After reading
mahrgell's challenge, I've gone and tried it out.
Here are the rules pulled exactly as they are from his
- no 2 men squads (squads should be filled, usually)
- the used race are Kobolds
- all MWDF races (including dark twins), but no Fortress Defense races
- embark location is a 2x2 flat glacier, without any caves! everything else standard settings
- every adult Kobold has all labors active all the time (only exception are the mining/lumberjack/hunter, as they can't be active at the same time)
- no burrows or trafficzones
- no path blocking structures (aka walls, raised drawbridges, doors, hatches,bars, grates, fortifications etc)
Here we go!

Of course I'm not nearly as insane as mahrgell is (read his
story) so I think this will do nicely.

Sorry folks, no terrifying glaciers this time, this was the best I could get (without going to an alternate universe, explained later).
In the meantime, I've also never figured out how to grow the tiaga pears, winter bloodberry's, boreal tubers or icicle mints so what a better place than the frozen glacier.
All right, what do we have.
10 Meat
25 Feather wood logs
8 Tiaga pear seeds
8 Orcish pear cider
8 Boreal tuber seeds
8 Orcish tuber vodka
8 Icicle mint seeds
8 Icicle mint tea
8 Winter bloodberry seeds
27 Wood stalk bulbs
(I have high hope that I might be able to grow things somehow)
20 Shalswar (F)
4 Shalswar (M)
2 Jack rat (F)
2 Jack rat (M)
1 Giant Jack rat (F)
1 Giant Jack rat (M)
1 Honey badger (F)
1 Honey badger (M)
1 Moleweasel (F)
1 Moleweasel (M)
Journey preparations taken care of lets see what name the rng has given us.
Hmm, "The Gristly Lake" is the group name and "Stalefighting" is the fortress name. Oh well.

Oh boy, gargoyles might come? Where have I heard that...
So far no enemies in sight, time to get building.
2nd Granite, 134, Early Spring
5 ice wolves spotted to the south, hopefully they won't come too close, in the meantime we're killing
some of our livestock in order to get some bone, leather, scale and meat.
13th Granite
Gah, someone wasted 2 leather to make vellum instead of suede. Well, the boneyard is up and running and soon the druids hut will be ready.
24th Granite
Starting cage trap placement, we need at least 10 if we want to start capturing wildlife fast.
1st Slate, 134, Mid-Spring

Got most of the industries up and running but there's a lot of work left to do if we want to survive out here.
4th Slate
Haha! First cage trap victim, a foul blendec.
In the meantime, mass war training for all trainable creatures.
18th Slate
So far surviving off of booze stolen from people, a bit left over from when we arrived.
Ineno Jebinsbabi, the Bone Carver has decided that she will become our first druid.
20th Slate
Chinenachompsi had fallen asleep in the druids hut during construction and once Ineno started to meditate, so did
... It (no gender tag)?
Also, the first gargoyles appear.
26th Slate
Gargoyles were taken care of but wait... Now Blizzard men too.
3rd Felsite
Its not too bad, the Shalswars are keeping them at bay away from the main camp while more traps are being made.
26th Felsite
The Blizzard men are still not dead... One somehow made a pass by and killed on of the meditating
Kobolds and now everyone else doesn't want to grab food for fear. I wish I had that scarlet dye to use on armor for no fear. Its unbelievable how many scars the Blizzard men have.
7th Hematite
I'm just waiting until they start dying, all the're doing is running back and forth now.
20th Hematite
Oh joy, more migrants, and Shinini has died of thirst.
27th Hematite
Gah! All these job cancellations are slowing my computer down, I might just restart with a slightly different plan of action. Sigh, still don't know how to farm those ice related seeds.
22nd Galena, Late Summer
Yep, they're still going at it, no work being done and Ineno is still not a druid.
[Because I was so fed up with the blizzard men I used the slay race command on them. Immediately afterward, all the starving kobolds died.]
17th Sandstone
More migrants arrive but by this time I've cheated so I'm abandoning the fort. And the meditating kobold became a druid as I did so.

We have a couple of neighbors if you didn't notice, two towers, so bonerattle armor will come in handy if I get that far.
The Virtue of Hermits will thrive on in the most desolate places in this world, for that is their virtue!
10 Meat
25 Feather wood logs
8 Tiaga pear seeds
8 Winter bloodberry seeds
8 Boreal tuber seeds
8 Icicle mint seeds
8 Orcish pear cider
8 Orcish tuber vodka
8 Tuber beer
8 Icicle mint tea
26 Wood stalk bulbs
20 Shalswar (F)
4 Shalswar (M)
2 Jack rat (F)
2 Jack rat (M)
1 Giant Jack rat (F)
1 Giant Jack rat (M)
1 Honey badger (F)
1 Honey badger (M)
1 Moleweasel (F)
1 Moleweasel (M)
Hmm, our group is "The Slow Pebble" and our fort is called "Waddleboils", truly random.
(due to unexplained reasons I can't get dwarf therapist opened up, could be because of Windows updates)
Here are the names of the Kobolds
Haniba Ompsobiinompsi, Ranged Weaponcra... Hold the phone, while looking for his caste I happened upon this

I don't know about you but that struck me as funny.
There is also a diety called Bobo, which takes the form of a female kobold and is associated with song and poetry.
Continuing onward.
Ibald Binitaampsibi, Head Kobold
Initi Shanenshanabo, Bone Carver
Anald Entintyjampsa, Fishery Worker
Shibem Chabibiibine, Farmworker
Shanem Bebenochanona, Viper-sign Kobold
Honeld Onanoenibam, Viper-sign Kobold
Welp, that's enough for preparations, onward!
(Beware of Dire Lions, what kind of warning is that?)

So far so good, haven't unpaused, the only thing in sight is an eagle.
[And this is where I stop, this save is not on a glacier but I wanted to upload the story on it anyways]]