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Author Topic: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)  (Read 84601 times)

blazing glory

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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #240 on: June 11, 2014, 09:58:09 pm »

Same here. Does it also happen in vanilla? I would check myself but can't atm.

No it doesn't happen in vanilla.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #241 on: June 12, 2014, 01:01:10 am »

Same here. Does it also happen in vanilla? I would check myself but can't atm.

No it doesn't happen in vanilla.

Thought so, but had to ask, thanks. I'll try to look into it ASAP.

AND! Now it is fixed! I haven't had a crash in multiple worldgens now with beasts set very high on a medium world.
Turns out that not all monsters designated as semi-/megabeasts had lairs assigned. Now they all do, so there should be no crash when the game wants to put them in. (Theoretically, it should have come up in smaller worlds too from time to time).
The best byproduct: Now ALL large monsters can be encountered on sufficiently large worlds (unfortunately, due to variety, it's unlikely that all monsters will be found in a single world).

The link a few posts back should still work and I'm going to add it to my sig to advertise a bit.
Now then! Time to actually add some stuff, what would you guys like to see? What should be changed, perhaps?

Right now most monsters have "WILDERNESS_LOCATION" as lair type, though some have SHRINE or SIMPLE_BURROW/SIMPLE_MOUND. If you encounter a monster in a lair it feels unnatural in or think one of the other lair types (Quote from wiki: The lair types are SIMPLE_BURROW, SIMPLE_MOUND, WILDERNESS_LOCATION, SHRINE, and LABYRINTH) would be better, say it.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 04:31:47 am by Wimopy »
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #242 on: June 13, 2014, 08:06:42 am »

Bumping so people get an update notification. Look at post above for update details.

And please, suggestions would help a lot. I'm planning on adding altaroths and bnahabras for some general annoyance, but that's hardly something on its own. Any monsters/MH features you'd like? (plenty of monsters already, but I can add favourites, I'm looking for more MH-world unique things like the plants and their uses.)
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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blazing glory

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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #243 on: June 13, 2014, 08:17:15 am »

Bumping so people get an update notification. Look at post above for update details.

And please, suggestions would help a lot. I'm planning on adding altaroths and bnahabras for some general annoyance, but that's hardly something on its own. Any monsters/MH features you'd like? (plenty of monsters already, but I can add favourites, I'm looking for more MH-world unique things like the plants and their uses.)

Well I like the Zinogre,maybe you could make a way to implement some of the elements into metal? I would also like the bullfango toned down a bit because they are like horses,only they chase you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #244 on: June 13, 2014, 08:22:37 am »

Bumping so people get an update notification. Look at post above for update details.

And please, suggestions would help a lot. I'm planning on adding altaroths and bnahabras for some general annoyance, but that's hardly something on its own. Any monsters/MH features you'd like? (plenty of monsters already, but I can add favourites, I'm looking for more MH-world unique things like the plants and their uses.)
Rajang. Definitely Rajang.
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #245 on: June 13, 2014, 09:20:20 am »

It would be nice to have some polls, I might consider making a new thread if I get into it seriously.

I like the idea of elemental weapons, but last time I checked weapons could only have one sort of damage. So it's either element or physical. I'll check into it though, been a long time since I made my last walk in the world of mods.

Rajang and Zinogre sound good. More any-biome land creatures goes a long way. I'll also work on Gobul as Iados' notes mention it and water is one of those things that's part of everyday fortress life.

Yeah, I've noticed that bullfangos get a lot of spotlight. (Number of quests to hunt them should decrease now though, as more monsters appear in normal gameplay). I'll see what I can do to tweak them. You have to remember that they're terribly agressive though, like almost everything in MH. I'll do a few tests to see what I can do to keep them agressive but more annoying than actually dangerous.

Btw, I've only been playing since Tri (but I also have Tri U), so my knowledge of older monsters is a bit limited, but some delving on the wiki and watching videos should compensate.

My largest dilemma right now is monster lifespan. I saw a lagiacrus die after a mere 69 years, even though I was pretty sure I increased that. I'm not quite sure how long they should live. A couple hundred years seems best (well, except for the smaller monsters and playables), but I can't quite decide on the exact time.
Current thoughts (yes, I love input from ppl):
Felynes/Melynxes: Roughly 50-70 years. [Range of maxage]
Shakalakas: Problematic, but they are related to Felynes and Melynxes, so I'd give them about 10 years less. 40-60.
Smaller monsters (bird wyverns, jaggi-calibre): 30-50 years.
Semimegabeast-level large monsters: Definitely 3 digits, but should be near the human lifespan as well... I want them to live longer so that they get long kill lists and actually should need hunters, not just die out on their own. But live too long and it feels too irrealistic.
Megabeasts-level monsters: Probably 1000+ to no death by age. Though in most worlds it would be unlikely, but finding the story of a 1000-year old Raviente finally passing away after terrorising the world for centures would be nice.
The non-SMB level large monsters would be between small monster and large monster lifespan, but it would vary depending on if it is a well-developped small monster (i.e.: Congalala) or a unique species (i.e.: Qurupeco)

I wish the MH lore actually had some more references to monster age. We know that the elder dragons are usually considered unbelievably old and dangerous. The Lagiacrus has to be a few decades old too, but that's not much to go on...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 10:02:58 am by Wimopy »
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #246 on: June 13, 2014, 02:03:56 pm »

Hey guys so this seems like an absolutely incredible idea to do monster hunter themed DF.... However I am an utter noob when it comes to editing the files :P. Is there any chance you could make a download with everything set up? or at least the raw folder? I would be so eternally grateful if you could.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #247 on: June 13, 2014, 02:19:36 pm »

Hey guys so this seems like an absolutely incredible idea to do monster hunter themed DF.... However I am an utter noob when it comes to editing the files :P. Is there any chance you could make a download with everything set up? or at least the raw folder? I would be so eternally grateful if you could.

I updated the download with a readme and my entity_default which has the 4 default major races (dwarves, elves, humans and goblins, but not kobolds) already modded to be able to use the metals/weapons of the mod. I didn't change the zip's name or the version listing on the download, but it is update.
No other changes yet though.
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #248 on: June 13, 2014, 09:24:45 pm »

Jhen Mohran would be nice. And the Lunastra and Teostra
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #249 on: June 14, 2014, 03:16:57 am »

Jhen Mohran would be nice. And the Lunastra and Teostra

Lunastra and Teostra are already in. I'll add Jhen too, but since it's desert-only  you won't see it much.

I'll prob write together which monsters are in and where you can find them when I have the time. Iados wrote down the monsters but not all the places where they are found.
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #250 on: June 16, 2014, 06:19:55 am »

Looks like I'm forced to double-posting...
-Added Jhen Mohran and Zinogre.
-Bullfangos are no longer "LARGE_PREDATOR", meaning they won't ambush you or be quest targets. Made less durable, but still dangerous.
-Monster max ages got a bit varied around again. Most megabeasts will live to 250-350 years. Gigantic monsters are generally ageless. Great Jaggi/Baggi live under 100 years. Smaller monsters generally up to 40, 60 or 80 years, varying.

I'm tired, so I uploaded it now, before I add Rajang. Also need to look over interactions as I saw that Lagi/Zinogre lightning attacks seem to have very little noticeable effect (I added some pain to the effects for now, we'll see how that works out).
I also need to look into some monster's attacks. Some of them aren't very varied. Some have one-two strong attacks mixed with ones that are near-useless.
Probably pet values too...

As for the gigantic monsters: They have been resized to be somewhat smaller than before. (Akantor, Ukanlos, Lao-Shan, Shen Gaoren, Raviente, Jhen, Yama Tsukami). Some of them still are way too large and the game might say that you only "fractured/tore the scale/skin/muscle", but you ARE doing damage to deeper tissues as well. However, it's unlikely you'll chop off something or actually land a killing blow. After getting a few good hits in, try retreating to let them bleed out. And seriously, only attempt to fight one with good training, equipment and a team. Even Bronze Colossuses have trouble fighting them and if they do win, it's because the monster's attacks are unsuitable to kill inorganic enemies. They are however, perfect for killing fleshy things; like dwarves.

Now, my main task will be playing a bit and finding out how gameplay is going. Feedback always appreciated.
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #251 on: June 16, 2014, 07:23:50 am »

Wimopy, maybe you should start a new thread, considering OP isn't updating this one anymore?
Dwarf Fortress: Threats of metabolism.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Monster Hunter Universe Mod v 0.4.7 (+ tileset&graphics)
« Reply #252 on: June 16, 2014, 07:32:41 am »

Wimopy, maybe you should start a new thread, considering OP isn't updating this one anymore?

I guess. I was using this to wait and see if someone else was developping the mod. I believe enough time was given, so I guess I'll just officially take over.
Now updating the Monster Hunter Universe mod
Current Version: 0.4.95b - Updated June 17, 2015
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