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Author Topic: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas  (Read 6875 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

Hey everyone,

It has been brought to my attention that my plans to add extra invaders to my mod mostly focusses on evil or neutral races. But nothing that is inherently good, but still fights you (either because of self-defense, because you are evil, or because they have a strict sense of goodness/law and that makes you their enemy)

Does anyone have ideas for good races?

So far we've got:
 - Angels. The classic, winged humanoid, divine origin, lawful/good.
 - Centaurs. More nature-based, proud, humanoid/quadruped, good/neutral.
 - Pixies/Fairies. Smallish, interactions in combat (fairy dust, makes people sleep, rather than killing them), humanoid, chaotic/good.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 01:19:41 am by Meph »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 12:52:04 am »

Centaurs sounds cool. Although I would really like something more like the Legion of Light, a sort of overzealous crusader type organization hell-bent on wiping your downright evil/morally dubious fortress of the face of the earth. Because, even though dwarves aren't that bad compared to goblins or something, they DO practice sacrifice of their own kind and use unholy magics. Even when they AREN'T throwing children into pits with dogs and farming sentient creatures for their bones. And Warlocks and Orcs and Kobolds and Succubi are just a menace.

Angels would also be neat, as a sort of antithesis to the Succubi.

The Legion of Light should have very well armoured and armed troops, perhaps with some light blasty oriented powers and some ability that inhibits the undead. Maybe you could even use a similar system to the gnome's nature rapport to gain their favour and get them to clear dangerous sieges for you?

I'm thinking having lightly armoured and armed centaurs as an early threat, angels coming after and have the powerful Legion of Light come only when your presence on this land becomes a blight too potent to ignore.
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2014, 12:57:29 am »

Kitsune are always a fun option.  Or fox-people of some sort, what with thieves and throwing fireballs as fun options.  I made a mod for such a race being playable last year, sadly the hard drive that was on went kaput.  They'd make a nice neutral aligned civ IMO. 
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2014, 01:18:51 am »

Fox people that steal and throw fireballs do not sound very "good". More like kobolds. Even you say "They'd make a nice neutral aligned civ IMO. ", which is kinda not what I was going for :P (I did read some more on wikipedia. Inari and Kitsune would actually do fit the good theme) I didnt read anything about fireballs though.

Legion of Light: But what race would they be? It sounds like an organization of humans. While that in itself is fine, all civs usually have a different creature as basis, which is part of what makes them unique.

EDIT: Added these  - Pixies/Fairies. Smallish, interactions in combat (fairy dust, makes people sleep, rather than killing them), humanoid, chaotic/good.

EDIT2: Homunculus ? Created/Inorganic creature that serves a master and collects knowledge, but maybe the master died and they are still around?

EDIT3: Some Atlantis based meerfolk/mermaid people? No idea how they could siege you though, having no legs and all that.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 01:31:35 am by Meph »
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 02:14:55 am »

Merfolk could just change into races/etc (And forth) that do have legs, and/or create water/shoot water like crazy lol nothing like fighting some race thats popping into and out of water, and is drowning your fortresses. They could have leopard seals with them too, for some inspired semiaquatic nastiness. Perhaps they also come with their own people that can cast/sing airbreathing on all their people.

Treants seem like a natural good civ that might invade tree molesting dwarves/humans/etc to me.

Halflings or hobbits?

Archons and Powers (which would have the angels perhaps too)

Perhaps also a birdish humanoid civ like the individual aliens from Buck Rogers series.

Could have an giant amoebiod race thats good but just doesnt understand you are anything besides food. Course no trade or diplomacy.

Fungoids/Mushroom men seem obvious alternative (Course could be good,evil, neutral really)


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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2014, 04:15:20 am »

i believe an overzealous,hollier than thou faction fighting you because you don't meet their definition of morality would be very interesting.maybe with angels too,but its mass consisting of overzealous knights and clerics(with healing and buffing abilities).


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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2014, 05:53:25 am »

maybe the legion of light have a few different races combined? like dwarfs, humans, etc. that believe any wrong doers must fall before their blade

i like the idea of archons and powers, maybe they see you as dirt and they wish for a perfect world without 'dirt'
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2014, 06:14:23 am »

and is it possible to make them inhabit good biomes?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Random Bored Kitsune
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2014, 09:32:41 am »

Kitsune in modern romanticized interpretations usually have fox-fire, which while traditionally was used for the sake of illusions and leading people astray, gets weaponized in modern anime/manga/stories. 

As for stealing... well in non-japanese stories they tend to trick humans and other youkai out of... anything they decide to. 

Generally speaking, mischief is their game, and it is a game to them.  Or rather, everything is a game to them if we're being honest.

But yes, those kitsune who are loyal to Inari would be a candidate for a good-aligned faction of kitsune, as they'd follow the codes put down by her.  But even then they still have riddle syndrome much of the time. 
Orichalcum Dwarf Fortress: An expansion mod giving extra realistic options to many un-and-underused materials in game.  [currently out of date, may be revived in the future]


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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2014, 09:38:17 am »

Just putting this out there, but a subsect of a race devoted to a cause.  i.e. the templar or crusaders.  Since their good can be justified by actual obedience to a god and its laws, they can be seen as lawful if nothing else.  The good can be molded out of their ethics and serious attempts to put justice into the world's lives.

Ive wondered if Toady would at some point put in different cultures that result in different civs of the same race, but with different ethics and preferences.  A Civ level caste.


Actually , there is no reason one couldn't make several human civs inhabiting different regions and slugging it out . . .
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 09:47:01 am by pisskop »
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2014, 01:58:34 pm »

Nagas would make a great "good" race too.  Most people think along DnD rules, but most of the traditional naga folklore indicates that they are benevolent and peaceful... until you mess with them, anyway.  Somewhere along the line people started to mix up lamias with nagas, resulting in the classic RPG "naga" enemy of modern times.  Lamias are a completely different mythology that just happens to also be a snake-human hybrid.
In other news, the trees in my game can have invisible sex.


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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2014, 02:15:03 pm »

'Gaia's Vengeance' a race that consists of various assorted animal species each assigned to a different caste.  Might not make much sense from a history standpoint but it would be cool to just have a mixed horde of forest critters come out of nowhere and attack you.

Some of the Fortress Defense races could probably be retconned to 'good'.  Tigermen, Pandashi, and War Elephants seem like they might fit the vibe.

Stone Giants, who are sluggish and generally resting peacefully disguised as mountains but are dangerous when aroused, a late game invader for evil races.

And just for the fun of it, something soft, multicolored, and fuzzy.  Like muppets.  With their own adorable hulking muppet-troll equivalent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2014, 05:33:40 pm »

A fey race with a variety of castes (satyrs, nymphs, fauns, treants, etc.) with different combat interactions for each caste. Sieges/ambushes require careful planning based on the composition of invaders that arrive on your doorstep.

I dunno, though, invaders-wise, I always got an Goblins->Evil, Humans->Neutral, Elves->Good impression (in terms of DF's metaphysics, not that elves are in any way a good thing to have around). Maybe just buff elves to the point that they're more than a hippie commune armed with sticks.
He views any show of emotion as offensive, sees introspection as important, values self-control, and strongly believes that a peaceful and ordered society without dissent would be best. He believes that mastery of a skill is one of the highest pursuits, values nature, and finds romance distasteful. He holds well-laid plans and shrewd deceptions in the highest regard.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2014, 06:04:15 pm »

And just for the fun of it, something soft, multicolored, and fuzzy.  Like muppets.  With their own adorable hulking muppet-troll equivalent.
I'd download this mod solely for this.

The forgotten beast Kermit has come! An enourmous humanoid frog. Its skin is green and it squirms and fidgets. Beware it's fire melancholy musical numbers!

Also, all muppet-trolls should be Miss Piggy.
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Re: Good creatures/civs for race expansion - Looking for ideas
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2014, 11:55:42 pm »

Dryads. Long-lived tree people who have special workshops and reactions to make them as "self-sustaining" as possible, but with the cost of not really being able to work with metals and such. Can brew specialized, race-specific poisons foe use in war. CANNOT_UNDEAD and doesn't leave a corpse, instead dropping a special wooden statue and a chunk of "Heartwood" that is used as a reagent in their most potent reactions/buildings.
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