Mebzuth's Science of Happy*
While Ozornil has seen three couples out of the original seven, these six dwarves all alive 15 years later, the date of the experiment, socially it was a dead place. No children, little love and even an astonishing lack of smalltalk. Expedition leader Mebzuth Bakustled has now developed the „Science of Happy“ to reconquer the future of dwarvendom. In his successful work as relationship counsellor Mebzuth managed to greatly reduce stress levels in Ozornil. During these demanding times involving a lot of yelling and crying Mebzuth developed the core tenets of what is now known as the Science of Happy (MSH).
MSH will develop dwarves to their full potential in four stages.
1) Be happy.
2) Talk a lot.
3) Make friends.
4) Live family life as in days of old.
While successfully implementing the first stage by removal of stressors, adding a waterfall to the barracks and general appreciation for the work they had done in the last 15 years, Mebzuth had trouble to bring the inhabitants to talk. [Original dwarves had average monthly conversationalist xp gain of less than 3 xp w/ most of them around 450, later dwarves had equally low gains but arrived with some skill.] So he devised the first happy experiment.
Log of the first happy experiment (focus is conversationalist xp, measured with DwarfTherapist in 40.14):
Participants: 24 dwarves, in other words everyone in Ozornil, results reported only for the six remaining founders unless stated otherwise (better to track via DT when <1000 xp)
23 Galena 44 to 1 Sandstone 44:
Activity: Preparation of the experiment, preparing new clothing for everyone, slaughter of most animals, caravan arrival, quite a busy time, comparable to pre-experiment times.
Results: Skill gain 2.5. (Suitably close to long term average of 2.64 per month.)
1 Sandstone 44 to 2 Timber 44:
Activity: More preparation, livestock reduced to a few dralthas, cave swallows and cave crawlers in manageable number, last harvest, closing swimming school and militia training.
Results: Skill gain 3.
2 Timber 44 to 1 Moonstone 44
Activity: Most activities phase out. Some brewing, vermin catching still going on. Deconstructing the trade depot. Walling off from outside – only path in the fortress is through the automatic building destroyer traps. Locking alternative meeting areas.
Results: Skill gain 15.
1 Moonstone 44 to 1 Opal 44
Activity: Normal activities phased out. Making and placement of statues to limit free squares in dining hall (only 10 tables and chairs + entrances free). Much more proximity between dwarves after placement.
Results: Skill gain 9.7. As the six monitored dwarves include the mason and the potter (stoneware statues) this may be biased. A control group shows increased skill gain this month.
1 Opal 44 to 1 Obsidian 44
Activity: Party.
Results: Skill gain 14.7. Significance unclear giving results from timber.
1 Obsidian 44 to 1 Granite 45
Activity: Scientific results have shown dwarves are shy, they build more contact by rubbing shoulders and backs not by looking at each other. Rearrangement of tables and chairs according to these principles.
Results: Skill gain 11.3. Dwarves spread more over the dining hall, but even before a lot of sitting or dancing on tables was going on since the placement of statues. The rearrangement and temporary lack of chairs and tables may have kept dwarves from partying for a while.
1 Granite 45 to 1 Slate 45
Activity: Party.
Results: Skill gain 15.3. Highest skill gain so far.
1 Slate 45 to 1 Felsite 45
Activity: Party. Some messing around with assigning overlapping rooms to allow multiple parties.
Results: Skill gain 24.5. Highest so far.
1 Felsite 45 to 1 Hematite 45
Activity: When rubbing shoulders helps, why not move a little closer. Preparing the happy bunker (2 weeks heavy activity) incl. 6 chair/6 table dining hall in shoulder/back socialising theory, 5 bed dormitory, stockpile. Two weeks bunker happiness with locked lead doors.
Results: Skill gain 21.5. Almost as high as the best month so far.
1 Hematite 45 to 1 Malachite 45
Activity: Happiness in the bunker.
Results: Skill gain 38.2. As earlier many new friendships, 2 new romantic relations.
1 Malachite 45 to end of Malachite 45 (end of experiment)
Activity: Opening the happy bunker. Re-embracing the world. Bunker dining hall remains as fortress dining hall. A few necessary works (vermin catching, trade depot building).
Results: Skill gain 18.3.
Results: Monitored dwarves gained on average 174 skill points during the experiment, the total average was 170 skill points. Empathy gains were really low 1-4 points, 2 points in most dwarves. This is still abysmally slow (training from novice to proficient would require 100 month happy bunker assuming an optimistic skill gain of 40 per month) compared to times before the spread of elvish social theories unsuited for dwarves who only ever love once and are not immortal. (I suspect goblins got infiltrated by elves as well, why else would they never come to challenge use here close to their main fortress?) Still, there is a glimmer of hope.
Comment: I originally was interested because I intended to cross-train empathy (via social skills), I became worried about the extinction of dwarves only later. Conversationalist is a good enough stand-in for social activity / social skills in general and unlike relationships it can be quantified. I am far from sure the table-chair rearrangement helped that much. Small enough dining halls will have dwarves on tables all the time. Not clear whether the main benefit in the bunker was the even smaller meeting area or the restriction on bedrooms. I am also aware that the results are hardly novelties, but I had to test it myself.
Future plans: I am building honeymoon suites now. (Preemptively, because I am going to lock romantically involved couples into them to see what happens.) Other ideas: Test of normal bedrooms (individual 2x3 in my case) versus dormitory. Furniture deprivation to combat the excessive pleasure and interest in furniture at the detriment of fellow dwarves.
* Hope this is a sufficiently creepy name, while not actually the name of a cult existing irl.
P.S. I believe arranged marriages not catering to modern identity politics would be more suitable to a quasi-medieval fantasy setting.