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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 459786 times)


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #210 on: December 21, 2014, 03:56:46 am »

Oh.. If this what I think it is.. Armok help us all!
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #211 on: December 21, 2014, 10:57:27 am »

Don't worry about not getting an update till Tuesday, man. Just look at how long it took me to finish my turn. Take as long as you need, this is great.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #212 on: December 21, 2014, 09:19:41 pm »

I will learn how to animate just to make an animation of this.
This should be on the Hall of Legends on par with Syrupleaf, Headshoots and Boatmurdered.
Just... Survive till my turn.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #213 on: December 21, 2014, 10:25:20 pm »

Ok, I decided to play some more yesterday instead of like, sleeping. Enjoy!

*    *    *

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A poorly-situated fisherdwarf buys us some precious minutes. It's time to formulate a plan, and fast!

The milicia now has gear, and some form of training. They can take on a kobold, and gank a giant dingo. But can they take on a giant angry Quagminotaur? I'm not entirely sure. I ask Senshuken if they can deal with it. ''If we have to'' he replies. ''Can't say we'll win, but we'll try.'' We are sitting in the unfinished 2nd layer of the military tower. This is suposed to become a dinning hall for our soldiers, but so far only half of it is complete, and there are still pieces of flooring begging to collapse if they don't receive more stable foundations. Underneat is the armory, and under that is a thinner corridor, running from the depot to the outside world. If this minotaur wants to get in, he will have to go underneath the tower, regardless of his entry point. Front gate or the tower's unfinished walls both lead into the fortress the same way.

That's when I come up with a fucking genius plan. Even if we close the gate, the minotaur will charge at the hill, jump inside the tower, and rush downstairs. We'll let him take the gate. We won't close it. Let him dive inside all he wants. We cannot finish the tower's walls in time, nor make them unclimbable, but it's unfinished state means that its pretty fucking easy to crumble parts of it.

Oh, we won't need to destroy the whole thing. If I've learned anything being a dwarf, it's that floors are fucking easy to destroy to create domino effects. all we need is to disconect one of the central pieces that's above the corridor. It'll fall down, hit the first floor, break that, and both pieces will fall into the corridor.

''That's dumb, interjects the captain. You'll never be precise enough to hit a fucking minotaur.
-No, of course not. But as long as some flooring falls, it'll create a fucking huge cloud of concrete dust. As long as the minotaur is nearby once that procs, it,ll probably be incapacitated in some manner. You guys will be on the standby, far away. As soon as the cloud disperses, you'll rush the monster before it can recover. Some mason in the tower might get knocked over as well, but who cares. Let's see how that minotaur fights with his lungs filled with sand and dust.
-That... sounds actually like a decent plan. Let' do this.''

We order the masons around. We have a general idea of how fast they can deconstruct a tile, but this is still a tricky shot. the beast charges the main gate. The workers ready their picks and hammers. This is a very tense moment....

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...Aaaaaan nevermind, the minotaur stepped into a cage trap.

*    *    *

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The residents of Astville are now fully organised. Darzoth is spending most of his time aquiring then dismantling a smelter, then a forge, then back to a smelter. After an axe, a pick is the next objective. Once a copper pickaxe is aquired, Ast get to work and mine out some hematite, which Darzoth turns into bars, then transforms the smelter into a forge, which he uses to make a second anvil. ast mines a rock, and soon Astvile has both a smelter and a magma forge, no back and forth required anymore.

During those time, tho, some accident happen. fikod climbs all the way back to the entrance of the cavern (which he finds sealed) and on his way back, he falls into the pit. ast is the nearest, so she goes and mine him out, but the blood moon is near!

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''Go back to base, and fast! screams Ast. i will run into the upper caverns. There is no time to seal me!''

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Ast starts mooing to the moon, and her hands turn into hooves. she is now a wereantelope, stalking the caverns. She drops all her gear to the floor, including a silver battle-axe she found while freeing Fikod. What an ironic weapon for a werebeast to carry around.

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The blood moon is over! she vaguely remembers slaying a crundle that wandered too close. Apart from that, she spent most of her time there, doing basic wereantelope things like mooing, growling, and being very angry for some reason

She returns to Astville, where Atir has drawn a very beautiful set of blueprints for the living quarter. Everyone shall have it's own spacious bedroom (Ast and Nil will share one, being married and all) they will have plenty of room for furniture and personal belongings, and the rooms are spaced enough that they will have engravings on each side of the walls, increasing the value and beauty of the place. Atir even included some alcoves to place statues, totems, or whatever else they happen to craft that's worth putting on display.

''I also have ideas for a dinning hall right underneath this, explains atir. But let's start with the bedrooms, shall we?
-Actually, replies Ast, our priority should be using the pick and wood we gathered to climb up to the cavern's ceiling and seal it.

The former members of Astville are not eager to follow the lycanthrope's suggestion. They are weary of living on the dirt, and wish the early wood stocks would go toward barrels for booze, and some beds and table. Most of them believe that snustrok has been killed offscreen by crundles or mudman, or that it simply left the region. If it was alive, would it not have attacked when Ast and Fikod ventured higher in the caverns? Still, they decide to play it safe, and Nil the carpenter begins work on a scaffold for the seal.

Food is becoming sparse, however. Fikod is slowly building some plump helmet and cave wheat farms, but it'll be a season before they can harvest anything. Most of the plump helmets have been harvested already, and eaten. They cannot mill the cave wheat into something edible because no millstones have been produced yet. Their only reliable food source right now is fishing. Things take a turn for the worse when sodel the fisherdwarf shows up in the forge to announce something dire:

''There is nothing to catch in the western underground lake'', he declares.

People are getting pretty hungry in Astville. For many weeks, they had survived on trout, and the occasional plump helmet, but now both of these had been exhausted. The residents start to argue on the fastest way to get more food. Cook the cave wheat? Try to make a millstone instead? Can they survive on hunting, until the farms are ready to harvest?

''I got stuck upstairs, admits Fikod. I didn,t get to plant the seeds yet!
-Well, that's it, says Bomrek, I'm going to look for some small critters to eat.
-Me too, says Asob.
-Guys, guys, we need to stick together and work as a team! begs Sodel.

But it's too late. Two of them have already left, to fend for themselves, and soon most of the tasks in astville are neglected, as people decide to scatter and hunt for their own food. Olin, ex-milicia commander and Sheriff of Astville, decides to go back to doomforest, and starts climbing up the staircase. there is nobody to seal Ast in time, and no room either, since atir occupies the well and Sodel the workshop room. Ast decides to wander into the caverns once more. ''Maybe if i can find something nice to kill, I can bring it back and we can cook it. That would solve everything...'' The ranger desperately want to return Astville to it's former harmony. It has become her home. Doomforest had exiled her, sent her to die without a second thought, yet the dwarves of the magma forge had welcomed her with open arms, regardless of her curse.

Yes, finding food is the best way to help her new family. She can feel the change taking place slowly, but surely. Her scent magnifies with each step she takes. She can feel the grass and the spores around her, the smell of long-gone crundles, and magma crabs down in the depths. Her nose catches the trail of something fancy. ''Food!, I found food!'' Ast knows, instinctively. she starts to follow the trail. Her hooves are quick, her reflexes sharp, and soon enough she finds what she seek.

She has found food.

She has found Bomrek.

Yet in the depth of the cavern, something else has found them still...

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« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 10:35:09 pm by Taupe »


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #214 on: December 21, 2014, 10:49:48 pm »

They starve while surrounded of crundles?
No tasty crundle eggs, then?
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #215 on: December 21, 2014, 11:01:34 pm »

I would guess that's how they survived before I discovred them. They were always fighting with crundles and venturing near them in the first weeks.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #216 on: December 21, 2014, 11:28:17 pm »

For fuck's sake, guys.  I post once in the thread and then come back two months later and find this.  What the fuck is this, anyway!?

It's like a fort mated with some kind of Lovecraftian horror and then made a bunch of overseers try to raise the spawn.

And the worst part is, now I feel invested in watching this damn thing spiral even further out of control.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #217 on: December 22, 2014, 02:54:41 pm »

For fuck's sake, guys.  I post once in the thread and then come back two months later and find this.  What the fuck is this, anyway!?

It's like a fort mated with some kind of Lovecraftian horror and then made a bunch of overseers try to raise the spawn.

And the worst part is, now I feel invested in watching this damn thing spiral even further out of control.
Welcome to Bay12, where this kind of statements are considered normal.
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #218 on: December 22, 2014, 06:16:39 pm »

Well. I suppose they should have listened to Ast, then.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #219 on: December 22, 2014, 10:15:08 pm »

Hey, don't blame us for sending Ast on what was meant to be a suicide mission. The last Weredwarf we had murdered the last two overseers in quick secession before spreading the love around. On top of all the other problems facing Doomforests we simply couldn't handle having another werebeast within out halls so soon. And you can't say it hasn't worked out in her favor, considering that the last few months down there with the other survivors has been the happiest of her life.

And now we finally get to witness the fated battle of Weredrawf vs flying snail.

Considering that the only reason that Astville exists is because we had to seal off that part of the fortress due to the damn Forgotten Beast, if it dies we can bring all the dwarfs back into Doomforests proper. From what I can see the situation in the main Fortress has improved somewhat. At least compared to what we started with anyway.   
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #220 on: December 22, 2014, 11:09:32 pm »

Bomrek is wandering around the upper caverns to grab some rats or whatever. The others have already claimed most of the edible things downstairs, so going up seems like the smartest move. Not so much. as the blood moon rises, so does Ast's lust for blood. The wereantelope appears around the corner, lusting for blood.

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Ast lunges at her former friend, and start hacking him to pieces with her battle axe, despite being supposed to drop her stuff when she transforms. That's right, a giant wereantelope is using its hooves to wield a fatass axe made of the one material that's her own bane. Apparently Ast went to the TuftedStockades martial school for bovines...

Bomrek stands no chance against Ast's programing-defying werebeast behaviors. The singularity is strong with her. She hacks at bomrek's feet before caving his chest in. That's when Snustrok comes out of the shadows, attracted by a new and fresh corpse to devour. ''This is MY food'' moos ast, charging. This is why she was sent here, she vaguely remembers. This is my fight. My kill.

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The beast opens with a bite, but Ast is tough and shrugs it off. she replies with a volley of blows and bites, inflicting some good blows on her foe. As the werebeast raises her axe for another devastating blow, Snustrok pounces foward and bites the swinging arm, reducing it to a fine pulp. Bone and flesh scatter on the ground, along with the silver axe.

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Being an arm short is not going to stop Ast. her bloodcraving fury knows no bound, and she starts to pommel Snustrok with her shield, bruising the snail lightly with each strike. Snustrok has some nasty tricks up its sleeve, tho. It grabs ast by the hoof, using its wing, and sends the morphed dwarf flying against a pillar. ast doesn't even care. She just wants to eat that fucking snail. The fight continues for some time. A one-armed wereantelope and a giant flying snail with it's wngs and body torn open, dishing it out in the darkness underneath Doomforests.

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Ast is strong, and knows not pain, but rage and instincts guide her strikes, not strategy. She leaves herself ope once more, and the snail goes in for the kill, using its awesome maw to crush the werebeast's torso into bits. Ast's muscles twitch and shake for a moment. The antelope turns back into a dwarf. the dwarf collapses on the ground, landing on a pile of its own entrails.

Ast the ranger has been struck down.

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Her foe is not doing exactly well either. Still, the beast start to fly toward Astville, her hunger for dwarven flesh unsatiable. Olin has finally reached the top of the shaft, and bangs on the wall. ''Open up, she screams. The beast will kill us all!''

Senshuken wants nothing to do with this. ''Let them die, those assholes. They fled.''

News of the underground refugees travel fast. Soon every dwarf in Doomforests is pondering over this. Should we go for them? Olin spins tales of beautiful rooms carved in the warmth of a volcano, with riches and gemstones everywhere. Some dwarves are envious. Their rooms are meager. Still, there is a giant snail down there. ''Ast did most of the job'', insists Olin. ''Finish off the beast and the marvels of Astville will be yours!''

Dwarves are greedy. They were hoping for a glorious fight against the minotaur, which never came. now this is a beast whos death will bring about riches and incredible rooms. Magma forges, an actual access to the well, and gold.

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''Doomforest is fucking terrible'', screams a cook. ''Last week I saw a ghost die of thirst, for fuck sake. I say tear down those walls and let us kill that snail. I'll cook it into the greatest meal, which we'll feast upon while sharing the riches below.

Endok the mayor is the one with the last word. ''I am our mayor, our broker, and our bookkeeper. If anyone has autority here, it should be me, not this Xelius. My father, our Baron, is down there. I say we save our Lord and claim the depths, as any noble dwarf ought to!''

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It is settled then. The milicia gathers, and begins to dismantle parts of the cavern wall. There is no time to lose. People are dying.
''We'll regret this, says the captain. Mark my words.''

*    *    *

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Like Bomrek, Fikod was wandering the tunnels in search for food. Snustrok stalks him next, and what ensues can hardly be called a fight. Quickly enough, the monster bites off the farmer's arm, toss it aside, and smash his head to bits with a violent bite.

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Snustrok is not even done chewing on fikod that it decides to track down another dwwarf. Sodel, the fisherdwarf. The snail's bite proves to be a lethal weapon, with jaws so strong they rival the effciency of fabled adamantine weapons. A mere fisherdwarf stands no chance against such a terrifying foe.

With a third victim under its belt, the flying snail set sail towards Astville proper.

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''Hey, have you found some foo...'' begins Darzoth.

He turns around.


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We hear screams coming from down below. the soldiers are already on their way to salvage what's left of this disaster. I order the wall rebuilt, as i turn to adress our bookeeper. ''If they don't return, then your father is dead. I hope you will be a better baron than he was''.

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Olin the commander ran ahead of the milicia, hoping to buy time for them to show up. It's hopeless. She is poorly equipped, malnourished, and never actually had a sparing partner to train properly. She fights valiantly, tearing apart and sundering snustrok's wings, but in the end, she fails. As she screams to the guards to make haste, her head is casually snapped appart by the monstruous snail.

 On the surface, the citizens of Doomforest start spinning tales of horror based on the screams and wails coming from the caverns. Soon, they begin to refer to the megasnail as Snustrok Deepstandarts, the Priime Hero.

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Nil and Atir remain. If anyone in doomforests know a thing about hiding in times of trouble, it's that good old ''Look I stashed myself in a workshop and made a nice bracelet while everyone died'' Atir, the engraver. He and nil ran away, and are spreading in the caverns around Astville, hoping to escape their doom. They can hear the clinging of metal closing in from the staircase. Can the army make it in time?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 11:18:37 pm by Taupe »


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #221 on: December 22, 2014, 11:38:04 pm »

Well, now that the battle is joined, all we can do is march and sing the ancient song of our people.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #222 on: December 23, 2014, 12:34:21 am »

Half of The Kinetic Swans reach the bottom of the staircase just in time. In front of them stands The Prime Hero, slayer of six. The forgotten beast turns around, angry that some prey would interrupt such a mighty beast while it feasts on the baron. Senshuken turns to his men. Masons and potters 4 months ago, now the warriors of Doomforets.

''Well, time to see what you maggots can do! I hope I didn't train wusses! CHARGE!''

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The sons of the mountain have engaged the beast. Behind them, Nil the carpenter and Atir the fabled engraver start climbing to safety while the beast is distracted.

Olin described the beast as severely mauled and bleeding from it's fight against Ast, only a few hours ago. Yet the beast that stands behind The Kinetic Swan bears none of the wounds inflicted by the werebeast, nor the milicia commander. Snustrok's greatest asset is revealed. not it's flight, nor its unstoppable jaw. Sustrok's true strenght lies in its incredible healing ability.

By Armok, what have I done...

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Atir reaches the bridge leading out of the deepest cavenrs. He hears a loud ''twomp'', metal and flesh against stone. Teeth rain from the staircase, a geyser of pain hinting at the fate of the soldiers.

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Stepping over the dead bodies of their kin, Eshtan, Senshuken and Mafol try to subdue this creature straight out of a nightmare. The staircase is narrow, filled with blood, torn body parts, and warm corpses. The beast fears none, for it has lived for ages, undefeated. It cares not for bruises and minor wounds, for the beast learned eons ago that in time, any injury could heal.

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The beast starts with a recruit, no more than a simple bonecarver when paired against such a formidable enemy. Snustrok grabs Esthan by an arm, or finger, then fling the victim around with such force that the grasped part severs from the rest of the body. The dwarf is smashed against the walls of the stairwell with unbelievable savagery, no more than a playing doll in the wings of the Prime Hero.

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Mafol is next in line for a beating. Snustrok seems to be playing with its victims, taking pleasure in waving them around like puppets, before discarding them in front of their friends. Soon the marksdwarf of Doomforest lies on the ground, severely injured and bleeding.

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Even in the face of death, Captain Senshuken dares to laugh. He is the last one standing. Once it tires of the macedwarf smacking it in the back, snustrok turns around, and snaps the captain's main arm in two like it was bread. Even then, senshuken endures, latching to the beast, taking a bite at its wing.

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the beast tires of this fight. No more toying around. Senshuken was head of The Kinetic Swans. Now he no longer has one.

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Senshuken's soldier stare with horror, as the snail bites off the top of their captain. Soon, they share his fate. The mightiest of the fort have fallen.

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The rest of the squad arrives too late. Soon, they fall to the Prime Hero, who decides that snapping off heads with a bite is not as cruel and entertaining as simply strangling its victims. It doesn't take long before the beast is done with its dirty work. It wastes no time, and start chasing after Atir and Nil. You'd think a snail would be pretty slow.

You would be dead wrong.

The two workers fall before they can reach the top of the stairs. The last memory of the idyllic and ephemeral society they created vanishes from the world as the fall to the ground, bloody and headless. Nine they were, trying to escape from the curse that calls this fortress home. they succeeded, for a brief moment... Yet in time, none can truly escape the fate that befalls every dwarf settling in Doomforests.



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Re: The Prime Hero of Doomforests - How Astville Ended
« Reply #223 on: December 23, 2014, 12:50:31 am »

In the end, the amazing strength of character that allowed Ast and the others to live together was worthless in the face of Snustrok... That's so many cool dwarfs slain in an instant.

Also, some statistics for you:
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Clearly the trend is exponential. By extrapolating, we can only conclude that every page of Doomforests will eventually just be the word "fuck" repeated over and over again.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 01:07:44 am by Drokles »
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Singularity in Doomforests - How to Stop a Werebeast
« Reply #224 on: December 23, 2014, 01:08:32 am »

Here's an interesting bit of trivia about our best masons:

They're all soldiers.

Here's an interesting bit of trivia about our soldiers:

They're all dead.

Yeah, so. The suckier masons didn't seal the hole in time. Obviously the army didn't fare too well against what our commander described as a ''battered and weakened foe''. Their fantastic amount of not faring too well also happened fucking fast, because the beast managed to murder them all and climb here faster than it took to put a single piece of wall down.

I conscript every single person I see who seem to be grossly over 5 years old into a makeshift milicia. Some of us grab weapons and shields from the nearby barracks. Others just rush at the monster, fueled by the power of rage and misplaced hope. A lot of dwarves die. Which is kind of a shame because this place was starting to turn into a tolerable kind of hellhole. But now is not the time to dwell on my administration successes. Right now, I, Xelius, am the new military commander of Doomforests

*    *    *

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Well, Commander Xelius is dead. Civilians are rushing against the monster, alongside their mom, their cats, and their cats' moms and those cats' moms' moms. They are doing no damage to this giant snail from hell, the one they call the Prime Hero. The first new Kinetic Swans led by Xelius had the sense to grab a weapon before dying horribly, but the second new Kinetic swans, along with the new Wishy-Washy Banjos, are just skipping the weapon part and jumping straight to the dying horribly part.

This is the worst strategy possible.

This is also our best strategy.

Oh, hi. My name is Sodel. I'm a ranger. I'm also the only person here alive who can fire a weapon. If I stop, or run out of bolts, we are all fucking boned. This creature is healing almost as fast as we can damage it.

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And yet, with each of my brothers dying to distract the beast. I draw closer to ending this madness. We cannot stop. must not stop. A group of dogs join the fight. they hold the creature long enough for us to tear apart the shell of this horror, revealing a grotesque and hairy body. I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts

I'm running out of dwarves.

The remaining citizen grab the weapons of the the fallen, hack at the beast, as it hacks back at them with unbelievable vigor. They just don't care anymore. they are jumping on the beast's body and biting off its wings.

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The fort is a slaughterhouse. Blood everywhere. I'm pretty sure I sniped off the beast's brain. Yet it still fights on. This is the last bolt. Make it count.










Then cheers.

The beast is dead.

The beast is DEAD.

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Eleven of us remain. they start chanting my name. Sodel! Sodel!

Doomslayer, they call me. Champion. Hero. Overseer. It falls upon me to rebuild this fortress. I look at the remaining few dwarves still breathing in Doomforests. ''You are all masons now, until further notice. One of you block this cavern, another block the main gate. As for the rest. well... I hope you are decent coffinmakers.''

My brothers scatter across the bloodied hall to grab some stone blocks. Then they freeze in their track. The snail demon is still warm on the floor, it's cursed blood pouring from its carcass... yet we hear it growl.

No... wait...

It's a different growl... coming from the depths.

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Screw this place.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 01:13:38 am by Taupe »
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