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Author Topic: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot  (Read 3740 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2015, 02:08:41 pm »

ImageDump End of Year 5

  Updates after this may be in seasonal chunks, if I get the detail to fit them.  Honestly, this fort is dull and munadane from day-to-day.  I want the next gobbo siege.  Or something.

Spoiler: Fortress populations (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Wealth (click to show/hide)

This is from the topmost Zlevel to the Bottommost level:

Spoiler: Farm Dormatories (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Jail Level (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tomb Complex (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Hospital (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Masonry Area (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mason's Dorms (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Noble's Quarters (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Foundry Quarters (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Foundry (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 03:13:58 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2015, 12:37:50 pm »

pls dorf me as a mechanic.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2015, 03:54:43 pm »

Sure.  Have one of 2 full-time mechanics.  There are approximately 8 part-time military dwarves who share your job, but they are usually too busy training to work.

It'll be neat to follow his progress after I retire the fort as well.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 03:59:39 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2015, 02:35:26 pm »

001F-06 Spring 105 A.A.

  Very early in the year, the elven diplomat arrived.  This time Alisa Ilethiliri of The Famous Lake spent more time here, talking about the woes and triumphs of their culture.  When the Baron weeded out the pompous arrogance, we learned that the elves were at war with humans, and losing ground steadily.  For our own part, we told them of the goblin's encroachment upon our lands, and that it was a war because of it.
Spoiler: Alisa Ilethiliri (click to show/hide)

  We arranged for all of the excess food from the coming caravan in exchange for an extravagantly studded copper crossbow.
Spoiler: Crossbow of studding (click to show/hide)
And then we finished with the meat of the meeting.  The elves felt that we should stop destroying the trees in our land.  We agreed to fell no more than 100 trees.  Im not sure if they mean logs or trees though, as we don't even have 100 trees.  Also hopefully they cant count mushrooms, as we have plans to begin underground logging.
  Bidding farewell with a tasteless joke, the elf departed and left our poor baron alone.

  In the late spring a Giant lizard-bird with three gnashing tails entered the 2nd carvern and proceeded to slaughter everything within it.  We have no proper access to that cavesite, so we left it alone for the time being.  the miasma from all the dead in there appears to slow down time, however.
Spoiler: Strozu (click to show/hide)
  The arrival of the beast did prompt us to check the status of our traps, however.  We found out that some of the weaponry used had quite the reputation with dwarf killings, with a silver whip scoring 6 kills upon our fort and a silver warhammer scoring 7.  Shameful things should be melted; they're of shod-aweful quality anyhow.
Spoiler: Weremagic's weapon (click to show/hide)

  The spring closed without lose of life.  We decided to take an initiaitive, however, and give an exceptionally agile recruit 2 large daggers instead of the typical shield.  This recruit, a female named Nomal, scoffs at the idea of using our artifact dagger, but does so in the offhand out of respect for its creator.  in her primary hand she wields one of our own finely crafted steel daggers.  I sent her off to spar and test her ability to double attack, and she shows promise.
Spoiler: Nomal (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifact List (click to show/hide)
Our project for the summer shall be the cracking of the 3rd cavern and the construction of a 'barf room'.  Or just an outside barracks; much simplier.

Spoiler: ooc (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 08:58:37 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2015, 03:56:21 pm »

001F-07 Summer 105

  On the 9th of Felsite one of the mechanics barged into the Baron's Statuary and demanded a name change.  We all thought this quite odd, but since we all know what happens if a stange mood fails it was perhaps best just to grant it.  I hope his poor wife doesn't face too much in the way of gossip over this.
  But, as gossip does, it quickly passed in favor of news about the Baron of Honoredship producing another noble!
Spoiler: Baby (click to show/hide)
Dishmab is the newest member of the fort, and already outranks most of us.

  The humans arrived about a month later, the diplomat bringing archers as bodyguards instead of his previous hammerman and swordsman.  With quite the regal bearing he strood into the fort and without hesitation spoke to the baron.  The humans had made peace with the elves and had since been engaging the merlocks that reside to the south of them.  The humans stand to the south of us, for reference.  Our lands almost coincide with the majority of the elven population, although they also dwell northwards somewhat.  The goblins live farther to the north.
Nonetheless, it seems that sanctions from trading with their enemies was not about to evolve.  He joked about the increased defense of the fort and bid us farewell.

  The caverns will have to wait until we better plan our entrance.  For now we will place a barracks topside and permit the Heavy squads to train there.  That's currently Hinfantry and Adriti Alpha and Bravo, almost 40 dwarves worth.  A few issues were bound to surface with this setup, however . . .
Spoiler: GBS fight (click to show/hide)
  We suspect that the dwarf engaged the GDs instead of the other way around, although there is no way to confirm that as he appears to have went up for personal training alone.
We ordered the entire military to muster to hunt down the dwarf-eater, and the militia commander managed to get stuck!
Spoiler: Stuck commander (click to show/hide)
  Not sure how this happened either, but let's say he wasn't recruited for his intellect.  in fact, its one of the few areas he is lacking in.  A curse and a blessing, I'm sure.  In his stead a dagger-wielding recruit has slain the critter with one well-aimed thrust.  We are creating our second dual-wielder.

  That grizzly business taken care of (quite easily, I should add), the Baron of Honoredship went into a strange mood.  He was actually working.  He kicked the legendary leatherworker out of his shop and actually began working.
  Now, before we even looked in on him we knew what he would be making.  For as long as he has had the authority to he has demanded we produce excess quivers.  So no suprise when we look in and see him raising a masterfully crafted boltpouch above his head with both hands.  Almost as if remembering himself he shakes his head rapidly and grunts 'now this is how you make a proper quivers, you horse humpers'.  Whatever, sir.
Spoiler: The Rights of Guarding (click to show/hide)

  We pressed upon gwolfski, and he finally got around to hooking up the glass bridges and the accompanying doors in our prisoner pit on the military floor.  We dug out the 1x1 pit into the magma and tested it upon a troglodyte child.  Terrible to see the poor thing go, but I suspect it was more taxing upon our concious than his roasted body.  At least until he melted.
Spoiler: Trog (click to show/hide)
  Odd though, he didnt make any real magma mist.  Maybe boulders will work better.

  Towards the end of summer a WereApe ambushed us.  Once spotted, we called the entirety of the military into action.  the Hinfantry Alpha squads train topside exclusively, and wer able to respond relatively fast.  just not fast enough to stop save a pleb who happened to be hauling wood inside.
Spoiler: wereApe (click to show/hide)
Nobody else was wounded, thankfully.

  In the aftermath of the attack, the soldiers were still excited, and one of the seebeas, mechanic archers, decided to try to kill a second GDS.  This attack went poorly as well.  However, the scorpion then wandered into a cage trap, and has since been trained in a rudimentary fashion.  Its  male, from the best guesses of our animal trainers.  Not too sure how they know this, but . . . sure.
Spoiler: Scorpion fight Redux (click to show/hide)
The men have taken to calling it Azinegast, and we're fairly divided as to whether or not to execute it for its crimes.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 04:17:19 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2015, 04:43:28 pm »

001F-08 Autumn 105

  In Limestone the caravan arrives with 5 wagons and the liason.  He meets with the Baron and they discuss the plan to pop the third cavern.  It is met with approval.
The liason also informs us that all barons in Heatrelic are to be made Dukes, completely skipping over the county tier.  This of course meant that Heatrelic now had to cater to 2 dukes as well as the consort of the Duke of Honoredship.  Bleh.  we have a lot of work to do in order to satisfy nobles two bloody tiers above our current ones.
  The cavern's piercing was not without risk.  There are the elusive Caccodemons down there, red spherical maws that spit painful yet harmless chucks of matter at their prey.  they have been confirmed to dwell in the deepest caves of the area but we did not spot them here yet.
Spoiler: cavepop (click to show/hide)
  Mustering the entire military to the site, we remove the block we set up so long ago when our miner swam out the cistern instead of running back into the fort.
Nothing came while we designated the Seabee barracks across from the entrance.  Nothing came while we cleared a patch of land so we could detect threats.  nothing came while we crafted a tunnel and hooked up a bridge.  Nothing came at us when we chopped down the mushrooms, designated traps, and scouted the majority of the cave.  Extremely disappointing, although we could here the dinosaur above us murdering entire populations of critters.
Spoiler: Cave 3 (click to show/hide)

  One of the masons assigned to build a wall in the caves stopped building in order to punch the chained up troll in the public statuary in the mason's dorm.  How odd to be doing so now when its been there for the better part of the year.  whatever the reason for taking offense to the beast now I sent the skirmishers to kill it off before it harmed the mason further.
Spoiler: Fight (click to show/hide)
  The fight didn't seem serious to the troll, maybe they were letting off excess steam . . . ?

  In the First cavern a blob of salt came pustulating towards us, giving off this noxious smell while it did.  The forgotten beast Incantatio had come to breathe its poison breath at us!
Spoiler: Cave fight (click to show/hide)
This was sure to be epic!  This was sure to be lethal!
  we stationed our crossbowdwarves in between our melee dwarves and its expected path.  As it crossed into view the fighting began!
Spoiler: fight (click to show/hide)
And ended as thus.

  Some of the braver adriti charged it, and in its death it appeared to spew forth a death cry onto them, but it appears that upon examination of the bathtub that it was only an explosion of salt.

  We taded with the caravan as it was almost prepared to leave.  Gifting 20,000 urists in skull totems, we traded weaponry and bars, begining the exports that the mountainhomes needed to thrive.  We are considered a great dwarven metropolis, but that will not stop us from fufilling our mission.

  The winter graced us with 2 tiger pups, a male and female <3
Spoiler: Tiger babbies (click to show/hide)
  We will of course now be breeding war tigers.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 05:00:32 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2015, 06:00:38 pm »

001F-09 Winter 105

  We did not pay enough attention to our dwarven bathtub in the 3rd cavern, and accidenty filled it too much.  We were forced to remove more cavern and then replace it.  No permanent harms done, but an annoyance that was not necessary.

  In late moonstone the merlocks sent 2 ambushes to harass us; apparently for trading with the humies.
The ambushes caught Kogan the legendary stone crafter outside.  We still have no reason why he would be outside, but with the cavern sickness and the blisters from the sludge he stood no chance at all.  He and his dog were run through as our warning system.
Spoiler: 1 Squad (click to show/hide)

  We pull the main entrance lever but leave the Trade Depot open in case they want to come play.  We call the military topside.  With luck we will catch a few of them and mangle more.
Instead, a sneakthief caught a conscript and his guad dog unawares.
Spoiler: Merlock sneakthief (click to show/hide)
  On  his mail shirt he bears the symbol of a bed.  Apparently the symbol of the merlocks?  What a strange symbol to represent a civilization!

  We did not have time to wait for them.  They scattered, some hanging around above the Fort Entrance, some killing a pastured rooster outside.  We drop our gate and send the hinfantry alpha out as they were the most likely to not have cavern sickness.  The merlocks had 3 bowmen, and seemingly no iron.
Spoiler: Fight1 (click to show/hide)
  The fight was quick and deadly for both sides.
Spoiler: fight2 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Zeg Datan's accounting (click to show/hide)
  1 dwarf is dead and a militia captain is missing a hand.  3 merlocks survived, 2 running east and 1 west.  We send the Adriti Alpha into the mountains and the Hinfantry Alpha into the desert.  We failed to catch any of them, but our honor is intact; strengthened even.
For all this we are not at war with the merlocks as we are the goblins.

  Looking over the kills, my militia commander scored 2 merlocks.  He has 12 kills.  If this were an earlier time he would have already been heralded as a hero.
Spoiler: MC Kills (click to show/hide)

  We have instituited a military squad to comprise of our most valued members of the citizens.  All the legendary dwarves, the armorsmiths, and the weaponsmiths, and even gwolfski ended up in a squad that was to train from month 10 to month 1 every year.  A quarter year's training a year will make them competent enough in a few years.
  Eventually we will equip every civilian with a weapon.  But for now the essential dwarves will suffice.  If I wasn't so lazy I might assign a warbeast to each citizen.

- - - - -
Spoiler: Stoopid Dwarves (click to show/hide)

  The cleanup of the topside is going slowly.  Dwarves keep climbing into the Filthy Sludge and the going to rest as the blisters develop.  Worse, cats following them will bleed out or at least track the crap into our fort.  I have ordered the entire area restricted and ordered the construction of 2 tunnels that run from 'safe zones' to the top of the mountains.  this should reduce exposure to the sludge itself.  The tunnels have yet to be trapped, but they are completed for the New Year.
Spoiler: Tunnels (click to show/hide)

  For the Barons-Turned-Dukes, we've been working overtime constructing higher quality goods and encrusting them, scrambling to meet their new demands for quality.
The tombs and quarters have been engraved, and we've finally produced exceptional quality weapon racks.  Don't know who has been crafting them, but they've all been mediocre for a dwarf.  We've ordered trifle pewter and fine pewter statues now that the copper has run down, and we've almost exhausted our supply of limonite.  Time to dig the walls of the fort, I guess.

Spoiler: ooc (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 07:04:53 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2015, 07:24:22 pm »

001F-10  Spring 106

  Our fortress is churning along fair enough.  It is a Duchy, after all!  We're certainly trying to uphold the honor of our duke and kingdom.
Spoiler: Fortress Overview (click to show/hide)
The Duke took definitive offense at the lack of displayed wealth in HeatRelic.  We've taken to enhancing the noble's quarters, smoothing the more public areas, and encrusting more furniture.  In hindsight, we should have constructed additional jewler's shops, at all the various locations.  We could have had our encrusted cabinets sooner if the jewlers shops weren't so focused on encrusting mechanisms and the Legendary Bone Carver wasn't too busy enhancing his bone leggings.

  For now, the Legends are busy training in the old animal holding cell.  They're all sweaty and out of shape, but they'll come about soon enough.

  The elves came, telling us how ur improved relations had allowed us to chop down 111 trees instead of our rationed 100.  We tried to leave the snark out of our vioces when we heard.
The did, however, bring us a female rhino!  We bought it up and butchered it immedietely.  We've been making masterpiece rhino bone greaves and scepters since.
Spoiler: rhino (click to show/hide)
  The elves put away, we turned to the 2nd cavern and began preperations to fortify our positions here.

  The lizardbird Strozu has been busy for these long months depopulating the second cavern of its crundles, troll, spiders, trogs, and the occasional blind cave ogre.  The cave ogres seemed smart enough to bugger off as quickly as they arrived, however.  We removed the block wall we established, and ordered the opposing wall dug out as well.  The entrace is a short walk from out hospital, so it is imperitive we conduct this correctly.  Any security breach on our end will cost us lives.
Spoiler: Cavern Pop (click to show/hide)
Sending the whole military out into the cavern, we leave the Civilian squad and the Miner's Reserve to protect the entrace while the more hardened warriors headed north and then east to meet up with the expected pathing of Stozu.
Spoiler: Strozu (click to show/hide)

  Arriving in position ahead of the monster, the men were briefed on the peculiarities of the beast.  It had three completly vestigial tails that should not be focused upon, and its sweat appeared to be deadly.  We have no clue what the sweat does, but its best not to find out these kinds of things firsthand, no?
  The men aware of the dangers, my attentions were suddenly pulled elsewhere as the Queen of the Pages of Attack arrived to make this her new home!  Queen Zulgar, inheritor of the dwarven people from her mother and her mother before that, had graced our lands with a permanent interest in the governings of this holding!
Spoiler: Queen Zulgar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: King List (click to show/hide)
  Holy worshipper of Ad the god of peace, come to the land most troubled by strife :x  The times must be troubling indeed.

While I scrambled for decent-but-unacceptable temporary housing for our queen, Stonzu was waiting patiently in a perch at the roof of the cavern, watching the military who were likewise watching him.  Most of them had probably never seen a creature so large before, nor one as ashen as he.  When I ordered the men to fall back 20 paces, the beast seemed roused.  A passing dyer seperated himself from his protection on his way to collect some equipment and narrowly avoided a blow meant to cripple him.  He scrambled off with a bruised shoulder and the battle began.
Spoiler: Battle with Strozu (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The geography (click to show/hide)
Due to early wounding, the Beast failed to score a single hit on anyone but that Dyer!  Strozu's reign over the caverns was over!  Directing the men back to the fort, we passed the body of a dwarf at the end of a massive blood trail . . .
  Our expert dyer lay there, with but a bruise of the shoulder, bleed out of . . . well out of everything.  It appears the extract was indeed lethal.  I order the men inside and forbid the body of strozu.  Our next efforts should be directed at fortifying the entrance with a bridge and traps, and establishing a self-cleaning tub as we had already done topside and in the third cavern.

  The tub topside was contaminated by the extract of Strozu.  It seems the matieral coated the weapons of the Alpha Hinfatry, whose travel back to their barracks took them through the tub.  They washed themselves in the tub, and the contaminated water spread.  Most of the dwarves, civilian and military, were fine, but the animals that trecked through the tub died soon after in a fit of bloody spasming.
Spoiler: Dead Pets (click to show/hide)
  This is a terrible blow to all the dwarves, as well as our dog population.  However, some of those war beasts were assigned to comfort or keep watch on the growing number of stressed out dwarves that inhabit the fort.  The carpenter's apprentice, as well as several of the doctors who were subjected to corpse hauling duty, have been complaining of deep-rooted and long term mental fatigue.  The lose of these animals does little to comfort them, and when they find out we were unprepared to bury so many dead they will only fall deeper into madness.
  The most immediete and obvious solution was to dig 2 urists on either side of the tub, to allow the water to drain.  We set our tubs to be 5x1 in dimension, and filling them up to 2/7 with an extra 1/7 to create current we have 11 units of water for 5 tiles.  Technicalities aside, once the water inside evaporates we will refloor the area and refill it.
On a much lesser note, the same had to be done for the C2 tub.  Such is the way of things.

  The process is going to continue into the summer, but I cannot forsee it lasting much longer than that.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 10:15:14 pm by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stream of Time: the ReReBoot
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2015, 09:03:17 am »

So umm, the files corrupted.  Ive been backing them up online, and ahh, those files are oddly incomplete.

The file's corrupted.  :'(

Im apparently really bad at this.

I'll probs reboot this, again, as I still have the virgin world files.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 09:11:09 am by pisskop »
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!
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