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Author Topic: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game  (Read 11934 times)


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #90 on: August 09, 2014, 08:23:16 pm »

If we get this apprentice killed, we might get a better one next game. So let's put her in a bunch of life and death situations to speed up her growth rate.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #91 on: August 09, 2014, 08:29:13 pm »

If we get this apprentice killed, we might get a better one next game. So let's put her in a bunch of life and death situations to speed up her growth rate.
-1 It's no fun if they're perfect.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #92 on: August 09, 2014, 08:30:11 pm »

If we get this apprentice killed, we might get a better one next game. So let's put her in a bunch of life and death situations to speed up her growth rate.
-1 It's no fun if they're perfect.
Double -1, this one seems fun.
Though putting her in situations she THINKS will be life or death mightn't be a terrible idea later.
Take a closer look at this text!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #93 on: August 09, 2014, 08:46:07 pm »

If we get this apprentice killed, we might get a better one next game. So let's put her in a bunch of life and death situations to speed up her growth rate.
-1 It's no fun if they're perfect.
Double -1, this one seems fun.
Though putting her in situations she THINKS will be life or death mightn't be a terrible idea later.
The game is "Teaching An Apprentice." Teaching, not killing. 'An,' meaning one, not as many as you want until you find one you like.
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It's it's its, not it's, not its its, not it's.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #94 on: August 10, 2014, 05:04:55 am »

"Perhaps. But the tests an Awn undergoes tend to be more practical than theoretical, if you catch my meaning."
Miss Shuu clasps her quill tightly, and pales slightly.
"Ah, I-I see," she mutters, and then remains silent as you do the same.
You keep up a light grin, your fingers clasped together beneath your chin, and every now and then you gaze out of the carriage's window, or at her directly.
Miss Shuu quietly starts repeating what she wrote in a low murmur, probably trying her hardest to memorize those lines by heart before you can even arrive at your home.

The carriage finally stops at the gates of your countryside house, which soon creak open as the 'servants' obey the silent will of their master, letting the carriage start once more and proceed through the cobblestone road all the way to the house's entrance.
Your fields are luscious with life, even if they are tended by undead farmers.

The carriage stops once more, and this time the driver silently opens the door by your side, allowing you to descend.
Miss Shuu quietly follows, her hands clasped -and dirty with ink- on her stomach, as she looks a bit queasy by the sights around her.
It's like she's never seen ghostly wraiths, undead hulks, and skeletal guardians -the average protections of an average Necromancer household.
"This way, Miss," you say kindly, and with a mere gesture let the door to the entrance open, entering with her in tow. "Your rooms are on the second floor, straight ahead at the end of the corridor. Your bathroom is attached to your room. You shouldn't open the other doors if you value your health," you add softly, a smile still gracing your lips. "Maybe you should refresh yourself before dinner?" you add calmly, "Once you are done, I will be waiting here on the first floor, to the left of the staircase. That is the dining hall," you point out calmly.

Miss Shuu looks around your house as if dazed, but quickly nods and hastily starts to climb the stairs.
You watch her retreating back and inwardly sigh.
"She's got quite the booty doesn't she?"
You blink and turn your head sideways and low, and groan. "She's sixteen."
"So? I'm two thousand years old," the small water elemental grins broadly. "And I'm saying she's got a nice booty."
"You are incorrigible, Levis," you remark. "Where are the other three?"
"Bah," the water elemental shrugs. "Don't care. I think Ras is heating the food up, Nives is refreshing the air in the dining hall and Terum is...I think he's dilly-dallying around in the fields, as always."
"I see. Well, when my apprentice meets you for the first time, try to be as mysterious as you can be, understood?"
"Oh, I know the shtick, I can so totally be mysterious!" Levis grins. "Maybe I'll tell her where this house's water comes from while I'm at it," Levis blinks in your direction. "I'm pretty sure girls dig men who know how to keep clean."
Levis pushes his watery-hands through his water-head, mimicking a man passing a hand through his hair.

You probably have a bit of time before your Apprentice finishes 'refreshing' herself.

You could speak a bit more with Levis, who's your 'Elemental Butler', or you could spend the time in the dining hall, chatting it up with Nevis -who's the Air Spirit charged with ensuring the smell of rot doesn't remain much in the house. Or there's always the choice to grab a book from the library and start reading it to add to the mysterious air while you wait for your apprentice to arrive.
Or you could send a message to your master, narrating your first encounter with your apprentice.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #95 on: August 10, 2014, 05:12:10 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.

escaped lurker

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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #96 on: August 10, 2014, 06:46:30 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #97 on: August 10, 2014, 08:38:06 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #98 on: August 10, 2014, 09:00:02 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.
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It's it's its, not it's, not its its, not it's.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #99 on: August 10, 2014, 10:01:19 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.
Take a closer look at this text!

Harry Baldman

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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #100 on: August 10, 2014, 10:04:22 am »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #101 on: August 11, 2014, 02:33:08 pm »

Read a book! Make sure its a mysterious book, like the ones without the title on the cover.

How about it being our accounting book? If she would ask for the contents, we can say without doubt that it is one of our most important books, but she would find little use for it. Yet. Well, rather "at all", but still.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #102 on: August 19, 2014, 07:06:58 am »

You decide to humor yourself.
You take your accounting books -which is surprisingly thick, all things considered- and then head to the dinner room, where you sit and start to read it as you wait.
You have a very good revenue -especially because the dead work tirelessly, have no revenue, and don't have silly things like 'strikes and rest hours'. And since your products are somewhat edible, you manage to have quite the market in the city -where people don't really care what they're eating, busy as they are in their daily lives.

There's a bit of a red sector when it comes to your 'adventuring gear and missions' but then again, going on those things costs a lot of money -and you can't really sell the priceless books on Necromancy you find, can you? You keep those, and that marks a net loss.
But still, all things considered, you can easily splurge here and there without risking bankruptcy.

Finally, Miss Shuu appears with a more...silky-like dress -something quite official and nice looking, if maybe a bit too raunchy for a kid her age.
You raise an eyebrow.
There's little doubt there's some misunderstanding somewhere in her head, but you have no idea where to start looking for it.
It's like she expects you to brutally murder her, or use her as eye-candy.

She demurely sits, trying her hardest to keep her back straight.
And remains silent, albeit biting her lips hard as if nervous.

You could remain in the awkward silence until dinner is served, or try to clean whatever stupid misunderstanding her brain has.
Or just tell her something absolutely inane just to pass the time, and leave her to believe whatever it is she believes about AWNs.

Maybe that they eat their assistants if they displease them enough?
Could be anything.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #103 on: August 19, 2014, 10:23:36 am »

The potato licks the herring at four. The ceiling grew tentacles at six point three seven one two nine. When was the clown born?

Nonsensical puzzle that she ish going to overthink. There is no answer. Never answer a riddle when you can smash the door down.


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Re: Teaching An Apprentice -A Suggestion Game
« Reply #104 on: August 19, 2014, 10:39:18 am »

I think we should sit in awkward silence, but every now and again look over at her, as if considering something very important, before going back to the book.
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