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Author Topic: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread  (Read 82421 times)


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #316 on: May 26, 2017, 05:48:35 pm »

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>drug cartels keep murdering people
>"You're not allowed to kill them! That's wrong!"

>unstable drug addicts keep supporting them
>"They're not criminals!"

When the police just up and kill somebody, criminal or, then yes, it is called murder.
Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #317 on: May 26, 2017, 05:55:53 pm »

There is kind of a reason why first world countries frown upon the idea of special government sanctioned hit squads against their own citizens and on their own soil.

I mean even China disbanded its secret police.


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #318 on: May 26, 2017, 06:02:39 pm »

When the police just up and kill somebody, criminal or, then yes, it is called murder.
Could you provide some specific examples, preferably as closely related to the immediate topic? The whole "just up and kill somebody" rhetoric is too politically charged for me to take at face value.

There is kind of a reason why first world countries frown upon the idea of special government sanctioned hit squads against their own citizens and on their own soil.

I mean even China disbanded its secret police.
How could you know if secret police have really been disbanded? The whole point is that you DON'T know about them.

And while the people may frown on such things, the governments of even first world countries have their hit squads. Surely you don't think Seth Rich was killed by some random mugger.

edit: I would also like to point out that Duterte's approval rating is still up around 80%.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 06:21:54 pm by Lagslayer »


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #319 on: May 26, 2017, 06:44:52 pm »

When the police just up and kill somebody, criminal or, then yes, it is called murder.
Could you provide some specific examples, preferably as closely related to the immediate topic? The whole "just up and kill somebody" rhetoric is too politically charged for me to take at face value.

I don't have a single clue how you've not heard anything about the police killings, given how often stuff comes out about them, but here you go:


There is kind of a reason why first world countries frown upon the idea of special government sanctioned hit squads against their own citizens and on their own soil.

I mean even China disbanded its secret police.
How could you know if secret police have really been disbanded? The whole point is that you DON'T know about them.

And while the people may frown on such things, the governments of even first world countries have their hit squads. Surely you don't think Seth Rich was killed by some random mugger.

I find it very hard to take you seriously when you talk up a big game about sources and proof and then turn around and start pushing discredited conspiracy theories.

edit: I would also like to point out that Duterte's approval rating is still up around 80%.

Completely irrelevant. A well-liked murderer is still a murderer.
Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #320 on: May 26, 2017, 07:36:30 pm »

The "reports" are nothing but hearsay.

Again, nothing but hearsay.

"Our investigations say-" SHOW US THE EVIDENCE!

"Corrupt cop from a family of drug pushers is against the war on drugs" No shit?

discredited conspiracy theories
Discredited? Discredited by who? HOW was it discredited?

Completely irrelevant. A well-liked murderer is still a murderer.
I thought you valued democracy.

I'm sorry, Wolfy, but this whole anti-Duerte thing just looks like a crazy conspiracy theory.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 07:38:49 pm by Lagslayer »


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #321 on: May 26, 2017, 07:42:07 pm »

@lagslayer: How about YOU show YOUR evidence supporting what you're arguing.

Really though, this argument looks like it's about to spiral out of control because there's just no amount of arguing at conspiracy theorists that they're wrong.


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #322 on: May 26, 2017, 07:52:40 pm »


I am in agreement though. If the courts really were failing to control the murderous smugglers, corruption, and Islamic terrorism, I can ken to the idea of going around the system. He wouldn't be the first. That, and it looks like despite empowering vigilantes and there being some shadiness with due process going on Duterte is actually solving the problem. He purged the police of corrupt officers and later did the same to the penitentiary, and by official reports (everyone else seems to avoid the issue) has greatly reduced both the supply and demand for narcotics. Better this than the Philippines becoming a Mexico-tier dumpster where criminal gangs have free rein over large parts of the country, and considering his approval rating it seems most Filipinos agree.
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Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #323 on: May 26, 2017, 08:03:47 pm »

Of course, there's no way that the same officials involved in planting evidence would ever falsify reports. ::)

I'm disappointed, Baffler. You seemed like you'd be better than to endorse state-sanctioned murder.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 08:05:20 pm by Wolfhunter107 »
Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #324 on: May 26, 2017, 08:06:51 pm »

Of course, there's no way that the same officials involved in planting evidence would ever falsify reports. ::)

I'm disappointed, Baffler. You seemed like you'd be better than to endorse state-sanctioned murder.
You dun fucked up, now.


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #325 on: May 26, 2017, 08:10:14 pm »

Of course, there's no way that the same officials involved in planting evidence would ever falsify reports. ::)

I'm disappointed, Baffler. You seemed like you'd be better than to endorse state-sanctioned murder.
You dun fucked up, now.

Your point?

Edit: Lagslayer's pretty obviously trolling and I'm starting to let my temper get the better of me, so I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 08:38:03 pm by Wolfhunter107 »
Just ask yourself: What would a mobster do?
So we butcher them and build a 4chan tallow soap tower as a monument to our greatness?


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #326 on: May 26, 2017, 09:26:41 pm »

its almost like giving a bunch of people the power to go around killing anyone they please inevitably becomes super corrupt. whoda thunk it?

If you think all those people they murder are guilty your kidding yourself.


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #327 on: May 27, 2017, 01:31:27 am »

I would just like to ask one question: Lagslayer, are you Pinoy and currently living in the Philippines?

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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #328 on: June 02, 2017, 07:55:35 am »

Meanwhile in Marawi, government forces still have not been able to recapture the city, after nearly 9 days of battle.
Despite the use of heavy arms -the city has even been bombarded from the air-, the black IS flag still stands.
Amongst the insurgents aren't just Philippino insurgents, Chechens and Arabs have also been identified partaking in the battle.

Civilians have been exectued, and christians are reportedly being used as human shields.
Tens of thousands of inhabitants have fled the city.

Terrorism expert at  S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, Rohan Gunaratna says "As IS is losing more and more territory in Syria and Iraq, the organisation is spreading it's wings. One of the territories they see opportunities is south-east Asia, with the Philippines as center of gravity. Over the past few years we have seen a trend of small militant groups joining forces under the flag of IS. One of the very first people to swear allegiance to IS, when al Bagdadi proclaimed the foundation of the Caliphate, was Isnilon Hapilon (the IS leader whose attempted arrest triggered the current siege of Marawi). Last year he was appointed emir of south east Asia, by IS. Next to that, he has really close ties to Abu Sayyaf. He used to be a very important commander for that organisation. While formally, Abu Sayyaf has not yet sworn allegiance to IS, in practice, when Abu Sayyaf fighters get home, they turn on their telephones and watch IS videos".

In recent editions of Rumiya (a monthly magazine by IS published in multiple languages), actions of IS-fighters against the 'Philippino crusader army' were highlighted.
Last summer, a video was posted of heavily armed men on Mindanao. They formed a cricle, joined hands, and proclaimed allegiance to IS. A bit later, a Malaysian fighter calls upon the viewers to come to the Philippines, if they are unable to get to the Middle East. He then joins with two other fighters and decapitates 3 christians.

According to Gunaratna, the Phillipines have always been a hotspot for extremist. They came there to train mostly, but it seems that they have now really chosen Mindanao as the epicentre of battle in south east Asia. Their goal is to proclaim wilaya on the Philippines, making it a province of the Caliphate, as has happened in Libya and in Saudi Arabia. Achieving that would be a major victory for extremism

"At this point IS already controls some parts of Mindanao. The army needs to strike back fast. If IS can further expand it's territory, it will become ever harder to dismantle", Gunaratna continues, "and the Philippines cannot do that alone. But that is a sensitive issue. The West will not be very eager to assist Duterte, being horrified by the way he wages war on drugs."
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We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: RedKing's East Asian Politics Megathread
« Reply #329 on: June 02, 2017, 08:30:11 am »

I can see China stepping in here. The way they could get neighboring nations to turn a blind eye to the South China Sea stuff is by creating a Pax China arrangement that benefits those other nations.
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