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Author Topic: Who Are You? (Rebooted in new thread.)  (Read 93249 times)


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How do we shift into things? Is it upon will or is there some sort of process?
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Another thing -
I hail thee, Kevak; loyal scibe of Lune! I hail thee as the best game writer, ever!
In other words, your writing is awesome incarnate.))

((Thanks dude, I'm glad that i'm making it enjoyable for you, not really sure what else to say to that.))

"What was it that attacked us earlier? A Valthrak or something?"
"A Valsthak you mean? A Valsthak is a type of extraplanar creature, they tend to vary in shape and form depending on what Empowered Souls are nearby and are always extremely aggressive towards life. They don't normally have the ability to enter our plane or most others, the only times they can do so are either when a diety with influence over space or planes lets them or when something disrupts the fabric of reality. They normally disrupt reality in some way by existing as well, they are qualified as abominations and should not exist on this plane."

"How do we shift into things? Is it upon will or is there some sort of process?"
"Well, currently you are latent, so the only shifting you will be doing is accidental. Eventually you will be able to control it mentally and depending on your aptitude for the form, could shift into another form within a timeframe of seconds to days of focusing on it."

"Any other questions?"


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*COUGHCOUGH* What is a life hunter?
You forgot this one.
Quote from: Kevak
((Thanks dude, I'm glad that i'm making it enjoyable for you, not really sure what else to say to that.))
((Heh, thank you.))


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((Oh crap, I did forget it. Derp.))

Kira coughs a couple times. "What is a life hunter?"
"Oh, you meant a Hunter of Life. A Hunter of Life is capable of manipulating life on the cellular level, as well as being able to track anything that could be described as "alive" provided it has a physical manifestation. A Hunter of Life is also capable of ending life with a touch as well as some other things I can't do yet and Lune has been vague about. Coupled with a Shifter's natural abilities, it is a potent combination.


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Snicker and ask where baby's come from

The Froggy Ninja

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"So you could comit mass genocide in New York or some other crowded place? Nice. Will you train me in the art of Shifting Sensei?"


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Under what circumstances would I shapeshift?


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"So you could comit mass genocide in New York or some other crowded place?"
"In theory, yes."
"Half of power is knowing when not to use it though."

"Under what circumstances would I shape shift?"
"Currently, your affinity will surface in times of high stress, you don't have the ability to do it consciously yet. Eventually, you will be able to, especially now that you are aware of it."

"Will you train me in the art of Shifting Sensei?"
"It isn't something that can be trained, Lune will help you along when he decides it is a good idea, but since the vast majority of it is memorizing cellular layouts of organs and bodyparts, I really can't train you."


snickers and asks "Where do babies come from?"
"Do you really want me to give you the talk again?"

((Respect the forum rules, Ivan is prone to indepth rambling on subjects, asking him where babies come from is not exactly SFW.))
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 05:56:53 pm by Kevak »


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No, we don't want the writer getting banned quite yet.

And is there anything else that I absolutely need to know before we move on?


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No, we don't want the writer getting banned quite yet.

And is there anything else that I absolutely need to know before we move on?

“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”


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"And is there anything else that I absolutely need to know before we move on?"
"Well, in theory you don't technically Need to know any of this. However you would probably want to know about at Boon artifact Lune gave you."
"You mean the key thingy? I forgot where I go- Wait. I remember. It was on the ground when I woke up in the cafe. Not sure why I took it, just felt like I should."
"That was a Boon artifact, Lune is one of the few deities who gives a artifact to every single one of his servants or potential servants. I think he likes keeping track of us, that or he is really bored and likes watching what we are up to."
"Sooo does it do anything?"
"Well if you haven't noticed, it isn't Brass anymore, it is more of a silverish color, that means it is partly active. Lune can directly talk to you and you can directly talk to him, also Lune can do some other stuff for you if you ask, he may not do it, but normally he will, he tends to micromanage his servants and provided you follow his instructions, he will do all sorts of things for you."
"I was wondering when you would explain that to him Ivan."
"What the crap?! Who said that?!"
"I was waiting for him to ask about the Boon Lune."
It's fine Ivan. And Hello Kira. I'm Lune. You'll be hearing from me quite a lot in the near future. We can talk later if you want. Looks like Ivan wants to give a speech on something and I really don't have the attention span for that. You should probably check your messages before Ivan does that though. Wouldn't want to upset the timeline."
"I'll have you know my speeches are glorious! You just never stay awake for more then ten minutes of them."
"Riiiight. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something that doesn't involve being bored into unconsciousness to do."
"Talk to you later Lune.
"Um.. Bye?"


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((OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!!! I just went back to find Luna's name (I forgot, so what?) in order to make the comment below. Besides that, I saw that when Kent was in the Infinity Realm or whatever with Luna, he shouted 'something something Lune something something'. This either means Kent is somehow connected to Lune, or Lune is a commonly known deity.))

It appears Lune is almost as creepy as Luna.

No more questions; let's go. See below.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 04:41:23 pm by Worldmaster27 »


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Re: Who Are You? (CH355 MUCH?)
« Reply #492 on: April 16, 2014, 04:38:38 pm »

You shrug.

1 dunn0.

Kent stares at you for about 10 seconds before looking away and screaming.

WHAT IN THE NAME OF LUNE'S BUSHY TAIL IS THAT?! he yells as he points at the eyeball thing.
This appears to be the post that you mean Worldmaster
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It is, thanks. And this brings up one last question. This question may decide the fate of the game...

Does Lune have a bushy tail?


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"Does Lune have a bushy tail?"
"Ye-""Yes I do infact have a bushy tail, you could have asked me that."
"I thought you said you were leaving."
"Anytime anyone says my name, I notice it. That's just how it works."

((Lune isn't the most well known of deities. He focuses on Empowered Souls rather then random followers. Kent is an Empowered Soul and Lune has had a substantial amount of influence with him. You'll find out more about it later.))

It appears Lune is almost as creepy as Luna.

((Lune is actually quite chill for a deity, he certainly doesn't act like one. Once we start getting to the Group Three people, you'll find out more.))
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