I'm not, but my defence is: I'm not posting like half my brain has been eaten by parasitic wasps and I haven't claimed a non-town wincon, so on these fronts I'm coming out less scummy than almost half the players.
NQT is scum because reasons (actually, I just wanted to see his essay length responce for the bullshit accusation
Sorry to disappoint.
4maskTo those asking questions about my wincon: I have no idea who I'm allied with. I am a brother-ally, which is just... no. I win if someone else wins, and their wincon requires someone else to win. It's just... urk.
And do you intend to make yourself useful to the town?
However, now that Varee decided to jump on the "lynch 4mask" bandwagon, I guess I have my first target.
Varee: Do you have any other reason for voting me other than the fact that I claimed non-town?
Not only do you OMGUS the player who has a legitimate reason to vote you (you're not town!), it's a player that we should at least give a Day 1 benefit of the
doubt and believe is town given the OP. Let's not turn this into that bloody school game where the only confirmed townie was lynched Day 1.
I have no idea. I'm allied with the person who has the brother alignment, and they in turn are allied with the team of the person they are brother'd too.
The best way to confirm your story would be to kill you (and if you're telling the truth you might still win!)
BlitzEveryone:What, exactly, are you expecting out of this game of Mafia?Reasons why?
I'm hoping to win through clever deduction and canny use of powers. I'm expecting to lose, as is my way. What are you expecting to get out of it?
TolyKUI, U and I are bros.
Yup, but not you. Now I know the rest.
Are you claiming the Brother wincon? If not, what is your wincon?
CheeseNotQuiteThere: Get your stat sheets out, sir or ma'am (I can't remember, sorry). What do they tell you?
I usually start doing the real analytical stuff on Day 2 when there's a complete day to work with and I'm definitely invested in the game. Right now though I'm classifying players into 'town', 'third-party', 'anti-town', 'insane'. I'm willing to believe
Varee and TheDarkStar are most likely town as the best working explanation for the OP (okay, apparently TDS says it's not related to alignment at all), GayArchaea is probably town because they're a new player who spilled the town wincon verbatim with no prompting in their first post (and then claiming to need to survive as well isn't that unbelievable), I know I'm town. You, TolyK and Tiruin are mad, 4maskwolf is some flavour of non-town. Scum reads will come when there's more content.
What will happen if you don't say the 'p' word in every post?
GayArchaea, for some reason it's considered bad form to openly fish for people's roles. So your wincon is that Also, I believe someone submitted all the players in this game as roles, which means some poor sap has got the following:
(Auto) Impressive Loss Streak: You will lose the game.
Tiruin, do you intend to hunt scum during the day game?