
"Answer me this first and remain honest. Why are you here? You said you miss your home. Yet you said very little about the people living there. You said you do not want to kill people. Yet you admit to have killed too many. Do you only care about hunting that being you are hunting? Is that why you are here? Do you have any concern about the humans living here? Do you consider them as important as you?"
OOC((Huh. I got one shot. Can I see the rolls?
Don't remember exactly, but I do remember that you got equal RFLX rolls (both got 3 after modifiers were applied). After that, since you were both attacking in melee and got equal RFLX, there was a STR roll where Salsa rolled absurdly high, I think it was a 9 or 10 and you got 2 or 3. And then there was an END roll I don't remember.